
"Corruption is a disease of society"

Category: An honest generation
Date: 2022-01-24 14:31:01
On 04.10.2021, The Debate Tournament" corruption – kogamdyk derti "was held in the KSU" School No. 6 of Sayak village", organized by The Debate Club" Akyak". The tournament was attended by history teacher Naziya Zhaydarovna, Kazakh language and literature teacher Erkin Kasymovich, computer science teacher Meruert Turarovna. The factions that participated in th...
Author: School №6

Meeting of the regional volunteer club" Adal urpak"

Category: An honest generation
Date: 2022-01-24 14:23:08
On 29.10.2021, a meeting of the regional volunteer club" Adal urpak " was held. Members of the club from each school in the region were familiarized with the work to be done, explained the goals and objectives. The leaders of the club" Adal urpak " shared their annual plans, tasks, and shared their experience.
Author: School №6

"GP. it is believed that the pandemic causes more harm to the world public than benefits.”

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2022-01-24 14:06:26
On 22.01.2022, The Debate Club” Akakty “organized a round table " GP. it is believed that the pandemic causes more harm to the world public than benefits”. Goal: to develop the student's thinking,search,and foster culture. As a result of the game, which was held in the APF format, the “opposition”team won.
Author: School №6

Director's hour

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2022-01-24 11:56:44
On 15.01.2022, the "director's hour" was held for parents of grades 1-11 of our school. On the agenda:
Author: School №6


Category: Vacancy
Date: 2022-01-24 08:02:24
Пәні жүктеме Орыс тілі мен әдебиеті 1 жүктеме \қазақ сыныбы\ 1 жүктеме \орыс сыныбы\   Психолог 0,5 жүктеме \орыс сыныбы\
Author: School №6

Let's do good and compete

Category: School news
Date: 2022-01-23 22:08:38
SAFETY RULES FOR SLIPPERY SURFACES. Көкт ice is a layer of snow or ice that forms a slippery slope. Ice is a layer of ice formed by the cold of the sun after rain. It is often found in crowded places and on sidewalks. In case of ice, a pedestrian may be injured in a fall, and it is safe to fall under a car. With the onset of a cold, the number of injuries (joint pain, fractures, concussion of t...
Author: School №6

"Best reportage"

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2022-01-22 10:14:37
From November 12 to December 13, 2021, the Republican educational and methodological center of additional education of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan remotely organized a competition "best reportage" among members of school parliaments dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1000 students from all over Kazakh...
Author: School №6

"Take care of your school textbook! action"

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2022-01-22 09:52:54
On October 6-7, our school held a contest "take care of your school textbook!"the campaign is being held. Senior counselors, librarians, and members of the school Parliament checked the condition of textbooks. Then each class was invited to the library and the rules of Book care were presented. Work was carried out on gluing and processing torn textbooks. Students were explained that i...
Author: School №6

Discussion "corruption is a disease of society"

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2022-01-22 09:47:08
On 04.10.2021, The Debate Tournament" corruption – kogamdyk derti "was held in the KSU" School No. 6 of Sayak village", organized by The Debate Club" Akyak". The tournament was attended by history teacher Naziya Zhaydarovna, Kazakh language and literature teacher Erkin Kasymovich, computer science teacher Meruert Turarovna. The factions that participated in th...
Author: School №6

"National currency-tenge"

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2022-01-21 23:43:48
On 15.11.2021, in honor of the national currency day, our school held an event on the theme "national currency – tenge day" through the ZOOM platform. During the event, students got acquainted with the history of the origin of the tenge, the peculiarities of the creation of the national currency, the meaning of the images. We watched a video about the technology of issuing bankno...
Author: School №6

"The kitchen of our school! action"

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2022-01-21 23:36:30
On November 24, KSU" OSH No. 6 of Sayak village "hosted a round table" canteen of our school!"the campaign was held. Under the guidance of the president of the Parliament of our school, members of the caring faction, a social teacher and a senior mentor, the state of the school cafeteria was checked. And the members of the caring faction told the children the rules of nutriti...
Author: School №6


Category: School Parliament
Date: 2022-01-21 23:30:01
KSU "General Education School No. 6 of Sayak village", Balkhash city, Karaganda region, has established a self-government system "Zhas Ulan".  At the meeting held in September of the 2021-2021 academic year, Amina Bulekbaeva, a student of the 9th grade, was elected president of the school. According to the plan, monthly meetings were held on the zoom platform. "The...
Author: School №6

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