Information for parents "What information is needed about a first-class boy for electronic school"

Category: E-learning environment "Bіlіmal"
Date: 2015-06-27 06:58:26
Information for parents
  Dear parents, in order that to bring in information  of your child  to АСУ of "Bilimal", it is necessary to prepare the next list of data : 1. Information about a student 2. Information about the parents of student (mothers/of dad or persons, their replacing)

Closing of the second season of the summer recreation camp

Category: Summer holiday - 2015
Date: 2015-06-26 09:17:40
Closing of the second season of the summer recreation camp
      Today, June 26, in 015 p / n "Shaғala" held an event dedicated to the latest holiday camps close vtorog season. Now is the time of separation. All the children gathered their troops and everyone remembered the time spent in the camp. Many of sadness. Today, I want to thank all the workers p / n "Shaғala" for professional skills, pedagogical talent, genero...

Инновационный режим детского сада!

Category: our achievements
Date: 2015-06-25 11:35:13
Инновационный режим детского сада!
Почему так весело солнышко смеется Потому что «Куншуаком» садик наш зовется. Потому что дружно песенка поется, Счастливо и радостно вместе всем живется.   После реконструкции и капитального ремонта в сентябре 2006 года был открыт я/с  «Куншуак». Одной из актуальных проблем развития  является воспитание поликультурной личности. По рекомендации Ка...

Мы танцуем и поем!

Category: our achievements
Date: 2015-06-25 11:25:16
Мы танцуем и поем!
Детство-счастливая пора!

Наши артисты!

Category: our achievements
Date: 2015-06-25 11:23:23
Наши артисты!
Первые шаги-получились удачными!

Authorial methodical manual on the informatics of teacher second Категории-Жангалиевой Жанны Бериковны

Category: Generalization of teaching experience
Date: 2015-06-25 09:09:45
Authorial methodical manual on the informatics of teacher second Категории-Жангалиевой Жанны Бериковны
The offered methodical manual is intended for preparation to the lessons with the use of Икт-технологий and systematic working off basic themes from the course of informatics  in the process of educating of students 6th class. Collection  contains 34 thematic paragraphs,  in each of that  basic theoretical information offer on one or another topic and right it is methodically...

"Working notebook to the lessons of the literary reading. 2-4 class" of teacher of initial classes of the first category Ким of Elena Oleg.

Category: The chair of the primary link
Date: 2015-06-25 08:53:41
This working notebook is prepared for the complete study of object. All materials and themes, accommodated in a notebook, will help organization of educational process in a class. "Language and literature" of level of primary education (1-4) are made on the basis of on-line tutorial on an educational area is Astana: НАО the name of Алтынсарина, 2013,  in accordance with the requir...

"Working notebook to the lessons of the literary reading. 2-4 class" of teacher of initial classes of the first category Ким of Elena Oleg.

Category: Generalization of teaching experience
Date: 2015-06-25 08:51:07
   This working notebook is prepared for the complete study of object. All materials and themes, accommodated in a notebook, will help organization of educational process in a class. "Language and literature" of level of primary education (1-4) are made on the basis of on-line tutorial on an educational area is Astana: НАО the name of Алтынсарина, 2013,  in accordance wi...

Developing creative flairs of students

Category: Articles piggy
Date: 2015-06-25 08:45:32
Developing creative flairs of students
 By means of implementation of the tasks plugged in this methodical manual, there is not only development of attention of child, abilities to analyse, draw conclusion, and also acquaintance with literary terminology. Structure of working notebook  

Manual "As we in the summer recreation camp "Shaala" cheerfully spent the 2nd season"

Category: Summer holiday - 2015
Date: 2015-06-24 09:36:27
2 The season of a summer recreation camp passed on one breath. All events were held according to the plan, especially children liked competitions, such as, "The most beautiful town from sand", to "Miss Summer", "ltymna ң lana" - competition among boys.  

Manual "As we in the summer recreation camp "Shaala" cheerfully spent the 2nd season"

Category: Summer holiday - 2015
Date: 2015-06-24 09:26:59

Monitoring of participation of pupils of a gymnasium in design activity on 2014-15 уч.год

Category: Block "Research Culture Teacher"
Date: 2015-06-23 09:17:12
Monitoring of participation of pupils of a gymnasium in design activity on 2014-15 уч.год
Academic year Competitions of scientific projects First name, middle initial, last name pupil Research subject Results head 2013-2014 Областные МАН ЮИ Тишбекова Айым «Говорящие футболки: невольный...

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