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The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Rights of the Child"

Date: 2013-11-05 08:31:11
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 11, 1997 № 151-I On languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 11, 1997 № 151 -I   On languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan   (as amended and additions of 18.01.2012 )       Chapter 1. General provisions (Articles 1 - 7)   Chapter 2. The language...

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on languages

Date: 2013-11-05 08:04:00
 The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on languages
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 11, 1997 № 151-I On languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 11, 1997 № 151 -I   On languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan   (as amended and dopolneniyamipo of 18.01.2012 )       Chapter 1. General provisions (Articles 1 - 7)   Chapter 2. The lan...

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Date: 2013-11-05 07:01:40
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan We, the people of Kazakhstanunited by a common historical destiny ,creating a state on the indigenous Kazakh land ,recognizing ourselves peaceful civil society,committed to the ideals of liberty, equality and harmony,wanting to take their rightful place in the community ,realizing our high responsibilityto present and future generations,on the bas...

Open lesson of the Kazakh language

Category: Department of Kazakh language and literature
Date: 2013-11-05 04:00:22
Open lesson of the Kazakh language
1-Nov teacher Kazakh Kalibekova GK 3 B class held an open lesson. Purpose - to repeat the names of the days of the week in the early grades with no Kazakh language.       The young specialist showed the effectiveness of group work, which is practiced in the Lesson Study. Outdoor classroom attended by members of the creative team - Vyrva LV, Silaeva EA, Hamza Y., Zhunis...

Extra-curricular activities in English. Title : «Intellectual Marathon»

Category: Chair of English Language
Date: 2013-11-05 03:22:48
Extra-curricular activities in English. Title : «Intellectual Marathon»
Extra-curricular activities in English. Title : «Intellectual Marathon» Form of : a game - competition. Class: 5, " A" and 5 "B" Date: 23.10.2013   Objectives of the game :      1. To develop students' unscripted speech . 2 . To develop the creative abilities of students. 3 . Nurture interest in the study of t...

Thematic shelf

Category: Library
Date: 2013-11-05 03:11:41
Thematic shelf By the 350th anniversary of the great thinker Tole in the library are themed shelf "Dala Danyshpan", which includes books and news stories about the life and work of Tole.

Seminar for psychologists

Category: Kazakh branch
Date: 2013-11-05 02:50:58
Seminar for psychologists
Nov. 4 school psychologist Zhamankuzovoy Gulnara Kuatovnoy city seminar was held for school psychologists. The seminar was raised important topic of modern society - the stress and ways of getting rid of it.

Contest "Autumn Opening Day"

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2013-11-05 02:45:13
Contest "Autumn Opening Day" December 31, students in grades 9 school Abenova Zhanerke Bekmukhambetov Azamat and took part in the city contest "Autumn Opening Day" and have been awarded the nomination of "harmonious couple."

City festival "Dome of friendship"

Category: The branch
Date: 2013-11-05 02:33:38
City festival
City festival "Dome of friendship"       October 16 at the Palace of Schoolchildren held city festival "Dome of friendship", where high school students presented a cultural center "China." Students of Class 6A studied the characteristics of Chinese cuisine and have mastered the famous "tea ceremony." Our center was the winner in the...

Report on the performance footage ent Olympic Trials Monitoring Monitoring filling filling dannyhOtchet

Category: E-learning environment "Bіlіmal"
Date: 2013-11-04 15:38:16
Report on the performance footage ent Olympic Trials Monitoring Monitoring filling filling dannyhOtchet
personnel   Report on progress   ent trial   Olympics   monitoring filling     Starting form   Monitoring filling dannyhOtchet            display a report   end of the form   number   module   index   status   1 First of all - Basic Information...

Statistics on students

Category: E-learning environment "Bіlіmal"
Date: 2013-11-04 15:36:55
Statistics on students
Statistics on students   Statistics on employees   Internal statistics   The size and composition of teaching staff   number   indicator   teachers   Trainers   husband .   wives   husband .   wives   1   only   2   57   0   0   2 &nb...

ethical standards

Category: Public services
Date: 2013-11-04 15:31:46
ethical standards
ethical standards From the speech of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the anti-corruption forum of "Nur Otan " A civil servant shall be guided by the following ethical standards : 1. A civil servant should be able to dispose of the power and authority and at the same time to be honest . 2 . In the public service to work for the good of the state, not for the...

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