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Parent Meeting on the theme "Children Learn to think" (parent workshop)

Category: For the Class Teacher taid
Date: 2014-01-08 03:35:33
 Parent Meeting on the theme
ow to teach a child to independence ? • A child is born helpless and dependent adults. This is natural. But when the baby grows up, he was physically and psychologically prepared to do a lot of things myself : walk, run, using cutlery , wash, dress . However, he does not always want that. How can teach a child to independence ? Rule one :  "Teaching a child to do everything...

Parent Meeting "The role of the family in shaping the personality"

Category: For the Class Teacher taid
Date: 2014-01-08 03:17:04
Parent Meeting
parent Meeting   "The role of the family in shaping the personality "   Purpose: To help parents to examine their relationships with children.   objectives:   Identify priority role of the family in the child's upbringing . Identify the type of family relationships . Help parents to see themselves through the eyes of a child. Introduction t...

Useful psychological Sites

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2014-01-07 16:05:35
Useful psychological Sites
  http://www.psyhology.kz/ http://azps.ru/ http://link.superidea.ru/?c=14 http://psihe.ru/news.php http://psychology.net.ru/top/?cat_id=1&g=4 http://www.khv.ru/forums/inilex.cfm http://www.gestalt.kz/ http://upsihologa.com.ua/ http://psyfactor.org/partners.htm http://flogiston.ru/reviews/sites http://www.psylist.net/ http://www.popsy.ru/psychology_face/ http://...

The results of the urban high school in the city subject Olympiad 2013-2014 school year Kazakh Language and Literature (3 prizes) № 1 round 2 round place Teacher Form 8 1 Toleuhanova Malika 39 21 III Tursynbekova T.T Form 10 2 Beisembaeva Asel 40 24

Category: urban Olympics
Date: 2014-01-04 03:15:14
The results of the urban high school in the city subject Olympiad 2013-2014 school year  Kazakh Language and Literature (3 prizes)  № 1 round 2 round place Teacher  Form 8  1 Toleuhanova Malika 39 21 III Tursynbekova T.T  Form 10  2 Beisembaeva Asel 40 24
The results of the urban high school in the city subject Olympiad 2013-2014 school year   Kazakh Language and Literature (3 prizes)   №   1 round   2 round   place Teacher For...

"Young chronicler - 2013"

Category: Department of Russian Language and History
Date: 2014-01-03 03:57:43
History teacher G.M.Beysembaeva city gymnasium, G.K.Kalibekova conducted a tour to the museum guests attended the city contest "Young chronicler - 2013" organized in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Balkhash copper. In the event of terminations Museum was awarded the nomination "Effective use of search operations in the learning process."

Tin Nadia

Category: Pupil's opinion
Date: 2013-12-27 05:07:56
Tin Nadia
Tin Nadia My teacher Elena Olegovna. It teaches us to be polite and kind. It is interesting to their lessons and teaches us new. I like our teacher.

Kenzhekhan Ersayyn

Category: Pupil's opinion
Date: 2013-12-27 05:06:19
Kenzhekhan Ersayyn
My teacher - the best!    He is a good and very smart.    All lessons are taught.    All of us she admires.    Our teacher - the kindest,    We assess exposes.

Yakymenko Sofia

Category: Pupil's opinion
Date: 2013-12-27 05:04:42
Yakymenko Sofia
The teacher should be kind and honest. A real teacher will try to teach students not only account and writing, but also tell a lot of interesting things. These qualities have my teacher - Kim Elena Olegovna. I am proud of their teacher.

Taimova Aziz

Category: Pupil's opinion
Date: 2013-12-27 05:02:34
Taimova Aziz
My teacher's name is Elena Olegovna. She works with us from the first class, Elena Olegovna taught us to read, write and count. In addition, she taught us to use additional literature and the Internet. Our homeroom teacher instills in us a love for learning and work, respect for elders, the desire to be first. I'm glad I'm in the class of Elena Olegovna.

Көңіл күйіңізді серпілтетін сегіз түрлі салауатты тұрмыс салты

Category: for parents
Date: 2013-12-23 03:51:06
Көңіл күйіңізді серпілтетін сегіз түрлі салауатты тұрмыс салты
Көңіл күйіңізді серпілтетін сегіз түрлі салауатты тұрмыс салты   Көңіл күйіңізді серпілтетін сегіз түрлі салауатты тұрмыс салты    Кейде қалжырап, бей-жай болып отырмын деп кейіп жататындарды көреміз. Іс жүзінде, көтеріңкі көңіл күй, ширақы мінез салауатты тұрмыс салтын қалыптастырумен  байланысты.   ‪1.   Таңертең бес минут дене шынықтырыңыз. &nb...

Boldachev Marat

Category: Pupil's opinion
Date: 2013-12-20 09:14:56
Boldachev Marat
This year our class came a new homeroom teacher Pak Gulnara Hazisovna . Interestingly we live in a friendly class , and the teacher tried to learn to live in a large school community . Gulnara Hazisovna teaches us to cope with difficulties , experiencing all of our failures and celebrates victories. It is for me more than a teacher , it is for me - a friend . Her extraordinary lessons. I thank m...

Kadyrmanova Karina, a student 5 "B" class gymnasium Balkhash.

Category: Pupil's opinion
Date: 2013-12-20 08:45:12
Kadyrmanova Karina, a student 5
Gulnara Gazizovna Pak-kind and sympathetic teacher. She is very attentive and observant, so knows the character and habits of each student. For all her advice and is a good word. Our homeroom teacher kept informed of events that occur in the classroom. She will always support, tell the right decision will help find a way out of any situation. Gulnara Gazizovna divides us joys and difficulties fo...

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