Yesterday, the second of April in the center "Tanshuak" for teachers and educators coacher Dzhakupova Z.A. was held coaching "Cambridge educational technology and seven modules".

Date: 2014-04-03 11:09:51
Yesterday, the second of April in the center
Yesterday, the second of April in the center "Tanshuak" for teachers and educators coacherDzhakupova Z.A. washeld coaching "Cambridge educational technology and seven modules".Coaching session was for us a new kind of training to improve professional work of teachers . She presented us with seven modules in teaching . In this coaching we introduced to the ideas of the Program...

Open class hour "Armysyң, әz Nowruz!"

Category: Department of Kazakh language and literature
Date: 2014-04-02 06:25:34
Open class hour "Armysyң, әz Nowruz!"   March 19 at the high school was open in homeroom class 5A "Armysyң, әz Nowruz!", Led by the class teacher Amirhashevoy Gulzira Bauyrzhanovny. The event as guests were invited parents, administrators, and school teachers. Grade 5A class demonstrated their knowledge of the Kazakh national customs and traditions. Participants sang...

Analysis KSU "Gymnasium Balkhash" on the results of pilot testing in 11 th grade March 2013 - 14 academic year

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2014-04-02 03:36:55
Analysis KSU " Gymnasium Balkhash " on the results of pilot testing in 11 th grade March 2013 - 14 academic year     monitoring table Total Branch graduates surrender trial testing 0-49 50-70 71-89 90-100 101-110 111-120 121-125   Count% Count% Count% Count% Count% Count         % Number of       &nbs...

Form-master of 6 “V” conducted parents’ meeting in a new fashion

Date: 2014-03-31 09:04:32
Form-master of 6 “V” conducted parents’ meeting in a new fashion
Form-master of 6 “V” conducted parents’ meeting in a new fashion. The meeting was begun from greeting and warm-up for creation of collaborative surroundings. She held division into groups with the help of colorful stickers, allotted parents into four groups on five person, then they made a gold rule of work in group. With the help of presentation she familiarized with theme, ai...

Teacher guidance on the training plan when changing workplace

Category: Руководство преподавателя
Date: 2014-03-31 04:50:39

Guide to the subsystem "Account pupils'

Category: Руководство по работе с подсистемой «Картотека учащихся»
Date: 2014-03-31 04:48:45

Guide to the system

Category: Руководство по работе с системой
Date: 2014-03-31 04:44:24

Workstation of the teacher

Category: Автоматизированное рабочее место преподавателя
Date: 2014-03-31 04:32:49
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E-learning environment "Bіlіmal"

Category: Электронная среда обучения "Білімал"
Date: 2014-03-31 04:24:12
Parents: Using Bіlіmal allows you to: - To have a private office in the Bіlіmal; - Monitor progress and child's school attendance (through your personal account or SMS); - View the school schedule (personal account); - To see the amount of homework a child (personal account); - Get reminders about existing debts on child subjects (personal account); - Timely information about p...

"Merry Starts" in the city gymnasium

Category: Department of aesthetic cycle and physical education
Date: 2014-03-31 04:23:48
                  "Merry Starts" in the city gymnasium         On March 27, the walls of high school students between grades 2-3 schools in the city competitions on "fun starts."   Sports teacher of physical training conducted Maher SV Lewkowicz and MA.      U...

Our volleyball.

Category: Department of aesthetic cycle and physical education
Date: 2014-03-31 03:40:48
Our volleyball.
our volleyball  On March 25-26, the game took on volleyball among school teachers of the city. All teams showed druzhnost and good training. KSU Grammar team took third place.

We work together!

Category: Lessons
Date: 2014-03-31 03:23:46
We work together!

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