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Report of the voluntary school club" Adal urpak " for the 2022-2023 academic year

Category: An honest generation
Date: 2023-08-18 09:56:22
Honest generation In the 2022-2023 academic year, a volunteer club" Adal Urpak "was created in the KSU" General Education School No. 6 of Sayak village " and a plan was approved. In 2022, a solemn reception of new members to the Adal Urpak volunteer club was organized and held. The main tasks of the Adal Urpak group are the formation of an anti-corruption culture in the scho...
Author: School №6

Debate Tournament on "corruption-through the eyes of members of the Adal generation"

Category: An honest generation
Date: 2023-08-18 09:49:44
On 19.05.20223, a debate tournament on the topic "Corruption – through the eyes of members of the Adal generation" was organized in the state educational institution No. 6 of the village of Sayak. The teams "Zhalyn" and "Daryn" entered the debate, as a result of which the team "Zhalyn" won.
Author: School №6

Senior mentor report for the 2022 – 2023 academic year

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2023-08-18 09:42:24
Senior mentor report for the 2022 – 2023 academic year Planning the work of a senior mentor for the 2022-2023 academic year, I set myself the following tasks at the beginning of the academic year: 1.development of creative abilities of children and young adolescents. 2.conducting and organizing various intellectual games with students. 3.active participation in City, Regional, District...
Author: School №6

Балақайлар мектебі

Category: School news
Date: 2023-08-17 15:27:33
Мектебімізде 1 тамыздан бастап балаларды мектепке дайындау мақсатында "Балақайлар мектебі" ұйымдастырылды. "Балақайлар мектебінде" 1-сынып  пен даярлық топ бүлдіршіндеріне арналған дайындық сабақтары өтілуде. Дайындық сабақтарының мақсаты: балалардың мектепте оқуға деген ынтасын, зияткерлік, эмоционалдық-еріктік дайындығына ықпал ететін білім беру ортасын құру, 1 сынып п...
Author: School №6

11 сынып оқушыларына аттестат тапсыру

Category: School news
Date: 2023-06-30 12:04:14
"Саяқ кентінің №6 жалпы білім беретін мектебі»КММ-де 11-сынып түлектеріне жалпы орта мектепті бітіргендігін растайтын аттестаттар тапсырылды. Өрендер кетті, сендерден енді балалық, Тұрсыңдар міне, болашақ күнге жол ашып. Кетігін елдің жетілдірер бол азамат, Бір кірпіш болып дүниеге мына қаланып. 11 жыл оқып, білімің түсті қорлана Аттестат алғалы тұрсың мектеп деген ордада. Атте...
Author: School №6


Category: Parent meeting
Date: 2023-06-30 11:58:21
2023 жылдың маусым айында Балқаш ЖПҚБ ЮПТ УПИ полиция аға лейтенанты Нұрбек А. А. ата-аналармен жиналыс өткізді.
Author: School №6

Last day of the summer school site "Dostyk"

Date: 2023-06-20 10:54:38
On the last day of the summer school site" Dostyk " children according to plan: - did morning exercise; - watched a cartoon; - played games with the constructor; - painted on asphalt; - played in the open air with a splash of water.
Author: School №6

Relay race "we are fast, fast"

Date: 2023-06-20 10:51:08
On 15.06.2023, according to the plan of the summer square "Dostyk", starting with morning exercises, the children made various crafts, logical tasks, figures. And among the groups there was a relay race "we are fast, we are fast".
Author: School №6

On 14.06.2023, a dance competition "we are dancers from the edge" was held on the site of the Dostyk summer school.

Date: 2023-06-20 10:47:23
On 14.06.2023, a dance competition "we are dancers from the edge" was held on the site of the Dostyk summer school. Purpose: to introduce students to art, teach stage culture, strengthen their creative abilities, make them feel like Little Stars for a moment. And an interesting competition was organized on the theme "we will improve our acting skills" by giving the children v...
Author: School №6

On 13.06.2023, a" marathon of songs "was held on the site of the summer school" Dostyk".

Date: 2023-06-20 09:41:02
On 13.06.2023, a" marathon of songs "was held on the site of the summer school" Dostyk". Purpose: to introduce students to art, increasing their cognitive abilities to form a sense of patriotism and patriotism. Learning new patriotic songs,the formation of expressive reading skills, the development of a culture of public performance and behavior. And, according to the plan, M...
Author: School №6

On 12.06.2023, students of the "Kunshuak" group traveled to the school library.

Date: 2023-06-20 09:14:51
On 12.06.2023, students of the "Kunshuak" group traveled to the school library. Children took their favorite books, read in the fresh air and told each other the stories they had read. And according to the plan: - Did morning exercise; - took part in the music contest "Find the Melody"; - Played games under the open sky;
Author: School №6

"Fun Start" sports competition

Date: 2023-06-20 08:58:45
On June 9, 2023, children made various handicrafts, starting with the morning exercise according to the plan of the "Dostyk" summer field. And among the groups, a sports competition "Fun Start" was held.
Author: School №6

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