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Работа с родителями одаренных детей

Category: The branch
Date: 2013-04-04 07:35:53
  Работа с родителями одаренных детей.           Важным моментом работы с одаренными детьми является комплекс мероприятий, направленный на укрепление сотрудничества с семьями способных детей.  В  семье происходит формирование  личностных качеств и творческих способностей ребенка, поэтому практическая задача педагогов – ока...

Literary Salon in the gymnasium

Category: Department of Russian Language and History
Date: 2013-04-04 03:01:14
Literary Salon in the gymnasium
«Candle was burning…»   April 1 at KSU "Gymnasium of Balkhash" Literary Salon was "A candle was burning ..." on the short story by contemporary American author Michael Gelprina. The audience were representatives of the city Department of Education Physical Education and Sport, the teachers-philologists city schools, journalists, high school student...

City Without Drugs!

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2013-04-04 02:31:36
City Without Drugs!
March 29 in the school № 17 took action "City Without Drugs!".

"Be careful on the road!"

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2013-04-04 02:27:35
March 29 at the Palace of schoolchildren held city competition of young traffic inspectors "Be careful on the road!". The competition was attended by all the schools of the city. Our team, "Horn" won III place of honor! Keep it up guys! Congratulations!

Organization of sanitary measures

Category: Health care worker
Date: 2013-04-04 02:24:12
Organization of sanitary measures
  The main purpose of the state program "Salamatty Kazakhstan" is to improve the health of citizens in order to ensure sustainable socio-demographic development of the country. Given the main challenges towards this program in our school main areas of medical service are:  Organization therapeutic measures  The annual in-depth medical examinations  the treatment and p...

Meeting with members of the Afghan events

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2013-04-04 02:11:29
Meeting with members of the Afghan events
  February 13 Gymnasium Balkhash has welcomed guests - participants in the war in Afghanistan. With the educational program in the school auditorium by the Chairman of the NGO "Combat Brotherhood" - B.Muhamediev; M.Abdirbaev and Gushchina T. - members of Afghan events. Students heard first-hand stories about the not so distant events still learn a lot about heroes and heroism...

Contest bookmarks

Category: Library
Date: 2013-04-04 02:08:54
  In the Gymnasium was a contest of bookmarks, which was the initiator of the methodical association of school libraries. The purpose of the contest was to draw the attention of those in lower grades on respect for books, art books. Important role in the preservation of books, is known to play bookmarks.   An active part in making bookmarks took the smallest readers - first grade...

“Be carefully on the road!” The town competition of young traffic regulation officers

Category: Educational work
Date: 2013-04-03 04:58:24
“Be carefully on the road!” The town competition of young traffic regulation officers
The town competition of young traffic regulation officers “Be carefully on the road!” was held in the Pupils’ Palace on 29.03.2013. The aim of the competition: generalization of operational experience of school unit YTRO on warning of road traffic accident. The winners of the town competition of young traffic regulation officers:        &n...
Author: Department

Secret of magic pearl

Date: 2013-04-02 05:42:27
Secret of magic pearl
The musical tale “Secret of magic pearl” for pupils presented young talents of Pupils’ Palace in the framework of the World Day of a theatre on the stage of assembly hall of the school №18 on 27.03.2013. Audience traveled on magic  islands in search of happiness together with heroes of the animated films “Derevnya Lentyaevo”, “Madagaskar”, experienc...
Author: Department

Effective achievement of scientific projects

Date: 2013-03-19 08:44:07
Effective achievement of scientific projects
Competition of scientific projects on chemistry among pupils of 9-11 forms was held on chemistry faculty of KarSU after E.A.Buketov on 23.02.2013. Pupil of 10 form (town gymnasium) R.Kasen, pupils of 9 form of school №4 D.Auelbekova, D.Zhazykbekova,  pupils of 9 form of school №5 G.Bazylkhan and pupil of 9 form of boarding –school №2 B.Mazhit presented our town. By the results of th...
Author: Department

Holiday of mothers and grandmothers

Category: Educational work
Date: 2013-03-15 05:56:01
Holiday of mothers and grandmothers
The solemn concert, devoted to the International day of 8th March was conducted in the Pupils’ Palaceon 10.03.2013. Pupils of the club “Shapagat” prepared the concert program for their mothers and grandmothers. They were dancing, singing, telling, rhymes in the Kazakh, the Russian and the English languages. The director of Pupils’ Palace Muratbekova S.I. congratulated all...
Author: Department

A talented teacher - talented children

Category: Educational work
Date: 2013-03-15 05:42:33
A talented teacher - talented children
Children of the Pupils’ Palace took part in III regional competition of virtual excursion “Tugan sokpaktar” in February of 2013, the aim of it is a forming of patriotic upbringing of teenagers, support and realization of social important children’s project. The slides were presented in two nominations: “Velikie izobreteniya”, “Chudesa prirody. Samyi-samy...
Author: Department

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