Конкурсқа қатысу өтінімі

Category: Конкурсқа қатысу өтінімі
Date: 2018-02-06 11:00:28
Қосымша 3                                                              ...
Author: School №5

Қосымша 3

Category: Конкурстар туралы жариялау
Date: 2018-02-06 10:53:35
«Балқаш қаласының білім бөлімі» мемлекеттік мекемесінің «Балқаш қаласы  жалпы  білім беретін №5 орта мектебі»  коммуналдық  мемлекеттік мекемесі, (100300,Қарағанды облысы, Балқаш қаласы,Желтоқсан көшесі, 17-үй, электрондық мекен-жай: bux.shk5@mail.ruвеб –сайт balkhash.goo.kz), конкурс ұйымдастырушы, жалпы білім беретін ұйымда ыстық тағам ұйы...
Author: School №5

Implementation of the project "Polyglot"

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2018-02-05 22:41:37
Implementation of the project
      In the current 2017-2018 academic year, the Polyglot project worked out a plan and teaching aids in accordance with the plan: Ø Workbook for the knowledge of the world for the 1st class Ø Collection of lessons on the knowledge of the world Ø Terminological dictionary for the 8th class in biology Ø The elective course "Human Biology&...

Art work, Grade 5. Development of an open lesson on the theme "Design, creating a clothing model. Preparing the costume»

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2018-02-05 22:20:30
Art work, Grade 5. Development of an open lesson on the theme
     Objective: 1. To study the concept of design; 2. To study the works of Kazakhstani designers and artisans; 3. To practice in drawing up of a model of clothes on a template on a doll and a mannequin; 4. Drawing patterns and patterns to determine the size and parts. A lesson plan and presentation were uploaded to the file

Biology, Grade 8. Lesson plan of an open lesson on the theme "Structure and activity of respiratory organs"

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2018-02-05 21:54:51
Biology, Grade 8. Lesson plan of an open lesson on the theme
      Purpose of the lesson: New knowledge about the structure of the respiratory system and the functions of the respiratory system. Provides a lesson plan and presentation.

On February 4, 2018, the regular meeting of the Weekend Club was dedicated to Altynbek Korazbayev...

Category: library
Date: 2018-02-05 21:36:47
On February 4, 2018, the regular meeting of the Weekend Club was dedicated to Altynbek Korazbayev...
     On February 4, 2018, the regular meeting of the Weekend Club was dedicated to Altynbek Korazbayev. Altynbek Korazbayev is a Soviet and Kazakh composer and teacher, People's Artist of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, holder of the Order "Barys" for his services in musical art. In the cognitive hour, the children learned about the life and work of the composer, list...

Urban contest "Physics and Lyrics"

Date: 2018-02-05 21:21:29
Urban contest
   02/03/2018 in the city competition "Physics and Lyrics" students of the secondary school № 8 Jeksembayev Alisher, Tanatova Ayazhan, Akhmetzhanov Alisher took Grand Prix. Congratulations!
Author: School №8

Assistance to schoolchildren from low-income and large families

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2018-02-05 20:55:18
Assistance to schoolchildren from low-income and large families
  In the secondary school in the framework of the action "Care" was given to schoolchildren from low-income and large families, orphans and children left without parental care.
Author: School №8

Competition "The best cadet class"

Date: 2018-02-05 20:19:27
   On February 3, 2018 in the secondary school No. 8 among the Ulanovskiy grades the contest "The Best Ulanovskiy class" was held, the purpose of which was to reveal the best class for further participation in the regional tournament. During the contest, it was not difficult for students to cope with such tasks of the competition as drill training, the performance of teams, t...
Author: School №8

Minutes of the meeting of natural-mathematical cycle №3, 2017-2018 school year

Date: 2018-02-05 16:52:11
  06 January 2018 present  - 6 people: Agenda: 1. Results of academic performance and quality of knowledge for the first half of the year. 2. The report "Development of functional literacy in chemistry and biology classes" 3. Formation of methodical complexes with the tasks of international research competitions PISA and TIMSS. On the first issue: subject teache...

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