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Methodical work plan for the autumn holidays 2013-2014 school year.

Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2013-11-22 06:10:30
MO headteachers   Doing class portfolio (block poliyazychie )   cool heads grades 1-9   Aynekova SA   GM Manataeva   2   MO teachers socially humannity cycle   1. Analysis of the work for the 1st quarter   2.Work department project poliyazychiya   3 . Use of educational technologies to improve the quality of knowled...

Board of Education "Adapting to the new conditions of fifth graders learning" Deputy Director of UMR Manataeva GM

Category: Generalization of teaching experience
Date: 2013-11-22 06:02:41
Board of Education

Information on teachers

Category: Сertification
Date: 2013-11-22 02:41:30
Information on teachers
Information on teachers      Total runs - 47      Women - 44


Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2013-11-22 02:15:42
MEMO TO TUTOR   1. Together with novice teacher deeply analyze the curriculum and the explanatory notes thereto . 2 . To help make up the thematic plan , paying special attention to the selection of material for the systematic repetition , practical and laboratory work, excursions. 3 . To assist in the preparation for lessons , especially for the first the first meeting with the stu...


Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2013-11-22 02:12:11
TIPS FOR YOUNG TEACHERS .     1. Come into the office a little earlier call , make sure everything is ready for the lesson , whether well placed furniture, a clean board, prepared to TCO , visual aids . Come to class last. Ensure that all students are welcomed you organized. Examine the class - especially unruly children. Try to show students the beauty and attractiveness of t...

Dedication to "Jas Ulan"

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2013-11-19 02:10:42
Dedication to
Dedication to "Jas Ulan" November 6 at the city Palace of Schoolchildren took dedication students fifth grade in the ranks of "Jas Ulan". In a solemn ceremony performed propaganda brigade, after which students took an oath "Jas Ulan".

City Art Festival " Kүz bereke , kүz Mereke "

Category: The chair of the primary link
Date: 2013-11-19 01:55:30
City Art Festival
  At the City Art Festival " Kүz bereke , Kүz Mereke " uchastovali 4 students from school. Uchastovali 2 pupils ' Ә " class : Sagadatova Alina Seralyuly Yerasyl and 4 pupils ' A ' class : Kasenova Gauhar , Seyzhan Janelle .   In the first round was the homework on any subject drawing about autumn . The second round draw on " Kүz bereke , kүz Mereke...

Innovative activities of the school. X International Scientific Conference

Category: Lectures of director
Date: 2013-11-18 11:12:16
Innovative activities of the school. X International Scientific Conference
Казахстану нужны особые люди, которые поведут вперед страну. Об этом сказал Глава государства Нурсултан Назарбаев в ходе  встречи с родителями учащихся Назарбаев интеллектуальной школы.        Развитие науки и техники не стоит на месте, это значит, что постоянно появляются все новые и новые изобретения, старое раскрывается с новой стороны, совершенствуется, у...

The development of competency-based pedagogy members of the international educational project through distance learning.

Category: Lectures of director
Date: 2013-11-18 11:08:03
The development of competency-based pedagogy members of the international educational project through distance learning.
  ХАЛЫҚАРАЛЫҚ  ИННОВАЦИЯЛЫҚ БІЛІМ БЕРУ ЖОБАСЫНА ҚАТЫСУШЫ МҰҒАЛІМДЕРДІҢ ҚАШЫҚТЫҚТАН ОҚЫТУ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯСЫ АРҚЫЛЫ  ҚҰЗЫРЕТТІЛІКТІ ПЕДАГОГИКАНЫ ИГЕРУІ ДубирбековаК.Ш.,Жунус Н.Г. Қазақстан Республикасында 2011-2020 жылдарға арналған білім беруді дамытудың мемлекеттік бағдарламасында «12 жылдық оқыту моделіне көшуді білім беру мазмұнын жаңғыртумен қоса жүргізу, білімдік шоғы...

The results of the trial UNT 28.10.2013

Date: 2013-11-18 08:38:11
        The results of the trial UNT           28.10.2013 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT Average point Kazakh Russian language History of Kazakhstan Mathematics...

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