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Working with young professionals

Category: School young teacher
Date: 2013-04-10 03:33:22
Work with young specialists :   The number of young professionals:       2009-2010 year   2010 - 2011year   2011 2012god   2012 2013god   Total   teaching staff   45   35   49   45       No.   %   No.   %   No.   %...

Requirements for modern didactic lesson

Category: School young teacher
Date: 2013-04-10 03:32:13
Didactic requirements for modern - lesson   articulation of educational objectives as a whole and its constituent elements and their relation with developmental and educational tasks.   Determination of the place in the general system of lessons - determination of the optimal content of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and lesson objectives , tak...

Professional development of teachers

Category: Повышение квалификации
Date: 2013-04-10 03:31:19
self-education       During the period from 2007 to 2012 there have been changes in staffing of the educational process :   * Halve the number of part-time workers that make it possible to rationally school timetable ;   * Reduce the number of vacancies .   * Reduced turnover.   Directs the school since 2004 teacher of the highest qualif...

Unconventional types of lessons

Category: School young teacher
Date: 2013-04-10 03:28:30
Unconventional types of lessons:       1 - role-playing games ;   2 - version fabulous story ;   3 - lesson fantasizing ;   4 - game business ;   5 - A round table or conference ;   6 - press conference ;   7 - lesson open mind ;   8 - lesson- competition ;   9 - WHC - lesson ;   10 - Quiz ;...

Certification of teachers

Category: Сertification
Date: 2013-04-10 03:27:54
Certification of teachers   Message of the President of Kazakhstan on the field of study is aimed at improving the quality and skills of the teacher One of the key mechanisms to ensure the quality of human capacity is the certification of educators.   During the appraisal period in the gymnasium in order of systemic organization of pedagogical personnel included the following :...

Attestation gymnasium teachers

Category: Сertification
Date: 2013-04-10 03:27:23
Attestation gymnasium teachers:        2009-2010    year    2010-2011    year    2010-2011    year    2012-2013    year    only    Total    teaching staff    45    35    49   ...

"You want to be healthy - be it!"

Category: Library
Date: 2013-04-10 03:26:20
  For World Health Day, celebrated on April 7 in a contest Gymnasium connoisseurs "Want to be healthy - be». The event was organized jointly by the library and the medical services of the school. The competition was attended by students of six "B" class. He proposed the questions about the different health systems on the environmental situation in the country, the bio...

Share experiences! Generalization of experience of the best teachers gymnasium "Methodical compass gymnasium"

Category: Generalization of teaching experience
Date: 2013-04-09 04:10:07
Share experiences!    Generalization of experience of the best teachers gymnasium    "Methodical compass gymnasium"    Today, we invite you on a virtual tour of methodological compass school.    The motto of our trip "The future begins here and now" in tune with the overall theme of the President's initiatives for th...

didactic requirements By modern lesson

Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2013-04-09 04:09:28
didactic requirements  By modern lesson
articulation of educational objectives as a whole and its constituent elements and their relation with developmental and educational tasks. Determination of the place in the general system of lessons;    - Determination of the optimal content of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and lesson objectives, taking into account the level of training and prep...

Памятка для наставника молодого педагога

Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2013-04-09 04:07:04
Памятка для наставника молодого педагога
  1. Вместе с начинающим учителем глубоко проанализируйте учебные программы и объяснительные записки к ним. 2. Помочь составить тематический план, обратив особое внимание на подбор материала для систематического повторения, практических и лабораторных работ, экскурсий. 3. Оказывать помощь в подготовке к урокам, особенно к первым, к первой встрече с учащимися. Наиболее трудные темы р...

Рекомендации молодому учителю

Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2013-04-09 04:05:44
Рекомендации молодому учителю
  ·  Умей радоваться маленьким успехам своих учеников и сопереживать их неудачам. ·  Ты очень близкий человек для своего ученика. Постарайся, чтобы он был всегда открыт для тебя. Стань ему другом и наставником. ·  Не бойся признаться в своем незнании какого-нибудь вопроса. Будь вместе с ними в поиске. ·  Постарайся вселить в ученика...

Памятка для молодого учителя

Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2013-04-09 04:04:21
Памятка для молодого учителя
  1.Приходите в кабинет немного раньше звонка, убедитесь, всё ли готово к уроку, хорошо ли расставлена мебель, чиста ли доска, подготовлены ли ТСО, наглядные пособия. Входите в класс последним. Добивайтесь, чтобы все учащиеся приветствовали Вас организованно. Осмотрите класс, особенно - недисциплинированных ребят. Старайтесь показать учащимся красоту и привлекательность организованного на...

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