Information on rendering of state services 2013 years

Category: Проводимые мероприятия (гос. услуги)
Date: 2014-03-27 08:54:19
       There 15 state services are rendered by the department of education, physical training and sport in Balkhash town according to the register of state services, confirmed by the RK Government Decree from 18.09.2013: 1.Giving of references by guardianship and trusteeship; 2.Ascertainment of guardianship or trusteeship over a child-orphan (children-orphans) a...
Author: Department

28/03/14 at our school held an event called «MusicAwards».

Category: Lessons
Date: 2014-03-27 05:50:35
28/03/14 at our school held an event called «MusicAwards». I loved the atmosphere , which is present in the performances. All classes who took part in it, united , got a little closer. We all had a common goal , and people do not communicate in normal times , smiling at each other , joking , behaved like good friends . At rehearsals , which began a month before the ceremony, we c...

Professional development of teachers

Date: 2014-03-26 05:30:33
Professional development of teachers Academic year  All of teachers   Passed   Quality 2010-2011            55              18               32% 2011-2012        ...
Author: School №8

High-quality intra school control guarantor of a good result

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2014-03-25 06:49:51
High-quality intra school control guarantor of a good result
Any processes happening at modern school, can't proceed without analysis of results of activity, an assessment and a self-assessment of work of the teacher, pupils, parents, heads of establishment of education as uniform school community.
Author: School №8

Use of interactive technologies in educational process

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2014-03-25 06:42:08
Modern times raised new questions.  Society changes, the relation to studied subjects changes.  In student teaching the term "active methods and forms of education" is applied long ago.  Recently one more term "interactive training" gained distribution. To use interactive technologies in educational process it is necessary to know classification parameters, c...
Author: School №8

Professional competence and new technologies

Category: Speeches of the director
Date: 2014-03-25 06:32:40
Professional competence and new technologies
Еліміздегі қоғам дамуының барлық саласындағы өзгерістерге орай білім саласы да жаңаруда. Қазақстан Республикасының «Білім туралы» Заңында: «Білім беру жүйесінің басты мақсаты – ұлттық және жалпыадамзаттық мәдени құндылықтар негізінде жеке тұлғаның қалыптасуына қажетті жағдай жасау» делінген. Осы міндеттерді жүзеге асыруда басты нысана – білім сапасы. Ал білім...
Author: School №8

We congratulate on a holiday Nauryz!

Date: 2014-03-19 15:22:55
We congratulate on a holiday Nauryz!
We congratulate on a holiday Nauryz!
Author: School №8

The coaching-session “Medium-term planning in context on seven modules” was conducted in our school on 18.03.2014.

Date: 2014-03-19 11:22:20
The coaching-session “Medium-term planning in context on seven modules” was conducted in our school on 18.03.2014. The coaching was begun from meeting and warm-up for creation of good mood. Division into groups was held with help of entertainment “Five fingers”, they distributed participants into five groups. They familiarized with theme, aim and tasks of the coaching wit...

“Process of Lesson Study “research of the lesson” for increasing of education quality”.

Date: 2014-03-19 11:19:41
“Process of Lesson Study “research of the lesson” for increasing of education quality”.
          Coach Zhumanova G.M. and Dzhakupova Z.A. conducted the coaching-session “Process of Lesson Study “research of the lesson” for increasing of education quality”. During the coaching teachers haven’t only received information, also they created short-term planning for teachers of primary classes and Maths in the gr...


Category: Health care worker
Date: 2014-03-19 08:38:28
KSU Students' Gymnasium in Balkhash town "held a conversation on the subject of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is an infectious zobolevanie, which is transmitted from a healthy person sick with coughing, talking, sneezing.

Open lesson of history of Kazakhstan in the 6th class on the subject "Sarmattar"

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2014-03-17 09:10:20
Open lesson of history of Kazakhstan in the 6th class on the subject
6А сыныбы Күні:28.02.14.ж Сабақ тақырыбы:Сарматтар Сабақтың мақсаты: Білімділік:Сармат тайпасының тарихымен, мекен еткен жерлерімен таныстыру. Дамытушылық:Сарматтардың саяси тарихынан деректермен таныстыра отырып, оқушылардың қызығушылықтарын арттыру, тарихи фактілерге баға беру, логикалық ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту. Тәрбиелік:Оқушылардың қазақ халқының негізін құрған тайпалардың бірі...
Author: School №8


Date: 2014-03-17 04:06:34
Мектеп қауымдастығы аясындағы мектеп директоры Қ.Ш.Дүбірбекованың «Оқу сапасы мен тәрбиені жақсартуда мектептегі тиімді бөлінген көшбасшылықтың ролі» тақырыбындакоучинг  өткізді. Қауымдастыққа қала мектептерінің 13 мектебі тіркеліп он – лайн режимінде қатысып пікір алмасты.

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