"Бірге оқимыз" облыстық жобасы, WorkSop
21-04-2021 10:49
"Бірге оқимыз " облыстық жобасы аясында 2021 жылдың 19-20 сәуірінде балабақшамыздың педагог-психологы Серсембаева Айман Айболқызы және орыс тілі оқытушысы Искакова Ғалия Мухтаровна «Ин...
12-04-2021 12:07
"Olympiad in Mathematics". In the group of pre-school training" Zerekter" there was an Olympiad in mathematics. The Olympiad was created based on the fairy tale "Makta kyz ben...
ture-Cognitive Literacy Week
10-03-2021 10:53
ture-Cognitive Literacy Week
The educational and Methodological center of the Karaganda region has launched the project of the week "natural and cognitive literacy". Within the framework of the first day in the Bobek nu...
Fun physical education
16-02-2021 12:26
Fun physical education
According to the project" fun physical education", the group of pre-school training" Baldyrgan"has started its work. The purpose of the project: To increase the motivation of the...
Breathing exercises
15-02-2021 12:22
Breathing exercises
The week of "physical culture and health literacy", organized by the educational and methodological center of the Karaganda region, began in our nursery with morning exercises with elements...
"Entertaining math"
29-01-2021 11:04
"Seasons of the year " Сhildren got acquainted with the phenomena that occur in the four seasons of the year, learned to distinguish them by various didactic games, pictures on the screen. A...
"Entertaining math"
28-01-2021 11:01
Story-role-playing game "Vegetable shop".
"Entertaining math"
27-01-2021 10:58
"Parts of the day"
"Entertaining math"
26-01-2021 10:54
The second day of the week of mathematical literacy "Entertaining Mathematics", planned by the educational and methodological center of the Karaganda region, began with the coverage of the t...
"Entertaining math"
22-01-2021 10:51
The week of mathematical literacy "Entertaining Mathematics", organized by the educational and methodological center of the Karaganda region, has started. The goal of the Week: to create con...
"Be friends with the book"
18-01-2021 15:07
Within the framework of the regional week "development of functional literacy" in the nursery-garden "Bobek", the week of reader literacy "Let's be friends with the book&q...
"Make friends with the book!"
18-01-2021 14:45
18 Jan in the framework of the regional week of "functional literacy" in the kindergarten "Bobek" Balkhash beginning of his work "week of reading literacy" goal of the we...