The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education"

Category: Public services
Date: 2013-01-19 05:02:05
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan   "On Education"   (new edition)   This law regulates the social relations in the field of education, defines the basic principles of the state policy in this area and is aimed at ensuring the constitutional rights of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan on education.   Chapter 1. General Provisions  ...

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 11, 1997 № 151-I On languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: Public services
Date: 2013-01-19 05:01:30
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 11, 1997 № 151 -I   On languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan   (as amended and dopolneniyamipo of 18.01.2012 )       Chapter 1. General provisions (Articles 1 - 7)   Chapter 2. The language in public and private organizations and local authorities (Articles 8 - 15)   Chapter 3. Language...

State Program of Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 - 2020 years

Category: Public services
Date: 2013-01-19 05:00:36
Decrees of the President of the Approval of the State Program of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 - 2020 years       In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 1, 2010 № 922 "On the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2020" decree:   1. To approve the State Program...

State educational standards

Category: Public services
Date: 2013-01-19 04:59:51
State educational standards Secondary Education                                                   fundamentals                                             &n...

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Rights of the Child"

Category: Public services
Date: 2013-01-19 04:58:39
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on August 8, 2002 N 345 -II   On the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Kazakhstan   ( as amended by the Law of RK from 20.12.04 N 13 -III)   Chapter 1. General provisions (Articles 1 - 5 ) Chapter 2. Public policy in the interests of children ( Article 6-7 ) Chapter 3. Basic rights and responsibilities of the child ( Article 8...

Результаты пробного тестирования от 11.01.2013 г. 11 А класс

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-01-19 04:36:59
Результаты пробного тестирования от 11.01.2013 г. 11 А класс       Негізгі пәндер     Тандау бойынша пәндер       № түлектің аты-жөні Математика Қазақ тілі Орыс тілі Қазақстан тарихы...

Результаты пробного тестирования от 11.01.2013 г. 11 Б класса

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-01-19 04:35:36
Результаты пробного тестирования от 11.01.2013 г. 11 Б класс       Основные предметы   Предметы по выбору       № ФИ ученика Математика Каз. язык Русский язык Истор. Каз-на Англ. язык...

Статистический отчёт гимназии за II четверть 2012-13 уч. г.в классах с каз. яз. обуч.

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-01-19 04:33:08
Статистический отчёт гимназии за II четверть 2012-13 уч. г. в классах с каз. яз. обуч.   кл. на начало четверти на конец четверти итоги успеваемости всего мальч. дев. всего мальч. дев. отл. хор. % кач. % усп. 1А 19 9 10...

Анализ гимназии г.Балхаш по итогам пробного тестирования в 11-х классах за январь 2012- 13 уч.г.

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-01-19 04:27:05
    Отделение Всего  выпускников Сдавали  пробное тестирование 0-49 50-70 71-89 90-100 101-110 111-120   121-125   Кол-во...

Further training of teachers gymnasium

Category: Повышение квалификации
Date: 2013-01-19 02:33:19
Further training of teachers gymnasium        Total teachers enhanced their skills    2007 - 2008    2008 - 2009    2009 - 2010    2010 - 2011    2011 - 2012    only    over 5 years    IPKi PO Karaganda    6    1   ...

Teachers awarded breast signs

Category: Generalization of teaching experience
Date: 2013-01-19 02:30:40
The number of teachers with awards "Excellence in Education of the Kazakh SSR" 3  "Excellence in Education of Kazakhstan" 4  "Labour Veteran" 1  "Ereң enbegi ushin» 1  "Y.Altynsarin" 2  "Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 3  "Teacher-methodologist" 3 ...

Attestation work gymnasium

Category: Сertification
Date: 2013-01-19 02:29:05

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