Интернетсіз бір күн акциясы аясында кітапханада өткізілген іс-шара

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2017-04-18 09:49:26
Интернетсіз бір күн акциясы аясында  кітапханада өткізілген іс-шара
Сәуір айының 18 күні Интернетсіз бір күн акциясы аясында кітапхана меңгерушісі Р.Каукербекованың ұйымдастыруымен 7 сынып оқушыларымен «Кітап – білім бұлағы» атты дөңгелек үстел өтті. Мақсаты: Білімнің кілті кітап арқылы берілетінін ұғындыру. Кітаптың адам өміріндегі маңызы, ғылым мен білімнің пайдасы жайлы түсіндіру. Оқушылардың әдеби кітапқа деген қызығушылығын арттыру. Дө...
Author: School №9

The results of the traditional contest of readers "Blooming Spring"

Category: We read together!
Date: 2017-04-17 10:58:38
The results of the traditional contest of readers
    In the traditional contest of expressive reading "Blossoming Spring", held in the framework of the regional social and pedagogical project "Reading in Joy", pupil of 3 "A" class of the general boarding school № 2 Shalkharov Dastan was awarded a grand prix, a pupil of 4 "Ә" class Terlikbaev Ratmiris awardedthe diploma the IIplace, the pupil...

Parent meetings

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-04-17 09:58:45
Parent meetings
Parent meetings 14.04.17 G. KSU", OSIT" was held parent meetings on the topic: 1. "Life goals of adolescents .How to prepare students for the exams" 2.Organization of summer rest of pupils. Acquainted parents with schedules the holding of bills and final examinations,consultations for the preparation of exams. This tips for preparing students for the exams. Parents...

The blue whale

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-04-17 09:57:02
 10.02.17. for pupils of 5-7 classes interviewed to explain the threat of the games in social networks, shown footage of the Kazakhstan and Russian TV channels with the participation of the minors involved in the game, and the detention of the distribution of games.

Preventive conversation

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2017-04-17 09:56:06
8.02.17. psychologist Mametovoi DM, GUIP inspector OVD of the city of Balkhash by Baygildina AA, paramedic Galstyan NA boarding school conducted preventive conversation with the students of 8-9 classes on the facts of involvement of minors online games, and also separately interviewed the girls on "Sexual integrity", "Domestic violence". The girls were warned that violence th...

"New age eyes of youth"

Category: our achievements
Date: 2017-04-17 05:50:26
Information provedenii city competition of creative reports "Zhana Gasyr Zhastar kesmen" 14.04.2017 year has passed city competition of creative reports "Zhana Gasyr Zhastar cson", which took place from Arapov. Etap – viewing reports. Was given creative reports REDUO "Zhas Ulan" in the form of Newspapers in 7 directions. ITap – performance of pr...

Conducted events on the topic "The native city of Balkhash - 80 years! », Timed to the anniversary of the city of Balkhash

Date: 2017-04-17 03:39:42
Conducted events on the topic
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the city of Balkhash on April 15, a tour around the city was organized for students. "I travel around the city. Students wrote on paper their wishes to their native city, were photographed for memory.
Author: School №9

Сенбілік өткізілуі жөнінде ақпарат.

Date: 2017-04-15 13:08:33
Сенбілік өткізілуі  жөнінде ақпарат.
15 сәуір күні өткен сенбілікке мектеп ұжымы бір кісідей ұйымшылдықпен қатыса білді. Інжу шағын орталығының тәрбиешілері тазалық жұмысын жасады.8,10 сынып оқушылары сынып жетекшілерімен бірге қалалық саябақты тазарту жұмысына қатысты. Қалған сыныптар мектеп айналасын қоқыстан тазалап,ағаш отырғызу жұмыстарын жүргізді. Ағаштардың түптері әктеліп, қопсытылды.
Author: School №9

Diploma of the 2-nd degree

Date: 2017-04-15 09:02:50
Diploma of the 2-nd degree
The diploma of the 2nd degree is awarded to the pupil of the secondary school No. 8 Zhunusov Azat in the traditional contest of expressive reading "Shylyaly koktem", conducted within the framework of the regional social and pedagogical project "Oyu Shatty".
Author: School №8

1 place in the regional stage of the contest "Talented Teacher-Gifted Children"

Date: 2017-04-15 06:30:41
1 place in the regional stage of the contest
The diploma of the 1st degree is awarded to the teacher of the secondary school № 8 in Balkhash town Zhasymbekova Aygerim Rysbekovna in the qualifying regional round of the Republican Olympiad "Gifted teacher-talented children".
Author: School №8

The second class diploma

Date: 2017-04-15 05:45:54
The second class diploma
The diploma of the 2nd degree is awarded to the pupil of the secondary school No. 8 Zholeuova Ayan in the traditional contest of expressive reading "Shyylaly koktem", conducted within the framework of the regional social and pedagogical project "Ouu Shatti".
Author: School №8

1 place in the regional stage of the contest "Talented Teacher-Gifted Children"

Date: 2017-04-15 05:03:55
1 place in the regional stage of the contest
The victory of the teachers of our city Zhasymbekova A.R. Secondary school № 8 and Mukhsinova E.S. Secondary school № 3 ended the regional stage of the Republican contest "Talented Teacher-Gifted Children". Ahead is coming, which will be held in early May in Almaty. Congratulations on the victory and wish you good luck and success in the future!
Author: School №8

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