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Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы ЖББ №25 орта мектебінде 9, 11 сынып білім алушыларымен Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә. Назарбаевтың 10 қаңтар 2018 жылғы Қазақстан халқына жолдауына байланысты патриоттық сабақтың өткізілгені туралы ақпар.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2018-01-22 14:20:47
   Қаңтар айының 11-і күні 9, 11 сынып білім алушыларымен Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә. Назарбаевтың 2018 жылдың 10 қаңтарындағы «Төртінші өнеркәсіптік революция жағдайындағы дамудың жаңа мүмкіндіктері» атты Қазақстан халқына жолдауына байланысты патриоттық сабақ  өткізілді. Патриоттық сабаққа 9 сыныптан - 27 білім алушы , 11 сыныптан-8 білім алушы қатысты....
Author: School №25

Cognitive hour with members of the German ethno-cultural center "History of Education of Astana"

Category: Virtual мuseum
Date: 2018-01-22 14:20:26
Cognitive hour with members of the German ethno-cultural center
On January 15, 2013, a cognitive hour with the participation of the members of the ethnocultural center of the city, AI Ferderer, TN Relke, LA Nenakhova, devoted to the 20th anniversary of Astana, "The History of the Astana City", was held at the secondary school. During the meeting members of the ethnocentre told the students about their work, that the solidarity and peace of the mult...
Author: School №8

Round table "Memory from the teacher"

Category: Virtual мuseum
Date: 2018-01-22 13:26:50
Round table
   Pedagogical activity is a type of activity, the result of which is influenced by the nature of the relations between its participants. The successful solution of the complex and important tasks of teaching and educating junior schoolchildren depends crucially on the personality of the teacher, his moral position, professional skills, erudition and culture. Experience convinces that...
Author: School №8

"New possibilities of development in the context of the Fourth industrial revolution"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-01-21 22:13:25
     "Secondary school №5", KSU N.А.Nazarbayev "new possibilities of development in the context of the Fourth industrial revolution" to explain the President's address "Zhasulan" organization meeting of the members.
Author: School №5

«Жасыл ел балалар көзімен»

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-01-21 22:06:45
«Жасыл ел балалар көзімен»
    "Өркен" the small academy of sciences organized ІҮ open regional десткую competition-exhibition in that 31 participated students high educational school №5 in age from 7 11 to on a theme "Жасыл ate балалар көзімен".     On results the competition of all participants rewarded diplomas for participation.  And only 4 participants of school occupied...
Author: School №5

An intellectual marathon "Акбота"

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-01-21 21:58:25
An intellectual marathon
    Cities of балхаш "general high school №5" КГУ among students 3-5 classes an intellectual marathon was conducted "Акбота", organized to the ministries education and sciences of "Дарын". From our school took part students  3 "А", 3 "Ә", 3 "Б" of classes by a quantity 25, from 4  "А", 4 "Ә&q...
Author: School №5

A competition of essay is "My summer vacations"

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-01-21 21:53:24
A competition of essay is
     Cities of балхаш "general high school №5" КГУ of "Be Clever" Be Clever, center of development of International development center, center "My summer каникулым" in the competition of essay "in 3 " And" class were the recipients of an award the diplomas of competition. Аиша rope by the diploma of І degree, Илияс Асылбеков, Муратбеков...
Author: School №5

Results of school subject olympiad among students 8-11 classes

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-01-21 21:34:29
     Republics of казахстан from March, 13 2012 №99 "organization and realization of republican olympiad on general objects in accordance with" rules внутришкольного on November, №24 445", on the basis of school olympiad of October, 26-27. In all in an olympiad took part 97 students . 8 class - 29 students, 9 th классов- 30 classes of students, 10th for 28 11th clas...

Annual report

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-01-21 21:24:09
2016-2017 school year information about the executed advanced studies.

Work with gifted children

Category: Scientific - methodical activity
Date: 2018-01-21 21:18:48
Author: School №5

Round table with parents on the topic "Conflict situations between parents and adolescents, ways to solve them"...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2018-01-20 20:48:39
Round table with parents on the topic
     On January 18, held a round table with parents on the topic "Conflict situations between parents and adolescents, ways to solve them". Objective: To raise the level of parents' psychological and pedagogical competence in relation to the relationship between parents and children. 21 parents and 9th grade students took part in the round table. To determine t...

Internet security

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2018-01-20 17:35:39
Internet security
       Do not post them any personal information, including name, contact information, home address, phone number, school name, email address, last names of friends or relatives, their names in instant messaging, age or date of birth. Never put in the journal provocative pictures, their own or anyone else's, and always check, do not reveal whether the image or even the ba...

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