A recommendation for parents!
14-07-2020 14:02
A recommendation for parents!
A recommendation for parents!
A recommendation for parents!
23-06-2020 14:01
A recommendation for parents!
Ата-аналарға арналған кеңес!
Our achievements!
08-06-2020 09:18
Our achievements!
Dancers from our kindergarten won first place in an online competition organized By the school of arts in honor of children's day.
A recommendation for parents!
05-06-2020 13:58
A recommendation for parents!
A recommendation for parents!
Children's day!
01-06-2020 09:13
Children's day!
Happy children's day! We wish you all peace, kindness, happiness, peace, happy childhood and smiles! June 1 is celebrated worldwide as "children's Day" and is one of the oldest int...
Exchange of experience
13-05-2020 08:43
Exchange of experience
On may 13, 2020, in accordance with the plan of the educational and methodological center for the development of education in the Karaganda region, Balkhash kindergartens took part in a regional webin...
14 rules to protect against pandemics during quarantine
12-05-2020 13:56
14 rules to protect against pandemics during quarantine
Regulation 12 For the organization of insulation in multi-storey buildings:   A group of volunteers should be created together with the head of the condominium or initiators of the house;...
The Victory Day!
09-05-2020 09:04
The Victory Day!
Although the children of our kindergarten were quarantined at home, they made online greetings, read poems, and sang songs about the Holiday.
May 1-national unity day!
30-04-2020 08:40
May 1-national unity day!
Today, the people of Kazakhstan celebrate may 1 - the day of solidarity and unity. This holiday has a special place for a country that adheres to the principle "Unity is the source of prosperity...
Аман болайық, Бәріміз!)
24-04-2020 08:56
Аман болайық, Бәріміз!)
Біз осы бір сын уақытта отбасымен бірге үйде отырмыз. Біз жәй отырған жоқпыз, оқу да оқимыз, сурет те саламыз, денемізді шынықтырып, би билеп, ән де айтамыз. Бұл күндер де өтер, карантин бітіп, сүйікт...
14 rules to protect against pandemics during quarantine
11-04-2020 13:52
14 rules to protect against pandemics during quarantine
Rule 9 When you get home:   do not touch anything until you disinfect your hands; the soles of shoes should be wiped with a cloth disinfected with a disinfectant, and the soles of pets ta...
14 rules to protect against pandemics during quarantine
02-04-2020 13:53
14 rules to protect against pandemics during quarantine
Rule 6 When to go outside:   wear a medical mask, long-sleeved outerwear and gloves; comb your hair, you can not wear rings, earrings, bracelets, etc.; try not to use public transport,...