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The city forum "Altyn bala" Grade 10 students Eleusіzbaeva Nazerke, Myrzagaly Gүlnaz, Erbolat Nazim steel oladatelyami nomination "Young Leader".

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2017-02-03 09:29:49
The city forum
The city forum "Altyn bala" Grade 10 students Eleusіzbaeva Nazerke, Myrzagaly Gүlnaz, Erbolat Nazim steel oladatelyami nomination "Young Leader".

"mini-center" Balbobek " "Home animals".

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2017-02-03 09:13:27
Forming of ideas about home animals and about their benefit of poultries and man.speeches of children, imagination and fantasy, sharpening, forming of world view, birds, animals, increase ofto the personal interest in the world. By the methods of  New Technologyes, perfection of knowledge and able to work.

"mini-center" Balbobek " "Home animals".

Category: Events mini- center "Балбөбек"
Date: 2017-02-03 09:05:12
The purpose :, children, nurturing the birds in nature, taught how to wait baptap-. What it wintered, to give information about the life of birds, developing, the ability of the mind to be carefully birds educates . Introduces winter features of nature, morality and to protect nature nurture. 

in the framework of socio-pedagogical project "Reading in JOY” primary school teachers organized an exhibition among students in grades 3-4...

Category: We read together!
Date: 2017-02-02 08:35:21
in the framework of socio-pedagogical project
    On February 1 in the framework of socio-pedagogical project "Reading in JOY” primary school teachers organized an exhibition among students in grades 3-4. Goal: To increase the interest of students to read books. Development of creative potential of students through the illustration of a book. Learn to cherish the book. During the exhibition, praised the work the s...

Information on the career guidance

Date: 2017-02-01 10:07:29
 Information on the career guidance
01.02.17 Specialist of Kazakh National Agrarian University in Almaty Қadyrbekova March Baltabaeva met with graduates of the 11th grade and told about professions.
Author: School №9

Н.Назарбаевтың Қазақстан халқына жолдауы. 2017 жылғы 31 қаңтар

Category: President's Message to the people
Date: 2017-01-31 09:01:18
«Қазақстанның үшінші жаңғыруы: жаһандық бәсекеге қабілеттілік»   Құрметті қазақстандықтар! Мен Қазақстан халқына жаңа дәуір қарсаңында сөз арнап отырмын. Еліміз өзінің 25 жылдық даму кезеңінен абыроймен өтті. Біз елімізді мақтан тұтамыз. Табыстарымыз бен жетістіктеріміз туралы Тәуелсіздігіміздің 25 жылдық мерейтойында атап өттік. Оларды бүкіл әлем біледі және жоғары баға...

The prevention Board

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-01-31 08:44:18
The prevention Board 28.01.2017 g., the regular meeting of the Board of prevention. The behavior of 12 students. The result: the registration VSHU – 3 student (Callamand And Tokishi N, Achna A), in GUIP – 1 student (Polukarov R)

Criterial evaluation system

Category: E-class journal
Date: 2017-01-31 07:07:51
User's manual for logging the progress of first classes according to the criterion assessment system In the browser address bar enter school.bilimal.kz In the form that appears, enter an account (login and password). You must go to the Office of teacher Further, the Plans tab and select CTU To specify the date of the summative evaluation it is necessary to select lesson plan...

Child and Internet

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-01-31 05:55:16
Child and Internet
The rapid entry into our lives of new information technologies, which "relocated" children from real life in the virtual, has both positive and negative sides. Prolonged exposure of the child in the Internet space, "freeze", it becomes a problem that parents are increasingly turning to psychologists. It is important to understand the causes of the overuse child's game....

Қазақ тілінен 7-8-9 сынып оқушылары арасындағы "Мен жастарға сенемін..." тақырыбындағы шығармалар байқауына қазақ сыныптары бойынша қатысып, жүлделі орын алдық!

Category: At Olympus top
Date: 2017-01-31 04:06:30
Қазақ тілінен 7-8-9 сынып оқушылары арасындағы
Қазақ тілінен 7-8-9 сынып оқушылары арасындағы "Мен жастарға сенемін..." тақырыбындағы шығармалар байқауына қазақ сыныптары бойынша қатысып, Тұрақ Мадина ІІІ-дәрежелі, Тұсқали Аяжан бас жүлдемен марапатталды. Осы жүлдегерлерді жоғары деңгейде дайындағаны үшін Нұртаза Диана, Оспанова Жанат алғыс хатпен марапатталды.

"Pony in the country of linguistics" ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2017-01-28 15:53:56
     Currently competitions "PONI®" - a system of interdisciplinary educational competition for students grades 1-7 and older preschoolers. They are grouped by age into four groups, including several independent competitions. The results for each of them, starting with the 2015-2016 academic year, summed up separately. Contest participants receive certificates, a...

Check the school cafeteria Mothers School chairman

Category: Mothers School
Date: 2017-01-28 08:15:59
Check the school cafeteria Mothers School chairman
January 25, 2017 the Chairman of the School of mothers Isabaeva G. audited the school cafeteria. Objective: To check the sanitary condition of the dining room, hot meals organization. Conclusion: The health condition is satisfactory dining, cooking utensils
Author: School №8

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