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Producing of 2011 11 "А" class

Category: graduate in 2011
Date: 2014-12-12 08:34:20
Дорогие выпускники! К сожалению, в архиве гимназии отсутствуют фотографии некоторых выпусков. Просим Вас, по возможности,   присылать нам свои фотографии на адрес гимназии (Мира 3) или наE-mail.

Producing 1992 11 "Б" class

Category: graduate in 1992
Date: 2014-12-12 06:40:38

Results of the week to provide medical services in SNR №9 from 08 to 13 December 2014

Date: 2014-12-11 09:47:26
 Earlier this week, the plan students in grades 1 was made Mantoux test. According to the results in order to prevent the vaccine was made 4 students. The school held a round table "Healthy Generation-pledge of the future" at the initiative of the Scarecrow counselor and paramedic. Was read a paper on "Prevention and HIV and AIDS" after which the survey was conducted sch...
Author: School №9

A message of President РК "Нұрлы Жол is a way in the future" from November, 11, 2014

Category: President's Message to people of Kazakhstan
Date: 2014-12-11 07:10:17
A message of President РК
НұрлыЖол is a way in the future Dear Kazakhstan!            Today the whole world runs into new calls and threats. A world economy so not recovered from consequences global financially - economic crisis. Renewal идетvery slow and uncertain rates, and somewhere a slump proceeds yet. A geopolitical crisis and approval politics of the leadi...

Oath taking ceremony of the "United for children and youth organization" Jas Kyran "

Category: leader
Date: 2014-12-11 05:51:32
Oath taking ceremony of the
12.10.2014, the school held a solemn line, devoted to the adoption of new recruits into the "United for children and youth organization" Jas Kyran. "The line of best students grades 2-5 took a solemn oath to join the ranks of the" Unified junior organization "Jas Kyran ". School counselors Bulendinova A.M. and 7 classes activists tied recruits blue tie. Deputy direc...

Producing 2009 year 11 "А" class

Category: graduate in 2009
Date: 2014-12-11 04:59:57
Producing 2009 year 11

Producing 2008 year 11 "Б" class

Category: Graduates - 2008
Date: 2014-12-11 04:33:33
Producing 2008 year 11

December 5, 2014 in the walls of the secondary school number 10 held an event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Rahimzhan Koshkarbayev.

Category: Department of aesthetic cycle and physical education
Date: 2014-12-10 06:50:16
December 5, 2014 in the walls of the secondary school number 10 held an event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Rahimzhan Koshkarbayev.
Guys was presented a business card, memory card and with great enthusiasm, participants answered questions relating to the Great Patriotic War. Just a historical quiz participated 7 teams in our city, where our team "150th Infantry Division" won an honorable 2nd place. So let's congratulate our guys: Aktau Ramadan Sokilets Inessa, Son Denis, Boldachev Marat Kadyrmanova and Karina!...

Site of primary school teachers Kasen Akbota

Date: 2014-12-10 06:37:59
Site of primary school teachers Kasen Akbota
Author: School №8

Site teacher technology Zhetpisbayeva Zhansara Kurmetovny

Date: 2014-12-10 06:31:03
Site teacher technology Zhetpisbayeva Zhansara Kurmetovny
Author: School №8

December 3 primary school teacher -Zhadyroy Muratovna held an open lesson on the knowledge of the world on the topic "Auany tazartu zhane қorғau"

Category: The chair of the primary link
Date: 2014-12-09 10:52:22
December 3 primary school teacher -Zhadyroy Muratovna held an open lesson on the knowledge of the world on the topic
The purpose of this lesson was to introduce students to how people affect the nature and how to create Red Book, to teach proper behavior in nature, and most importantly, to bring the love of nature. At the lesson was conducted following forms of student work:  

November 25 held an open lesson on TRIZ on "Competition clever and clever" with the participation of parents 4 "A" class

Category: The chair of the primary link
Date: 2014-12-09 09:52:49
November 25 held an open lesson on TRIZ on
November 25 held an open lesson on TRIZ on "Competition clever and clever"   The aim of the open lesson was to develop logical thinking of students, work with oderannymi students.   Development of this lesson was published online interactive lessons for teacher -Zhadyra Muratovna received a certificate of publication.        

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