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Message of President Nursultan Nazarbaev of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan's Way - 2050: A common goal, common interests, common future

Date: 2014-01-20 09:23:25
Message of President Nursultan Nazarbaev of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan's Way - 2050: A common goal, common interests, common future
Dear compatriots ! Kazakhstan twenty-first century - a country created from "scratch" in just two decades, talented , hardworking , tolerant people ! This is our baby, we are proud of ! It is our great work that we wholeheartedly love ! We adopted the Strategy 2050 to Kazakhstan held tightly in his hands on the steering wheel of the future long-term plans strany.Segodnya run many s...
Author: Department

Dzhumartova Zhadyra Muratovna

Category: Websites teachers
Date: 2014-01-20 04:28:26
Dzhumartova Zhadyra Muratovna

The report for І half-year pedagogics psychologist about the done work in 2013-2014 school year.

Date: 2014-01-18 09:19:05
According to plan in September 2013 school year was conducted next work: 1.Adaptation goes to transition first graders  from game to learn. Objective:Toidentify difficulties during adaptation, relation of the child with the teacher. Amongfirst graders has passed testing Kern Jirasek "Preparing students for school" In 2013school year of first graders parent meeting has pass...

Legal information system of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: Official sites of Kazakhstan
Date: 2014-01-17 08:50:02
Legal information system of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The results of the urban high school in the region subject Olympiad 2013-2014 school year 8-9 January Karaganda

Category: The results of the urban high school in the region subject Olympiad 2013-2014 school year
Date: 2014-01-13 12:04:43
The results of the urban high school in the regionsubject Olympiad 2013-2014 school year  8-9 January Karaganda № Name  Form Subject Prize place Teacher 1 Uzalina Alina Form 10 Russian language c...

Results of test cases UNT

Category: ҰБТ
Date: 2014-01-13 07:05:13
Results of test cases UNT
Author: School №24

Analysis by preparations for a single national testirovaniyuBiografiya

Category: ҰБТ
Date: 2014-01-13 07:03:35
Analysis by preparations for a single national testirovaniyuBiografiya
Analysis by preparations for a single national testirovaniyuBiografiya
Author: School №24

Competition ofon-line essays

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2014-01-11 10:28:26

The competition "I am an investigator"

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2014-01-11 10:23:56

Parent Meeting on the theme: "Do we know how to communicate with our children," Dear Parents

Category: For the Class Teacher taid
Date: 2014-01-08 04:42:23
 Parent Meeting on the theme:
  Parent Meeting on the theme: "Do we know how to communicate with our children," Dear Parents Dear parents ! You growing daughter, or son , or more children, and perhaps already and grandchildren . And each of you more than once thought about how your child will grow . Is it your dream to become certainly happy. Boy: bold, courageous , persist...

"The authority of parents in adolescence"

Category: Our creative team proiects
Date: 2014-01-08 03:59:51
  "The authority of parents in adolescence" " The authority of parents in adolescence " recommendations Presentation is designed as a visual aid during the thematic parent meeting at which key problems of adolescence . The main emphasis is on the problem of parental authority . Profiles presented in this paper can be implemented as pu...

How to teach a child to independence

Category: Our creative team proiects
Date: 2014-01-08 03:56:17
How to teach a child to independence
How to teach a child to independence ? • A child is born helpless and dependent adults. This is natural. But when the baby grows up, he was physically and psychologically prepared to do a lot of things myself : walk, run, using cutlery , wash, dress . However, he does not always want that. How can teach a child to independence ? Rule one :  "Teaching a child to do everythin...

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