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Information KSU "College of Balkhash town" on participation in the regional cleanup 17.05.2014g.

Category: Social Teacher
Date: 2014-05-22 02:30:37
Information KSU
KSU team "College of Balkhash town" took an active part in the regional cleanup May 17, 2014. Cleaning was performed on school students 7th grade. Just restored canals teachers of physical culture and CWP. Produced watering seedlings, trees and flower beds. As part of the memorandum between the school and the parent committee on fixed parts of the territory of the school parents were p...

Victory Day in the gymnasium

Category: Our creative team proiects
Date: 2014-05-22 02:27:05
Victory Day in the gymnasium
 On the eve of the 69th anniversary of victory in WWII gymnasium underwent a series of event. Were decorated book exhibitions held thematic class hours on line each class received a route permit to participate in the search operation for the 70th anniversary of the Victory. The final event was the literary-musical evening "These days will not cease glory ...", which was prepared b...

Gathering of young traffic inspectors

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2014-05-22 02:24:09
Gathering of young traffic inspectors
Gathering of young traffic inspectors       April 26 on the basis of secondary school № 5 was 16 meeting of young urban traffic wardens. Young high school inspector demonstrated their knowledge of traffic rules and won the nomination "Experts SDA"

Questionnaire for the diagnosis of the relationship of parents with children

Category: for parents
Date: 2014-05-22 02:19:36
Questionnaire for the diagnosis of the relationship of parents with children
Do you follow the articles in magazines, television and radio programs on education ? Do read the book from time to time on this subject?  yes  sometimes  no 2 . Your child has committed a misdemeanor . Do you not think in this case , whether his behavior is a result of your education ?  yes  sometimes  no 3 . Unanimously you with your spouse in the...

Information KSU "College of Balkhash town" held on dekadniki to improve school meals

Category: The branch
Date: 2014-05-22 01:46:27
Information KSU
Within the framework of the action plan the state program " Salamatty Kazakhstan " for 2011-2015 , MoH Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 27, 2014 at number 45 organizational and methodological support of the National Center for Healthy Lifestyle Ministry of Health from 1 to 10 April KSU " College of Balkhash town" was dekadniki to improve school meals . Under the approved...

Results of pilot testing KSU " Gymnasium Balkhash " from 17.05.2014g .

Category: Unified National Test
Date: 2014-05-21 04:08:51
Results of pilot testing KSU
Results of pilot testing KSU " Gymnasium Balkhash " from 17.05.2014g .   GPA in core subjects April subject gim Itog2013 Mathematics 17.2 13 Kaz.yaz in rus.shkole 21.7 18.5 Kaz.yaz in kaz.shkole 21.6 20.3 History Kaz- 19 17.5 Rus.yaz in rus.shkole 20 18.2 Rus.yaz in kaz.shkole 22 18   Average score for the optional subjects        ...

Prevention of hypertension through healthy eating

Category: Health care worker
Date: 2014-05-21 02:33:13
Prevention of hypertension through healthy eating
Prevention of hypertension through healthy eating

ҰБТ бақылау тестінің қорытындысы №24 орта мектеп Мамыр (мектепішілік)

Category: ҰБТ
Date: 2014-05-20 03:29:32
ҰБТ  бақылау тестінің қорытындысы №24 орта мектеп Мамыр (мектепішілік)

Matinee pozvyaschenny Defenders`s Day .

Date: 2014-05-14 10:18:41
Matinee pozvyaschenny Defenders`s  Day .
Mini- center " Inzhu " at secondary school number 9 in the group "Balausa" the 6th of May matinee held dedicated to the Motherland Defender . Educators Bekarisova BI Tursynbek and JT spent matinee where told the children about our army of brave wars that are ready to defend their homeland . Children standing in a circle holding hands and calling everyone on earth peace , ha...
Author: School №9

Memo to parents of graduates participating in the UNT

Category: Unified national testing
Date: 2014-05-12 10:27:11
АТА-АНАЛАРҒА КЕҢЕС Құрметті ата-аналар! Психологиялық қолдау– балаңыздың ҰБТ-ны сәтті тапсыруының бірден-бір маңызды факторы. Баланы қалай қолдау керек? -  Оның күшті жақтарына сүйеніңіз. -  Балаңыздың нашар жақтарын бетіне басудан аулақ болыңыз.  -  Үйде достық жағдай қалыптастырыңыз. -  Үйде сабақ қарауға ыңғайлы орын дайындаңыз. -  Пән бо...

school details

Category: For you parents!
Date: 2014-05-12 10:22:01
Реквизиты школы: РНН: 240900005949 Код 4712264 "Қазақстан Республикасы Қаржы Министрлігі Қазынашылық Комитетінің Қарағанды облысы бойынша Қазынашылық Департаментінің Балқаш қалалық Қазынашылық басқармасы" мемлекеттік мекемесі ИИК  KZ28070103KSN3025000 БИК  KKMFKZ2A ГУ "Комитет казначейства МФ РК" БИН 970540001839
Author: School №8

Memo to parents of graduates participating in the UNT

Category: For you parents!
Date: 2014-05-12 10:18:30
Instruction for parents of graduates participating in the UNT 2014 It is clear that at least the children worry before UNT and their parents, and in this article we want to help that parents behave properly before testing. Since for the most part it is a positive attitude of adults able to send their children to ensure that they feel confident in the important day for them. And where confidence...
Author: School №8

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