Memo to the population of any suspicious objects

Category: For you parents!
Date: 2016-05-16 10:34:35
Know this: the appearance of the object can hide his true purpose. In common household items are used as camouflage for explosives: bags, folding, boxes, toys, etc. Signs indicating the explosion detected object: 1) the presence of an unknown convolution or any object in the car, on the stairs, in the apartment, etc .; 2) the alien bag, briefcase, box, any subject; unusual placement of the...
Author: School №8

Memo to the population of any suspicious persons

Category: For you parents!
Date: 2016-05-16 10:29:39
Signs indicating the planning or preparation of an act of terrorism: 1) repeated appearance of suspicious persons surrounded the building where you work (often visit), or in the yard, holding a photo and video, as well as entries in the notebook; 2) efforts to avoid a meeting with police officers from the CCTV cameras nucleon (bowed his head, turned away, covered his face); 3) penetrati...
Author: School №8

Террористік актілерді болдырмау жөніндегі халыққа арналған жадынама

Category: For you parents!
Date: 2016-05-16 10:27:24
Be observant! Only you are able to timely detect objects and people, strangers in your porch, yard, street. Be alert! Pay attention to the behavior of others, the existence of orphan and appropriate furnishings. Provide bezopasnostsobstvennogo home: install a metal door with an intercom at the entrance, check daily closing basements, attics and technical rooms. Do not pretend that...
Author: School №8

The campaign "Plant for the yard!"

Category: The Advice fathers "Бәйтерек"
Date: 2016-05-16 03:37:27
The campaign
14.05.2016, in the secondary school №8 within the "Aula gүldendіreyіk" held subottnik and landscaping the school yard. Active participation in the action taken fathers Council "Baiterek".
Author: School №8

Information school №9 to hold the city competition of expressive reading on the theme of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan " Тәуелсіздік толғауы"

Date: 2016-05-14 04:07:47
Information school  №9 to hold the city competition of expressive reading on the theme of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
   On May 13 city competition of expressive readingheld in  school №9 on the theme"Тәуелсіздік толғауы". The event aims: educating pupils  in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland, for his native land. In the competition, pupilshave shown themselves true patriots, to unleash their creativity. As a result, the 1st  place was taken by a pupilof a...
Author: School №9

Tour of the library.

Category: Кітапхана-ғажайып әлем
Date: 2016-05-10 10:43:04
Tour of the library.
May 10 the project " Oka shattygy " librarian Battalova Alia Omirzhankyzy conducted a tour of the library school students from 5 "A" class.  

It released a number of years 2015-2016 " Kausar " newspaper

Category: Кітапхана-ғажайып әлем
Date: 2016-05-10 10:38:09
 It released a number of years 2015-2016
The head of the center of young journalists " Kausar " Baijumanova Sayagul Tuyakkyzy newspaper was released on the 2015-2016 academic year

12-13.03.2016 was held training on " Time Management : Lake uakytyndy unemde "

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2016-05-10 10:26:45
 12-13.03.2016 was held training on
12-13.03.2016g . I conducted a training on " Time Management : Lake uakytyndy unemde " . Goal: warn against stress in the collective ; learn to manage time through the training exercise ;

14-15.04.2016 was held psychological test " Kol midyn Zhalgas "

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2016-05-10 10:17:38
 14-15.04.2016 was held psychological test
14-15.04.2016 was held psychological test " Kol midyn Zhalgas " among 11 classes . The goal : to help with the choice of profession .

In March 2016 we conducted psychological testing

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2016-05-10 10:12:06
 In March 2016 we conducted psychological testing
In March 2016 we have tested . In order to determine the level of stress in students . At the end of the test , students were identified with increased stress and with them were carried out psychological training exercises.

22-23 .01.2016 was passed psychological test " Tabyska zhetu kazhettiligi "

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2016-05-10 10:02:25
 22-23 .01.2016 was passed psychological test
22-23 .01.2016 , the cedi 11 classes passed the psychological test " Tabyska zhetu kazhettiligi " . Objective: Increase opportunities getting at targets in the future among students . It was necessary to present the situation described in the embodiments and answer without thinking either "Yes" or "No" .

18-19.02.2016 was held psychological advice on " Confidence gives strength "

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2016-05-10 09:54:24
 18-19.02.2016 was held psychological advice on
18-19.02.2016 , among the 11 graders passed the psychological advice on "Confidence gives strength" Purpose: To organize among students in preparation for UNT uverennovt confidence, character, emotional raskreposchennolst , develop memory , attention . exercise " Silkiptasta " were performed during the training , " train ", " stress test ", " Mai...

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