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Admission to the volunteer school club "Adal Urpak"

Category: An honest generation
Date: 2021-03-16 21:21:06
dmission to the Voluntary School Club "Adal Urpak" was held at the secondary school №6 in the village of Sayak. The reception was held online through the Zoom platform. The purpose of the volunteer school club "Adal Urpak" is to form an anti-corruption culture in schools. Strengthening anti-corruption attitudes, raising the level of education and culture. Objectives of the Vo...
Author: School №6

List of computerization of students in the 2020-2021 academic year

Category: Жаңалықтар
Date: 2021-03-14 23:36:54
Қарағанды облысы білім басқармасының Балқаш қаласы «Саяқ кентінің №6 жалпы білім беретін мектебі» КММ Қашықтықтан оқыту технологиялары арқылы оқу үрдісін ұйымдастыру мақсатында қараша айында Республикалық бюджеттен мектебімізге 72ноутбук, 5 компьютер және 10  планшет берілді. Құрылғы атауы   Саны Комп...
Author: School №6

From April 1, 2021 to August 1, admission to the 1st grade will be held

Category: announcement
Date: 2021-03-11 00:11:12
Author: School №6

"Let's learn to count from 1 to 10"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 12:28:19
Preschool group "O" in the framework of the regional educational literacy "XXI century - the century of a healthy generation" organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for Educational Development of Karaganda region. Theme: "Let's learn to count from 1 to 10" Purpose: to teach children from 1 to 10 Learning to count to 10. Reverse and right counting...
Author: School №6

10 "A" class students conducted a tour of entrepreneurs

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 12:19:05
Pupils of 10 "A" classes of 6 schools of "Sayak village" organized an excursion to entrepreneurs, organized in honor of the Week of Financial Literacy. Our students are convinced that financial literacy is necessary for each individual to be able to calculate their income and expenses, to increase their finances, to save properly, to improve the quality of life. Students rece...
Author: School №6

"In the city of geometric shapes"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 12:10:21
In the framework of the regional educational literacy "XXI century - the century of a healthy generation" organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for Educational Development of Karaganda region. to be able to distinguish shapes on their own. To be able to tell the location of objects in space. To improve memory. Children were able to show excellent activity during gluing...
Author: School №6

Results of the photo exhibition "Portrait of a favorite figure"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 12:07:45
2 days of the Week of Mathematical Literacy "Interesting Mathematics" among the groups of MAD in the framework of the regional educational literacy "XXI century - the century of a healthy generation" organized by the Educational and Methodological Center for Education Development of Karaganda region. Results of the photo exhibition "Portrait of a favorite figure". T...
Author: School №6

The festival of business plans took place

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 12:02:51
Opening your own business is a very good idea and an important moment in a person's life, because moving in this direction, he completely changes his reality. He will not have to work for someone else, but in order to work successfully for himself he needs responsibility, the ability to make important decisions, as well as start-up capital, the investment of which should ensure profit in the...
Author: School №6

Scheduled research lesson on "Interesting clothes" in 5 "A" class on Russian language and literature

Category: Online seminar
Date: 2021-02-26 10:13:05
A systematic research lesson on "Interesting clothes" was conducted in 5 "A" class on the subject of Russian language and literature. The short-term plan was developed by members of the focus group. The purpose of the lesson is clear and accessible. During the lesson, students performed open-type tasks at the level of A, B, C, and in pairs performed closed-type tasks. In addi...
Author: School №6

Drawing contest "Coloring Energy Saving"

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 10:03:14
On February 23, within the framework of the week of "Financial literacy" in the 1st "B" class, a drawing competition "Coloring Energy Saving" was held. Primary school teacher Faber E.K. held a conversation with students "Energy conservation in the modern world", explained the work ahead. The students worked actively, drawing colorful drawings. Based on the...
Author: School №6

Business Start Olympiad was held among 7th grade students

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 09:52:01
On February 23, 21 at our school was organized the Olympiad "Business Start" among 7th grade students, organized by a teacher of mathematics Amirzhanova Marzhan Karimbergenovna. He performed interesting tasks with interest, strengthened his knowledge, and was active in solving problems among students. As a result, the 1st place was taken by Zhakayeva Zhanel, Toleubev Abzal, the 2nd pla...
Author: School №6

6th graders wrote an essay on "My family's budget."

Category: Online events
Date: 2021-02-26 09:41:32
As part of Financial Literacy Week, 6th graders wrote an essay on "My Family's Budget." Objective: To give students a simple economic understanding of saving family money. Responsibilities: a / to acquaint students with the economic life of the family, the rules of housekeeping, family finances, to give economic insights; b / development of worldview, vocabulary, learning to make t...
Author: School №6

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