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The intra - school stage of the competition" teacher of the year-2023 " has started

Category: School news
Date: 2023-09-27 19:03:15
The intra– school stage of the competition "teacher of the year-2023" has started in our school.The competition, which has become traditional, was first held by primary school teacher R. R. Zhumagulova with the 3rd" a" class in an open lesson on the subject of literature. The purpose of the competition:to encourage teachers to develop professionally and increase their c...
Author: School №6

Quest game

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2023-09-27 15:23:06
08.09.2023 within the framework of the decade of the Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan "Til-kemel bolashak tugyry", a QUEST game for young journalists and bloggers "Ushkyr oi men sheshen til" was held among grades 9-11. As a result, the victory was won by the Birlik team, consisting of 10th grade students.
Author: School №6

School president election

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2023-09-26 16:59:59
In order to educate the younger generation of patriotism, passion for education and self-improvement, responsibility for the history of the Fatherland, the present and future of independent Kazakhstan, in order to elect the president of the self-government organization, the school mentor Zhanaydarova Aruna organized the election of the president of the school Parliament among students of grades...
Author: School №6

Meeting of the voluntary school club" Adal urpak"

Category: An honest generation
Date: 2023-09-26 15:51:24
In secondary school No. 6 of Sayak village, senior mentor Zhanaidarova A. B. gathered students of the debate club "Akikat", "school parliament", volunteer club "Adal urpak","Zhas Ulan" and acquainted them with the work plan for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Author: School №6

School Parliament meeting

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2023-09-26 15:39:59
In secondary school No. 6 of Sayak village, senior mentor Zhanaidarova A. B. gathered students of the debate club "Akikat", "School Parliament", volunteer club "Adal urpak", "Zhas Ulan" and acquainted them with the work plan for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Author: School №6

«Жасөспірім» жедел-профилактикалық іс-шаралары.

Category: School news
Date: 2023-09-25 08:31:20
2023 жылдың 22-24 қыркүйегі аралығында Қарағанды-Сортировочная стансасындағы ТЖҚ қызмет көрсетілетін аумағында «Жасөспірім» жедел-профилактикалық іс-шаралары жүргізілуде. Іс-шараның негізгі мақсаты жасөспірімдер арасындағы қылмыстың алдын алу және алдын алу, соның ішінде. кешкі және түнгі уақытта кәмелетке толмағандар арасындағы құқық бұзушылықтардың жолын кесу, кәмелетке толмағанда...
Author: School №6

"Еңбек адамы" кездесу

Category: School news
Date: 2023-09-25 08:26:51
"Олар туған елдің жарқын болашағы үшін күн сайын тынбай еңбек етіп, отаншылдықтың озық үлгісін көрсетіп жүр. "Адал азаматқа" тән еңбекқорлық, іскерлік, жауапкершілік, білімпаздық және жақсыдан үйрену, жаманнан жирену сынды асыл қасиеттің бәрі шынайы еңбек адамының бойынан табылады. Сондықтан өз ісінің майталмандары қашанда қоғамның назарында болуға тиіс. Ал, жастарымыз соларға қар...
Author: School №6

On 22.09.23, a methodological meeting was held.

Category: School news
Date: 2023-09-22 16:36:47
On 22.09.23, a methodological meeting was held. 1.develop students ' leadership skills in teamwork by mastering effective planning for teachers./ Zhumasheva G. K / 2.presentation of the methodological work plan.3.conducting the intra-school stage of the teacher of the Year competition-2023./ Yesendikova A. B/
Author: School №6

Plan of the voluntary school club" Adal urpak " for the 2023-2024 academic year

Category: An honest generation
Date: 2023-09-15 15:08:07
Author: School №6

Senior mentor plan for the 2023-2024 academic year

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2023-09-15 14:40:58
Author: School №6

Ас мәзірі 25.09-29.09

Category: The menu
Date: 2023-09-14 20:49:23
Author: School №6

Ас мәзірі 18.09-22.09

Category: The menu
Date: 2023-09-14 20:45:55
Author: School №6

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