
Category: Council fathers
Date: 2016-01-15 08:34:20

Council Regulation fathers

Category: Council fathers
Date: 2016-01-15 08:20:44
 Council Regulation fathers
At the first meeting of the Council of rules have been created fathers.    

Vaccination Mantoux

Category: Health care worker
Date: 2016-01-15 08:02:33
Vaccination Mantoux
  From 7 to 12 September it was introduced vaccination Mantoux and then verified.

Caution, traffic

Category: Health care worker
Date: 2016-01-15 07:54:17
Caution, traffic
  September 4 SES worker Zhumasheva G.ZH. interviewed and showed slides on the theme of "Caution, traffic" among grades 1-4.

Work with medical documentation

Category: Health care worker
Date: 2016-01-15 07:48:01
 Work with medical documentation
From 1 to 7 September was carried out the work on verification of medical books ( p - 026u, 112u - f, f- 63u ), admitted to Grade 1.

Street without tobacco

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2016-01-15 06:43:26
 Street without tobacco
  September 15-17, held a 3- day event " Street without tobacco". During this action the social educator, psychologist , together with a group of "Health" held on 17 and quarter share all cigarette smokers candies . In this quarter, the residents took an active part .

Flag - an honor the motto - unity, symbols - pride

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2016-01-15 06:37:29
Flag - an honor the motto - unity, symbols - pride
  Among the 6 graders held the intellectual game "flag - an honor the motto - unity, symbols - pride " for the purpose of promoting symbols. The objective of the intellectual game were: educate students to love the motherland, to honor, to serve the motherland, the people, the respect for the flag, emblem, anthem, to the knowledge of their ancestors and history. The game was...

KVN competition

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2016-01-15 05:41:53
 KVN competition
November 10 in the school among 6-7 classes held KVN . The goal: to educate children to the friendliness, to work. Participants were able to get their jokes Audience Award. At the end of the competition -7B First place, second place -6V, third place - 6D.

The knowledge day 1/9/2015

Category: Performances Director
Date: 2016-01-15 04:25:25
The knowledge day 1/9/2015
Dear teachers,parents, guests, studentsandfirst-graders! Congratulate you with the knowledge day! Todayisa cheerful and exciting dayforallofus. In every school of our country thefirst-bell’sholidayisbeen takingplace. Thisschoolyearisfullofsignificant, historical events.

Lastbell’sreport 25/5/2015

Category: Performances Director
Date: 2016-01-15 04:22:58
Lastbell’sreport 25/5/2015
Dear teachers, parents, guests, school-leavers! Congratulate you with graduating the school! Today you take leave of school the way to the big life is opened beside you. Thelastbell'sholidaytakesplacein year which is full of historical events and anniversaries such as 20-years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan nation’s assembly, 70-years of Great Victory Day...

Report of the Great Victory Day’s 70-years

Category: Performances Director
Date: 2016-01-15 04:20:37
Report of the Great Victory Day’s 70-years
Goodday, dearguests, war and rear veterans, teachersandstudents! I congratulate you with the 70-year of Great Victory Day! Inhismessage«Нұрлы жол – болашаққа бастар жол»toKazakhstan’snationthe president of our country N. Nazarbayev entitled2015 year– the year of great significant events. GreatVictoryDayisa saint holiday for all of us. 

Report of the regional seminar 12/3/2015

Category: Performances Director
Date: 2016-01-15 04:17:10
Report of the regional seminar 12/3/2015
Dearguests, colleagues!I’mgladtoseeyouinourschool. Wehave showed you fragments of the educational works of the school. Of course it is impossible to show you all works in brief time. In the message of our Republics president for the November, 27 in 2012 yearconcrete directions of the 5-year National plan by the developing of functional literacy of school students were decided. Due to th...

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