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Date: 2016-12-26 05:25:05
Awarded Begimbaeva Nazerke diploma of III degree in city Olympiad of students in general education among 9-11 classes on the subject of the Kazakh language.
Author: School №8


Date: 2016-12-26 05:11:43
The I oblystyқ "Clever" Kazakh tili olimpiadasynda pәnіnen 6 synyptar arasynda the I orynғa s bolғan ZHBB№8 ort mektep oқushysy Tanatova Ayaulym marapattaldy.
Author: School №8


Date: 2016-12-26 03:05:58
Awarded Diploma of I degree student of SNR №8 Erkebұlan Adele in the I regional competition "Clever" among pupils of 6 classes in the Kazakh language.
Author: School №8


Date: 2016-12-26 02:58:42
Awarded Diploma of the II degree student secondary school №8 Maerbaev Aidos in the I regional competition "Clever" among pupils of 5 classes in the Russian language in schools with the Kazakh language learning.
Author: School №8

Coaching on "How to ask tough questions?"

Category: Seminars, coaching
Date: 2016-12-24 09:30:49
Coaching on
20/10/2016, the coaching was conducted in a comprehensive school №8 on "How to ask difficult questions?". Coaching by a certified teacher of the first level of the highest category Kanat DK On the coaching methodology discussed in the classroom asking "hard questions" and the ways of their solving by students through Bloom's taxonomy.
Author: School №8

Тестілеу "Айқын" 5-11 сыныптар үшін

Category: The regional project "Aikyn" to determine the quality of students ' knowledge
Date: 2016-12-24 07:52:15

Нұсқаулық "Айқын"

Category: The regional project "Aikyn" to determine the quality of students ' knowledge
Date: 2016-12-24 07:32:44

"Graduates of the current school-teacher"

Category: To the young specialist
Date: 2016-12-24 05:49:18
 December 21, 2016 in the secondary school №8 meeting was held on the topic "Graduates of the current school-teacher. "For the purpose of vocational guidance, pupils 9 - graders met with teachers who are now teachers who have graduated from this school, they are: G. Amantay, A. Zhumabekova.E, Zhasymbekova AR Tyleubekova.K.A. At the meeting, students asked questions to teachers abo...
Author: School №8

"The role of the father in the upbringing of a child"

Category: The Advice fathers "Бәйтерек"
Date: 2016-12-24 05:45:20
 December 23, 2016 in the school among the fathers talk show was held on the theme "The role of the father in the upbringing of the child." On the talk show were invited to the pope. Also a veteran Adambekov Zhumagazy, parents, school inspector Zhandyғұlov rope, chairman of the board Marat Zhumataev fathers.   Among the fathers we interviewed on the topic "The role...
Author: School №8

"Surly-Somalia arsy 16 kun"

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2016-12-24 05:42:46
"Surly-Somalia arsy 16 kun" In General school - boarding General type of Balkhash town from 25 November to 10 December, events were held on the topic "16 days against violence". At the school of international shares were held different events. For example: 1-4 closeby was held class hour on the theme "Surly –zambelis childhood", "Childhood without v...

Республикалық Жалпы білім беретін негізгі пәндер олимпиадасының 9-11 сыныптар бойынша қалалық кезеңінің қорытынды ақпараты

Date: 2016-12-23 07:48:29
Республикалық Жалпы білім беретін негізгі пәндер олимпиадасының  9-11 сыныптар бойынша қалалық кезеңінің қорытынды  ақпараты
І. 2016 жылдың 22 желтоқсан күні Республикалық жалпы білім беретін негізгі пәндер олимпиадасының 9-11 сыныптар бойынша қалалық кезеңінің жабылу салтанатында инновациялық мектептер арасында  мектеп-лицейдің олимпиада командасы І-ші дәрежелі дипломмен марапатталды. Мектеп-лицей қоржында  39(алтын, күміс және қола) медальдарымен толықты. І орын -12 оқушы, ІІ орын-11 оқушы, ІІІ- орын- 16...

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