Размер шрифта:

Information about order of citizens’ admission to public service

Category: Кадрлық қамтамасыз ету
Date: 2013-04-29 05:38:30
Article 11.  Admission to political public service Admission to public service of political State employees is realized on the grounds of assignment or election, and also in other cases of order and on the established terms by legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Note. Changes are made in the article 11 – by the Law of RK from the 11th of March, 2003. №393 (putting into oper...
Author: Department

The best olympic team of 2013 year

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2013-04-29 04:06:36

Development of giftedness city gymnasium younger students through participation in contests and competitions.

Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2013-04-25 05:53:32
Development of giftedness city gymnasium younger students through participation in contests and competitions .              Modern life requires mental flexibility and creative approach to problem solving. How society will move forward in the future will be determined by creativity, and thus cognitive activity of the younger generation .   &nbs...

Education and professional ability is the main direction of the education system.

Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2013-04-25 05:52:55
On the 17th of April, 2013 was prosecuted a seminar which was directed for discussion of President’s Epistol to the nation of Republic of Kazakhstan:“Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050” is the new politic course of the developed country”. The teachers of history Miloserdova Victoriya Egorovna and Beisembai Gulnar Meiramovna took part a great activity in this seminar. Also...

The seminar-practical work on using of CLX and interactive equipment

Category: Secondary education
Date: 2013-04-24 09:09:34
The seminar-practical work on using of CLX and interactive equipment
    The seminar-practical work on using of CLX and interactive equipment for conducting of laboratory works was held on the base of school №1for teachers of biology on 09.04.2013. P.G.Polozova the teacher of biology of school №1 demonstrated laboratory works with the help of CLX and interactive equipment.
Author: Department

“Organization of educational-experienced area in school” the town seminar for teachers of biology

Category: Secondary education
Date: 2013-04-24 08:22:49
“Organization of educational-experienced area in school” the town seminar for teachers of biology
The seminar-practical work for teachers of biology “Organization of educational-experienced area in school” was held on the base of school №1 on 09.04.2013. With their plans of beautification organization, landscape gardening and operational experience on the educational-experienced area of school shared on the seminar.
Author: Department

Инновация. Web-2013

Date: 2013-04-24 08:20:25
Инновация. Web-2013
Участие в конкурсе принимает КГУ "Гимназия города Балхаш" в номинации "Лучший тематический образовательный сайт рунета" Ссылка на участие: http://fossa.net.ru/index/0-330

The reciting contest “Nauriz - shil basi”

Category: Elementary education
Date: 2013-04-24 03:52:19
The reciting contest “Nauriz - shil basi”
The reciting contest “Nauriz - shil basi” among the pupils of the primary school, which was dedicated to the 75th celebration of the town Balkhash and organized by the methodical cabinet of education, physical culture and sport, took place in gimnazi in April 2013. The aim: to cultivate pupils’ knowledge in Literature of the great poets and writers; to bring up patriotic feel...
Author: Department

The Intellectual Marathon “Balausa”

Category: Elementary education
Date: 2013-04-24 03:34:45
The Intellectual Marathon “Balausa”
The Intellectual Marathon “Balausa”, which was conducted among the pupils of the 3-4 forms of the town and  organized by the methodical cabinet of education, physical culture and sport, school №5in 10 April 2013. The aim: To develop the pupils’ cognitive and creative abilities of the primary school; To establish conditions for popularization of the best achievements...
Author: Department

Importance of Islamic religion

Date: 2013-04-24 03:17:28
Importance of Islamic religion
The meeting with representatives of information- propagandistic group  of the Karaganda region was held within the framework of mission execution of the main mufti of  DUMK Erzhan kazhy Malgazhyuly khazret in the school №8. The main imam of the mosque “Bala kazhy” of Karaganda city  Ermakhan Oralbai Adilbekuly and the main imam of the Balkhash town’s mosque Amanz...
Author: Department

Аралық тестілеудің нәтижесі 11Б сынып 18.04.13ж.

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-04-19 08:08:51
    Основные предметы   Предметы по выбору       № ФИ ученика Математика Каз. язык Русский язык Истор. Каз-на Англ. язык Физика Всем. ист. Биолог. Геогр. В...

Аралық тестілеудің нәтижесі 11А сынып 18.04.13ж.

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-04-19 08:08:01
    Негізгі пәндер     Тандау бойынша пәндер   № түлектің аты-жөні Математика Қазақ тілі Орыс тілі Қазақстан тарихы Ағылш. тілі Физика География Барлығы 1 Абенова Акерке ...

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