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Monitoring schoolwide trial testing (I half of the 2013-14 academic year)

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-12-20 08:32:55
Monitoring schoolwide trial testing  (I half of the 2013-14 academic year)
Monitoring schoolwide trial testing  (I half of the 2013-14 academic year)

Monitoring schoolwide test tests in mathematics

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-12-20 08:32:28
Monitoring schoolwide test tests in mathematics
Teacher Kulmysheva ZS    11A    11B      Average number Note    Average number Note  1 12.8 (collections of 2013.)    1 14.1 (collections of 2013.)  February 14 (2013 collections.)    2 14.3 (2013 collections.)  3 15.6 (collections of 2013.)    3 14.1 (collections of 2013...

Monitoring schoolwide trial testing in the native language

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-12-20 08:31:59
Monitoring schoolwide trial testing  in the native language
Monitoring schoolwide trial testing  in the native language

Monitoring schoolwide test tests for Russian / Kazakh languages

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-12-20 08:31:34
Monitoring schoolwide test tests for Russian / Kazakh languages
Teacher AH Hasanov Teacher Zhumabaeva SK 11A 11B Average number Average number Note Note 1 21.1 (2013 collections.) 1 21.2 (collections of 2013.) February 21 (2013 collections.) 2 21.8 (2013 collections.) 3 22.4 (2013 collections.) 3 21.7 (collections of 2013.) 4 21.4 (2013 collections.) 4 21.6 (collections of 2013.) May 22 (2013 collections.) 5 22.2 (collections of 2013.) June 22 (2...

Monitoring schoolwide trial testing ELA

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-12-20 08:30:16
Monitoring schoolwide trial testing  ELA
Teacher Semin NA    UchitelyaMagazova MR, Semin NA    11A  11B    Average number Note    Average number Note  1 17.5 (collections of 2013.)    1 20.4 (collections of 2013.)  2 20.5 (2013 collections.)    2 21.8 (2013 collections.)  March 21 (2013 collections.)    3 20.3 (...

Monitoring schoolwide trial testing geography

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-12-20 08:29:46
Monitoring schoolwide trial testing  geography
Teacher Manataeva GM    11A  11B    Average number Note    Average number Note  January 15 (2013 collections.)    January 13 (2013 collections.)  February 11 (2013 collections.)    February 13 (2013 collections.)  March 17 (2013 collections.)    March 14 (2013 collections.)  Apr...

Monitoring schoolwide trial testing in physics

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-12-20 08:28:16
Monitoring schoolwide trial testing  in physics
Teacher Meyrbekova AS    Teacher Burlachuk GS    11A  11B    Average number Note    Average number Note  January 11 (2013 collections.)    January 11 (2013 collections.)  2 12.7 (2013 collections.)    February 11 (2013 collections.)  3 12.7 (collections of 2013.)    March...

Monitoring schoolwide trial testing World History

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-12-20 08:27:45
Monitoring schoolwide trial testing  World History
11B    Teacher Miloserdova VE    Average number Note  January 16 (2013 collections.)  February 17 (2013 collections.)  3 7.5 (2013 collections.)  4 13.5 (collections of 2013.)  May 10 (2013 collections.)  6 15.5 (collections of 2013.)    Average 13.3

Monitoring schoolwide trial testing biology

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2013-12-20 08:27:04
Monitoring schoolwide trial testing  biology
Monitoring schoolwide trial testing  biology      (for the 2013-14 academic year)    11A    11B    Teacher Dargalieva AM      Teacher Lviv EM    Average number Note      Average number Note  January 10 (2013 collections.)      January 16 (2013...

prevention SPID

Category: Health care worker
Date: 2013-12-20 04:08:59
prevention SPID
Because the disease is considered incurable AIDS prevention plays a special role. Their goal - to prevent cases of mass infection and at least partially control the spread of the disease among the population. In developed countries, promotion of information gives good results , but in developing countries it is not working because of ignorance of people and elementary rejection of a healthy life...

Жаңа жылдық шыршаның ашылуы

Category: The branch
Date: 2013-12-19 06:49:48
  Жаңа жылдық шыршаның ашылуы
                                    Жаңа жылдық шыршаның ашылуы       13 желтоқсан күні «Астана» аллеясында Жаңа жылдық шыршаның ашылуы өтті. «Балқаш қаласының гимназиясы» КММ-нің ұжымы бастаманы бірауыздан қолдап, Аяз Ата, Ақшақар, келер жылдың символы &nd...

Тәуелсіздің мерекесі

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2013-12-19 06:13:53
Тәуелсіздің мерекесі
Тәуелсіздің мерекесі      «Балқаш қаласының гимназиясы» КММ-де 9 мен 14 желтоқсан аралығында ҚР Тәуелсіздік мерекесін атап өтуге бағытталған бірқатар іс-шаралар өтті. «Менің Қазақстаным» атты  шығырмалар байқауы, онлайн-олимпиада,  сурет байқауы оқушылардың туған елдеріне деген сүйіспеншіліктерін шығарма және сурет арқылы сипаттап берулерін...

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