Participation of grammar-school boys in the Olympic Games of various level

Category: Olympiad
Date: 2015-05-20 11:46:48
In November the school Olympic Games in 2 rounds are held (in participation no restrictions are present, it is welcomed desires, here grammar-school boys can check the knowledge, in 2013-2014 academic year of all on a gymnasium participated – 416 studying senior classes, there are a lot of ginazist who participate on 2 or in 3 subjects, happens, as to 4 subjects). By results of the school...

The report on work of NOU KGU "Gymnasium of the City of Balkhash" for 3 years (2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015)

Category: SPC teachers
Date: 2015-05-20 11:44:02
Scheduling with exceptional children   Work with exceptional children of a gymnasium is planned in 6 directions:   1. Information and research work. Work with exceptional children has to lean to strong information base. Therefore it is necessary to create various databases about gifted pupils of school.   2. Psychological assistance. Work has to be based on the basis o...

16 мамыр күні №16 орта мектебінде қалалық сайыс өтті.

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2015-05-20 11:37:44
16 мамыр күні №16 орта мектебінде қалалық сайыс өтті.
          Сайысқа қала мектептерінің 10 оқушыдан тұратын топтары жас жол қозғалыс инспекторлары қатысты. Оған қалалық гимназияның 6А сыныптың «Бағдаршам» тобы белсене қатысып, 3-ші жүлделі орынның жеңімпазы атанды. Сайысқа жетекшілік еткен аға тәлімгер Зиядина А.С.,әскери жетекші Балпыков М.Ш., медбике, арнайы осы жас жол қозғалыс инспекторларыменжүйелі түрде...

The teachers of KGU "Gymnasium of the City of Balkhash" who prepared prize-winners of the city Olympic Games in 5-8 classes

Category: urban Olympics
Date: 2015-05-20 11:33:38
The teachers of KGU
№ FULL NAME subject 1 Gostevskikh Aleksandra Viktorovna History of Kazakhstan 2 Beysembay Gulnar Meyramovna History of Kazakhstan 3 Tsynbekova Tilek Taubakabylkyzy...

the final of the city competition "The Coolest Cool — 2015"

Category: Class Teacher
Date: 2015-05-19 07:50:11
the  final of the city competition
    On 18th of May in a gymnasium was the final of the city competition "The Coolest Cool — 2015" took place. 15 schools of the city took part in competition. Each participant presented the full report of the class teacher in the portfolio form. In the following round there passed contestants from 12 schools. They showed the skill, having given opening hours of com...

Қазақ Хандығына -550 жылдығына арналған қалалық дебаттық турнирдің қорытындысы

Date: 2015-05-19 04:41:01
Қазақ Хандығына -550 жылдығына арналған қалалық дебаттық турнирдің қорытындысы
 13 мамыр күні 2015 ж. Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы № 25 қазақ орта мектебінде Қазақ Хандығының 550-жылдық мерейтойына орай  "Қазақ елім" атты қалалық дебаттық турнирі өтті.  Бұл сайысқа қалалық гимназияның 10 "А" сынып оқушылары Надырбеков Султан және Әділғазин Жанболат белсенді қатысып, жүлделі ІІІ орынға ие болды. Жетекшілері: Калибекова Г.К. Команданың а...

Diploma of young traffic wardens

Date: 2015-05-18 05:02:07
Diploma of young traffic wardens
The city XVII YUID rally team "Қyrandar" secondary school №8 won the third place prize and was awarded a diploma.
Author: School №8


Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2015-05-18 03:43:54
Author: School №24

Information of school № 9 about celebration devoted on May 9 - the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Date: 2015-05-18 03:37:52
Information  of  school № 9 about celebration  devoted  on May 9 - the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.
The formation of the national spirit of the individual, in order to increase the love for his country for the 70th anniversary of Victory Day on May 8 was meeting dedicated to pupils in grades 1-11. A, school director Abi opened with a welcome speech, the younger generation of veterans forgot the courage, respect, show respect to the properties of speech. Open meeting was followed by a festive...
Author: School №9

Information about the secondary school №9 celebrations - meeting with veterans, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory Day

Date: 2015-05-18 03:33:40
Information about the secondary school №9 celebrations - meeting with veterans, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory Day
On 29th of Aprilat 11.00 h. In the school held a festive event - a meeting with veterans on the 70th anniversary of the Victory Day. The meeting was attended by the chief specialist of the akimat J.K Rahpanova, specialist of the department of employment Sh.T. Zhurchinova, a veteran of the Afghan war M.P Abiyev, chief specialist of Education Department J.S Balapanova. In a solemn ceremony 79...
Author: School №9

Рarticipation in a city community work

Category: Our creative team proiects
Date: 2015-05-17 10:18:19
Рarticipation in a city community work
Collective KGU "Gymnasium of the City of Balkhash" I took active part in a city community work day of 16maya 2015 g cleaning of the territory of a park zone behind the Palace of Metallurgists of Hamzin by pupils of the 7th, 8th, 9,10 classes and forces of technicians Was made. Aryk are also restored by teachers of physical culture. Watering of saplings, trees and flower beds round the...

Monitoring of filling of the current estimates of the electronic Bіlіmal environment for the end of the IV quarter 2014-15 uch.god

Category: E-learning environment "Bіlіmal"
Date: 2015-05-17 06:40:13
Monitoring of filling of the current estimates of the electronic Bіlіmal environment for the end of the IV quarter 2014-15 uch.god
The analysis of work of teachers of a gymnasium of filling of the current estimates of the electronic Bіlіmal environment for the end of the IV quarter 2014-15 uch.god

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