Date: 2016-11-12 08:05:26
1 21st of November  - "The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 2 22nd of November  - "State symbols" 3 23rd of  November - "State Border" 4 24th of November  - "State langua...

What to do with the child during the holidays

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2016-11-12 07:13:59
What to do with the child during the holidays
1. Some parents believe that the most important to give the child full freedom during the holidays and allow their child all: hang out with friends, hanging out until the morning, play computer games and watch cartoons without end. After such a "holiday" the child may need additional rehabilitation at least in the form of fresh air and full of sleep. This means that parents have to tak...
Author: School №17

Information On the talk show " fathers` role in child`s life " fathers of the city council held at "School-gymnasium №7 after S.Seifullin" dedicated to implement patriotic ideas Work. Family. Mangіlіk el. on the eve of the 25th anniversary of Kazakhs

Category: 25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Date: 2016-11-11 06:17:13
Information On the talk show
         In schol-gymnasium №7 was the talk show of the fathers`Council to the theme     "fathers`role in child`s life " . The purpose of the event: the relation of fathers and children, the role of fathers in raising their sons.         The talk show was attended by Naib the Imam of the town mosque Tusup...
Author: Department

City Balkhash Lyceum №2 named after Abai KSU Report about city competition of presentation named “My motherland – Kazakhstan” to the 25th anniversary Independence of Kazakhstan.

Category: 25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Date: 2016-11-11 06:10:39
City Balkhash Lyceum №2 named after Abai KSU Report about city competition of presentation named “My motherland – Kazakhstan” to the 25th  anniversary Independence of  Kazakhstan.
    On the 5th  of November there was city competition devoted to the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence. City schools took part in competition. The aim of the competition was to perform good, ethical acceptable presentations about Independence. Every participants had 2 minutes.           Judges assess participant&rsq...
Author: Department

INFORMATION about the competition of computer presentations "eternal nation - eternal inheritance" dedicated to the 25 - anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: 25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Date: 2016-11-11 05:57:32
INFORMATION about the competition of computer presentations
     The 5th of November , 2016 in the CSSh №1 under the leadership of deputy director for educational work Sarmantaeva A.B. held city competition "Eternal people - the eternal inheritance" dedicated to the 25 - anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.     There are pupils 6 classes took part in the competition, past to the second tour: City...
Author: Department

History of the city of Balkhash

Category: The 80 years Balkhash city
Date: 2016-11-11 04:06:25
РОЖДЕНИЕ ГОРОДА БАЛХАШ История  Балхаша  начиналась  с  того,  что  никто  не  верил,  что  в  этих  местах  можно  жить.   Исследователь  А.  Никольский,  посетивший  в  1885  году  Северное  Прибалхашье,  писал:  «В  настоящее  время  жиз...

Результаты школьной предметной олимпиады 2016-2017 учебный год

Category: school Olympiad
Date: 2016-11-10 15:31:09
Школьный тур Республиканской предметной олимпиады проведен на хорошем организационном уровне: своевременно разработано положение о проведении олимпиады, определен состав жюри, а также график и кабинеты; задания для 8-11 классовбыли предоставленыиз РНПЦ «Сарыарка Дарын», для 5-8 классов составлялись учителями и рассматривались на кафедре в целях соответствия научному и возрастному уро...

Our achievements

Category: our achievements
Date: 2016-11-09 09:36:19
Our achievements
Koteneva Elena Anatolievna - regional competition of children's fine and decorative art "Orken", a thank you letter. And "My taiI Lemm" oblasti Biao kresy, a thank you letter. Regional scientific – practical conference - Milbrant Natalia theme: scientific – practical conference "Innovative processes in modernization of additional education of children:...

Choreography group "Arabesk"

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2016-11-08 11:05:48
Choreography group
Choreography group "Arabesk" at OSIOT Director: Dinara Abdrakhmanova Salamatovna At school for students lessons of choreography. 1-4 classes for children taught the lesson of rhythm, and for children from 5-9 classes in the evening choreography. Children divided into three age groups: Junior (4-5 grades), medium (6-7 grades), high (8-9 grades). The lessons of choreography I in...

Information about travel ticket

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2016-11-07 07:26:51
Information about travel ticket
               In boarding school General type of Balkhash town learns not only orphans and children from poor, large families, dysfunctional families. Receives monetary compensation to students of a boarding school for the public transport. For students in grades 1-8 in the amount of 40 tenge, for students of the 9th forms in the amount of 80 tenge. The a...

Эссе байқауы

Category: Department of Kazakh language and literature
Date: 2016-11-07 03:06:25
Биыл ҚР тәуелсіздігіне 25 жыл. Осы 25 жыл көлемінде біздің еліміз көптеген жетістіктерге қол жеткізіп отыр.Мемлекеттігіміздің тұғырын мызғымастай нығайта түсу үшін бізге әлі талай өткелі күрделі, өкпегі көп бұралаң жолдардан өтуге тура келеді.  Біздің мақсатымыз – елі бақытты, жері гүлденген қасиетті Отанымыз Қазақстанды «Мәңгілік Ел» ету! Әлемдегі ең дамыған 30 мемлек...

"Сана" дебат клубының жеңісі

Date: 2016-11-05 15:47:18
Сенбі күні Оқушылар сарайында "Мәңгілік ел - болашағысмыздың бағдары" атты пікір сайыс болып өтті. Лицейімізден " Сана" дебаттық клубы катысып, жүлделі 2 орынды еншіледі. Құрамы: 11 Б сынып оқушылары Габдуллина Айнара, Қанат Айымгүл, Боранқұл Мерей. Жетекшісі: Касенова А.Б. Құттықтаймыз!
Author: Lyceum №2

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