Advanced training courses

Date: 2014-04-14 09:16:50
From 28.03.по 11.04.2014 g the mathematics teacher ОСШ№8 Zhakypbayeva Gulnur Erbolatovna passed advanced training courses in Karaganda.
Author: School №8

On April 10 was coaching "Seven modules of the Program and new approaches of learning", according to the request of the department teachers' a natural

Date: 2014-04-14 08:48:22
On April 10 was coaching
On April 10 was coaching "Seven modules of the Program and new approaches of learning", according to the requestof the department teachers' a natural and mathematical cycle" On a couching my colleagues with interest performed all the tasks, shared their impressions and expressed their points of view on problematic issues.  They wrote to reflections that learned work in gr...

Birthday Balkhash town!

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2014-04-11 09:13:31
Birthday Balkhash town!
Birthday Balkhash town!          April 1 at KSU "College of Balkhash town" solemn line dedicated to the birthday of the city of Balkhash. On line students watched the film "Balkhash - Yesterday and Today" about the development of our city. pr  ozvuchali poems about Balkhash, interesting facts from the history of the city. Students birthday...

participation in school scientific conference

Category: Department of Natural Science and Mathematics series
Date: 2014-04-11 09:10:59
participation in school scientific conference
participation in school scientific conference  Teachers of the department of natural and mathematical cycle took an active part in school scientific conference, where a biology teacher-Dargalieva Ajgul Mukashovna made ​​a presentation on "Adam genetikasy" science teacher Jeanne-Zhangalieva Berikovna conducted a study on the use of information technology students in the gymnasium...

Afghan Song Festival

Category: Department of aesthetic cycle and physical education
Date: 2014-04-10 02:58:46
Afghan Song Festival
Afghan Song Festival  February 14th high school students participated in the Afghan city festival of songs dedicated to withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The room was prepared head vocal studio gymnasium Pak GG, attended 9 students "B" class soloists were Kasen Ruslan (11 "A"), Timur Lobsters (11 "B") and Maher S. Our guys were warmly welcomed by...

April 7, 2014 19 teachers of primary school were participated in coaching - session "Ways to improve the quality of knowledge in the initial link."

Date: 2014-04-09 09:14:46
April 7, 2014  19 teachers of primary school were participated in coaching - session
April 7, 2014  19 teachers of primary school were participated in coaching - session "Ways to improve the quality of knowledge in the initial link." Coaching was conducted head of the department Zhumanova G.M.  Participants were divided into 3 groups: "Teacher - pupils - parents, and drafted ," What can I do to improve the quality of knowledge?". Coaching demon...


Category: Pupil's opinion
Date: 2014-04-09 05:32:04
Адамдықты адамның себе күт-. Антон Павлович Чехов пролог - ізгі таң. Таң таковым болды. Сквозь тоз-тоз шторы в бөлмеврывались күннің көзім, қой- соң собой сүре летящейтозаң. Нұр винтажном стильте бақшырайт- жас бөлменіжарық берген. Сол ба...

Сәуірде, арада азғантай кімге белгілі қалашықта Балхаш,шеткі оғаш затты салу бастады. Сол қоңыр түстің тіреуіантенной және шаршының "бөлмесімен" наверху болды.Бірақ қал- ана не сал- сол ғимаратты небәрі үшін жәнеаталады "сағаттар" деген ол бір түнді.

Category: Pupil's opinion
Date: 2014-04-09 05:31:07
Сәуірде, арада азғантай кімге белгілі қалашықта Балхаш,шеткі оғаш затты салу бастады. Сол қоңыр түстің тіреуіантенной және шаршының
Сәуірде, арада азғантай кімге белгілі қалашықта Балхаш,шеткі оғаш затты салу бастады. Сол қоңыр түстің тіреуіантенной және шаршының "бөлмесімен" наверху болды.Бірақ қал- ана не сал- сол ғимаратты небәрі үшін жәнеаталады "сағаттар"&nb...

power systems

Category: Health care worker
Date: 2014-04-09 04:53:57
power systems
power systems Along with the system nutrition offered by modern medicine , there are a number of other systems , also promised his followers health and longevity. Recommendations provided by the latter, different sets of foods permitted for consumption , ways of cooking food , food intake regime , rules or a combination of selective use of certain products . A number of such power systems use...

homeroom Subject: The importance of a balanced diet

Category: Social Teacher
Date: 2014-04-09 04:47:15
homeroom  Subject: The importance of a balanced diet
What is a healthy diet ?   The term " healthy eating " means different things to people in different countries with different cultural traditions. Generally speaking , a healthy diet should be an integral part of everyday life and promote sturdy physiological , mental and social health. In general, the expression refers to a healthy diet combined impact of the food we eat , ou...

Test on the state symbols of Kazakhstan

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2014-04-08 05:13:34
Test on the state symbols of Kazakhstan
Test on the state symbols of Kazakhstan    In the month of March was the second test on the state symbols of Kazakhstan among senior students. The result was great.

Recommendations educational psychologist parents to establish effective interaction with teenagers.

Category: for parents
Date: 2014-04-08 03:56:55
Recommendations educational psychologist parents  to establish effective interaction with teenagers.
Dear parents , these tips will help you avoid conflicts , errors in communication with teenagers. Basic psychological characteristics of adolescence: 1.Obostrenie feelings of adulthood ; 2 . The desire to escape from the custody of their parents ; 3 . Thirst with peers - grouping ;  recommendations: 1. Dear parents, as often as possible to show and prove that you love the child...

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