
Contest of expressive reading "Altyn zhurek Ana"

Category: Methodical activity
Date: 2022-02-07 09:48:37
Author: School №6

Меню на 07.02.22 г

Category: The menu
Date: 2022-02-07 09:38:19
Author: School №6

"Actual problems of prevention of negative manifestations in adolescence"

Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2022-02-06 11:27:26
On 09.01.2022, the school held a parent-teacher meeting on the topic: "actual problems of preventing negative manifestations in adolescence". The following issues were considered on the agenda. 1.results of the second quarter of educational work. A. B. Yesendikova 2.rights and obligations of family members enshrined in the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on marriage and fami...
Author: School №6

"Love is the basis of life"

Category: Methodical activity
Date: 2022-02-06 11:08:23
3.02.22 g among students of grades 1-4 of KSU OSH No. 6, a conversation was held on the topic "Love is the basis of life" timed to the week of self-knowledge. Goal: to consolidate the meaning of the concept of "love"; to bring up children's love for their family, for relatives;
Author: School №6

Class hour" warmth of the heart to the child "within the framework of" self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity"

Category: Methodical activity
Date: 2022-02-05 21:06:53
Within the framework of the decade" self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity", a class hour was held in the 4th" a "class on the topic" warmth of heart to the child". @bilim_jane_gylym @rumcdo_official @uo_krg @balgash_galasy_bilim_bolimi #Kobbtarbiya #self-knowledge #self-awareness #protection of children's rights #zashchitapravadetey #talant...
Author: School №6

Debate "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" "morality is a noble virtue"

Category: Methodical activity
Date: 2022-02-05 21:02:18
On February 04, 2022, in honor of the decade" self - knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity", a debate was held among high school students on the topic" moral, moral, and charity". @bilim_jane_gylym @rumcdo_official @uo_krg @balgash_galasy_bilim_bolimi #Kobbtarbiya #self-knowledge #self-awareness #protection of children's rights #zashchitapravadetey #talantl...
Author: School №6

Book exhibition "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity"

Category: Methodical activity
Date: 2022-02-05 20:58:30
On February 03, 2022, the school librarian Igembayeva A. K. organized a book exhibition dedicated to the decade "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity". Students were introduced to books about kindness, justice, and love. The main goal of the event is to educate a person of true character, whose thoughts are based on spiritual and moral values. Encourage readers to read book...
Author: School №6

"Tolerance is the way to peace"

Category: School news
Date: 2022-02-02 14:24:55
In the 6th grade of KSU OSH No. 6, a class hour was held on the topic: "Tolerance is the way to peace" The purpose of the class hour: Introduce the concept of tolerance; show students that despite the fact that all students are different, there can be a friendly, tolerant atmosphere in the classroom. Translated from Latin. the word tolerance means "patience, understanding and a...
Author: School №6

"Саяси экстремизм : мәселені шешуге қаңтар оқиғаларынан кейін өзекті".

Category: School news
Date: 2022-02-02 14:13:45
On 20.01.22, a debate on the topic was held in the 9th grade: "Political extremism: to pose a problem" A week before the debate, the participants were introduced to the questions: • What is the format and rules of the debate, by what rules are they played? • What roles do players have and how do they perform them? • How to construct an argument and use it correctly?...
Author: School №6

Меню на 02.02.22 г

Category: The menu
Date: 2022-02-02 13:29:34
Author: School №6

Меню на 01.02.22 г

Category: The menu
Date: 2022-02-02 09:22:58
Author: School №6

Schedule of sports sections

Category: School news
Date: 2022-02-01 15:27:48
Author: School №6

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