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Sports and recreation week started in the nursery-garden " Er-Tostik"
01-03-2021 13:17
Sports and recreation week started in the nursery-garden

"Children in the world of sports» From February 15 to 19, a sports and recreation week was held.

From February 15 to 19, the action " Health is the most important thing in the world, both adults and children should know!"I started the week of physical culture and health literacy.The hero Heretic came to visit all the groups. Breathing exercises were performed, morning gymnastics to the accompaniment of music entertained the children and opened them to sleep.Yertik Batyr toured the whole group, familiarized them with the order of the games" Aigolek", "Arkan Tartys", "throw away", together with the children told them that spring is coming, and invited them to play these national games and gain strength.