Мен және менің ортам.

Category: Психолог парағы
Date: 2014-04-16 11:02:57
Тренинг тақырыбы: Мен және менің ортам.  Тренинг мақсаты: өмірде адамнан асқан құндылық жоқ екендігін түсіндіре отырып, бақытты өмір сүру үшін өзін-өзі психологиялық тұрғыдан дайындауға, жеке қасиеттерін білуге тәрбиелей отырып, дұрыс қарым-қатынасқа түсу мәдениетін және жағымды «Мен» концепциясын қалыптастыру.  Тренинг міндеттері:  - адамдар арасындағы қарым -...
Author: School №24

The thought should be the creative energy

Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2014-04-16 07:26:30
The thought should be the creative energy
The thought should be the creative energy               Thinker words of the Dalai Lama "For creative energy thought to be " very useful suit us undergoing leaders in Astana . Indeed generated first thought the opportunity to share all the interesting and new , followed practice .           Studying on the second stage o...

Family's role in creating a healthy lifestyle (Parents' Meeting.)

Category: For the Class Teacher taid
Date: 2014-04-16 07:22:20
Family's role in creating a healthy lifestyle  (Parents' Meeting.)
Family's role in creating a healthy lifestyle   ( Parents' Meeting . )   Objective: Promoting healthy lifestyles, increasing social activity and health promotion for students and parents.   Course of the meeting :   1. Mental attitude of parents :   - Smile right neighbor and the neighbor on the left , shake hands ;   - The phrase &qu...

Talk to parents, "The role of family in creating a healthy lifestyle"

Category: for parents
Date: 2014-04-16 06:09:59
Talk to parents,
objectives:   provide parents with objective information about the problem of alcoholism and smoking in childhood and adolescence ; introduce the legislative framework of administrative parental responsibility in violation of the law " On the prohibition of smoking in workplaces and public places " ; Parents interested in solving the problem of child and adolescent alcohol...

April 14 in the 4 “V”class was a demonstrative lesson literary reading by composition E.Elubaeva "Seasons".

Date: 2014-04-15 10:55:44
April 14 in the  4 “V”class was a demonstrative lesson literary reading by  composition  E.Elubaeva
April 14 in the  4 “V”class was a demonstrative lesson literary reading by  composition  E.Elubaeva  "Seasons". Teacher of  primary school Zhumanova G.M. conducted  lesson on the Cambridge program. Purpose: To show group  work of pupils A, B, C level. At the lesson attended administration of the school Zhunus N.G,  Zhakypbekova M.B. i...

School closing Olympiad.

Category: school Olympiad
Date: 2014-04-15 02:40:01
School closing Olympiad.
April 12, 2014 at KSU College of Balkhash passed closing School Olympiad.

Family's role in promoting a healthy lifestyle

Category: for parents
Date: 2014-04-15 02:23:24
Family's role in promoting a healthy lifestyle
On child health affects a huge number of factors : environment, diet, lifestyle , heredity, the school environment . Last school factor is crucial , it accounts for 25% of all possible causes of the deterioration of health of the child. Every 5th teenager to 14 years has blurred vision, every 8th - posture, every third - respiratory system.       Carried out on the territory o...

schoolgirl 5 'A' class Ospanova Kamil

Category: Pupil's opinion
Date: 2014-04-15 02:18:04
schoolgirl 5 'A' class   Ospanova Kamil
In honor of the holiday Nowruz our class teacher Gүlzira Bauyrzhanқyzy held an open class hour. In this event were invited parents, teachers. Everyone liked the scene presented. Particularly distinguished: Zhasulan in role-Aldara, in the role of Darkhan-old man and the rich man, Arina, in the role of grandmother. Parents were pleased with our success. After the event, all were invited to the tab...


Category: Department of Kazakh language and literature
Date: 2014-04-15 02:16:30
Nowruz - ovnovleniya holiday , peace and harmony . Nowruz holiday is not possible to forget all celebrated as the day of good, well-being. March 19 at the city gymnasium with parents , teachers held an open class hour on " Armysyң , Әz - nauryz ." Foreign visitors showed teatrolizvannye representation in the statutes of the Kazakh people acquainted with legends. 5 Students 'A'...

Training - Test "Do you know how to lead a healthy lifestyle and work productively"

Category: Coaches
Date: 2014-04-15 02:12:11
Training - Test
І.Esli morning you have to wake up early -30 1.Zavodite Service 2.Doveryaete inner voice -20 3.Polagaetes the case -0 II . Waking up in the morning you 1.Srazu jump out of bed and takes over the case -10 2.Vstaete slowly, doing light exercises -30 3.Uvidev that you have left a few minutes , continue to bask under a blanket -0 III . What is your usual breakfast? 1. Of coffee or...

Olympic Games "Dostyk-2014"

Date: 2014-04-14 09:51:27
Olympic Games
On April 12, 2014 the pupil 6B No. 8 class OSSh Alshinbay Alikhan took ІІa prize in the city Olympic Games on mathematics of "Dostyk-2014" organized by staff of regional Kazakh-Turkish lyceum No. 1 for exceptional children of Karaganda. Collective and pupils of school congratulated Alikhan on a victory.
Author: School №8

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