
Methodist Department of city Education Rakhimov F.M. Responsible for the hosting sports holiday was school №4.

Category: News
Date: 2016-10-13 09:08:58
Methodist Department of city Education Rakhimov F.M. Responsible for the hosting sports holiday was school №4.
      Holding the opening of the 4 th City Games among pupils of secondary schools of the city of Balkhash. Oktober 7, 2016 academic year at the stadium “Metallurg” was held the opening of the annual City Games start this school sports among teams of secondary schools of the city in the year 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan the main national...
Author: Department

Итоги Недели английского языка

Category: News
Date: 2016-10-04 05:04:24
Итоги Недели английского языка
На сегодняшний день изучение иностранного языка в школьном курсе очень важно. На английском языке говорят во всем мире, и он очень популярен. В настоящее время нас везде окружает английский язык, он плотно внедрился в нашу жизнь. Знание его даже на самом минимальном уровне становится незаметным, само собой разумеющимся явлением. А вот незнание его может создать затруднительную или даже тупи...
Author: Department

Методы критериального оценивания при обновлении содержания образования

Category: News
Date: 2016-10-04 04:48:17
Методы критериального оценивания при обновлении содержания образования
      В октябре 2016 года отделом образования города Балхаш на базе гимназии был организован семинар-коучинг для учителей 1-ых классов.    Тема семинара: Методы критериального оценивания при обновлении содержания образования. Задачами коучинга определены: 1. Выявление уровня знаний учителей по данной проблеме. 2. Рассмотрение различных подходы к оцениванию...
Author: Department

«Критериалды бағалау –сапалы білім өлшемі»

Category: News
Date: 2016-10-04 04:37:13
«Критериалды бағалау –сапалы білім өлшемі»
          2016 жылдың 28 қыркүйек  күні  №8 орта мектеп базасында биология пәні мұғалімдеріне арналған «Критериалды бағалау –сапалы білім өлшемі» тақырыбына  коучинг өтті.  
Author: Department

August meeting of methodical Department of foreign language teachers took place

Category: News
Date: 2016-08-31 08:51:42
August meeting of methodical Department of foreign language teachers took place
     August 31, 2016  school №17 traditional August meeting of methodical Department of foreign language teachers took place. There were 45 teachers. Plan: 1. Reflection on the process of introduction of new approaches in teaching English language teaching. - Guryanova MG, lyceum №15 2. English language training in the updated content. - Boyko VA, №10 3. British Counc...
Author: Department

Meeting was held section uchiteley- physical culture, basic military training, technology, drawing and music as part of the August conference

Category: News
Date: 2016-08-26 03:47:49
Meeting was held section uchiteley- physical culture, basic military training, technology, drawing and music as part of the August conference
    25.08.2016goda on the basis of KSU "SNR №4 Krupskaya" meeting was held section uchiteley- physical culture, basic military training, technology, drawing and music as part of the August conference the 2016-2017 academic year on "Bіlіmdі el- mәңgі ate! " The meeting was held in the form of information and methodological training. Present -125 teachers. We co...
Author: Department

The republican conference

Category: News
Date: 2016-08-16 03:50:37
                                                The republican conference
      The republican conference “Peculiarities of organization of the educational process in the educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016-2017” was held online at the school-lyceum №15 and the SS №4 on the 10th of August. Teachers of the town schools, school administration took part in the conference. 
Author: Department

"Review of a order and song" among primary schools of Balkhash devoted to celebration of the Defender’s Day, and 71 anniversaries of the Great Victory and the 25th anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: News
Date: 2016-05-13 05:42:08
    04.05.2016 at school of №16 the competition "Review of a order and Song" has been held. Pupils of 15 schools took part in him. The number participating was 165 people. The competition has taken place according to top-level judge. Have received the nominations for active participation in competition of school lyceum №15 and school№ 16. First place was won by school №7. The...
Author: Department

25-years of the Independence of Kazakhstan, 71-years of the Victory Day and 24-years of the Kazakhstan’

Category: News
Date: 2016-05-13 05:36:27
 25-years of the Independence of Kazakhstan, 71-years of the Victory Day and 24-years of the Kazakhstan’
    April 27, 2016 there was a military sports game “Alau” under the supervision of the city department of education devoted to the 25-years of the Independence of Kazakhstan, 71-years of the Victory Day and 24-years of the Kazakhstan’s armed forcesin the gymnasium-school №7. 15 teams consisted of 135 school students took part in the game. As the result of the game...
Author: Department

Competition of projects «Energy of the future»

Category: News
Date: 2016-04-14 10:46:03
Competition of projects «Energy of the future»
   on April, 13, 2016 on a base OSSH 10 the city round of competition  of projects «Energy of the future» was conducted, within the framework of forthcoming regional forum of physicists. For participating 6 works were declared in a competition: gymnasium, ssh №3, ssh №10, ssh №8. The most actual, rich  in content projects were directed on a regional round.
Author: Department

Panorama of open lessons of natural objects

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-10 09:27:04
Panorama of open lessons of natural objects
                    Seminar "Leadership is a guarantee of social personality"      For the teachers of geography a seminar was organized "Leadership is a guarantee of social personality". Teachers actively worked in groups. Теоретичекая part of seminar  was accompanied  by practice.   &nb...
Author: Department

Panorama of open lessons on the articles of naturally-mathematical direction

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-10 09:16:43
Panorama of open lessons on the articles of naturally-mathematical direction
     1.    on February, 24, 2016 teacher of physics of школ-интерната №conducted 3  Рымкулова of Г.  open lesson in a 9 class on a theme "Radio-activity".  A lesson passed interesting and cognitive.   2.      n February, 25, 2016 teacher  of biology of сш №16 Балкеева Н. conducted an open lesson  in...
Author: Department

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