The pupils of 1th grade took a part in exploration of short-term memory and quickly memory.

Date: 2014-10-27 06:27:47
The pupils of 1th grade took a part in exploration of short-term memory and quickly memory.Aim of researching: level to explore degree of memory of pupils of 1th grades.In exploration took a part 102 pupils. As a result a high level took 85%, average level 15%.

The first-graders did a test of the Core Hirasaka in early September

Date: 2014-10-27 06:21:41
The aim of the study is to test the readiness of children for school. Participated in experiment 102 pupil. In General the higher level achieved 25%, the average level -71% and a low level is 4%.

It was conducted a test among the students of 9 grades with an aim on a choice speciality

Date: 2014-10-27 06:04:14
It was conducted  a test among the students of 9 grades with an aim on a choice speciality Answers of pupls:  35% -low 55%-medial 10%- hidh

It was conducted a test among the studens of 5 grades with an aim exposure of adaptation students to the average link

Date: 2014-10-27 06:01:24
It was conducteda test among the studens of 5 grades with an aim exposure of adaptationstudentsto the average link Answers of  pupls:showed that 90 % of students feel comfortably, and 10% have a proplen

Charity campaign "Road to school"

Category: Social Teacher
Date: 2014-10-24 10:37:50
Charity campaign
At KGU, "School of Balkhash town" from 1 August to 30 September 2013. began annual Republican campaign "Road to school", organized at the initiative of the Committee for the protection of children's rights of the Ministry of education and science under the motto "Hasten to do good!". The action is aimed at supporting students from low-income families in prepar...

Lecture topic : " the rules of the road" among teenagers.

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2014-10-24 10:30:07
Lecture topic :
05 September 2014 in the framework of the decade "Caution traffic light!" KSU School of Balkhash town" wczasowy inspector of police nesovershennoletnih group of juvenile police Department administrative police of the MIA of Balkhash town police Lieutenant Tulegenova by Aibek was held the lecture "road Rules" among students 4,5,8 classes. During the lecture, the inspector...

Homeroom was in the 8th grade on the theme: "Healthy lifestyle".

Category: Class Teacher
Date: 2014-10-24 10:28:20
Homeroom was in the 8th grade on the theme:
Class hour devoted to the problem of alcohol beer. This problem is already ahead of the problem of drug and substance abuse. Beer and soft drinks have become a part of youth subculture, an essential attribute of the rest. Doctors say that over the last years in the country thanks to the "drunken advertising" a new - alcoholic lifestyle. Increased alcohol consumption among children,...

State symbols RK

Category: State symbols
Date: 2014-10-23 09:26:11
State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992. The authors of the emblem are Zhandarbek Melibekov and Shota Ualikhanov. About 245 projects and 67 description designs of the future arms took part in the final competition.The National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an image of shanyrak, the upper dome-like porti...
Author: School №9

If a child is shy

Category: Психолог парағы
Date: 2014-10-23 03:40:21
• Express the absolute location of the child. • Communicate with a shy kid friendly tone. • Most often encourage shy. Encourage not only the manifestation of skills and knowledge but also emotions and feelings. • Always do offer assistance to the child, because he can not ask for it. • explain in advance the child a new situation and that it requires, as the shy...
Author: School №24

If your child is aggressive

Category: Психолог парағы
Date: 2014-10-23 03:38:43
• Love and accept the child for what it is. • Eliminate all forms of aggressive behavior among relatives, remembering always that the child imitates what, for what used to watch. • Presenting a child their demands, did not take into account their wishes and its capabilities. • Teach your child the right to communicate with peers and adults. • Expand the horizons...
Author: School №24

If a child giperdinamichen ...

Category: Психолог парағы
Date: 2014-10-23 03:05:54
• Love child, take this for what it is. • adhere to the regime of the day. • Strictly razgranichte deliberate and pointless mobility. • Establish a purposeful activity through the game. The game must be the meaning. • Encourage your child for all activities that require concentration. • Limit the number of restless and noisy friends. • Do not have a...
Author: School №24

If a child feels anxious and fears

Category: Психолог парағы
Date: 2014-10-23 03:05:17
• Take your child for who is giving him the opportunity to change. • Your child should feel the stability, peace, goodwill. • Saturate the child of positive emotions: see more "good eye", provides tactile contact in accordance with the age of the child, give attention to him and his problems, listen to the child "actively!. • Treat your child's fears...
Author: School №24

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