A city contest of young artists on the subject of spring drawings...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-03-28 23:06:12
A city contest of young artists on the subject of spring drawings...
      On March 28, was held a city contest of young artists on the subject of spring drawings among pupils of grades 5-6 of the city of KGKP "Palace of schoolchildren" of the State Institution "Education Department of Balkhash town". The purpose of the competition: the introduction of children of school age to artistic forms of creativity; the education of...

Information of the school №9 on the activities carried out during the spring break 2017-2018 academic year

Date: 2018-03-28 18:52:38
Information of the school №9 on the activities carried out during the spring break 2017-2018 academic year
28.03. the leader of the school conducted an action "Meet the birds" with the aim of taking care of nature, taking care of the birds.        28.03. technology teacher Қ. Murat organized a contest "Chess" among students of the 7th grade.       28.03. in the last city collage competition "Nauryz koktem" pupi...
Author: School №9

Information of the school №9 on the activities carried out during the spring break 2017-2018 academic year

Date: 2018-03-28 17:35:37
Information of the school №9 on the activities carried out during the spring break 2017-2018 academic year
On 27.03.18 the teacher of primary classes A. Akhanova held the event "Safety lessons" with students of the 2 nd grades. Purpose: to familiarize children with safety rules at school and on the street. Among the pupils of the 5th grade there was a contest "Kyzyzyty aylschyn". And pupils of 7-8 classes with pleasure took part in the competition of presentations "Astana - t...
Author: School №9

Plan of activities for the spring holidays in the period from 21.03 to 02.04 2018

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-03-28 00:38:31
Plan of activities for the spring holidays in the period from 21.03 to 02.04 2018
  Purpose: To educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, to form a sense of pride for the homeland, the Kazakh people, the commonwealth of the nations, to strengthen the status of cultural identity in the minds of the younger generation. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, developing an outlook, raising cognitive, creative activity, develop the ability to have fun and use...

Информация о праздновании мероприятий, посвященных «Наурыз мейрамы – 2018» КГУ ОСШ № 4 – 2018 год

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-03-27 10:38:49
Информация о праздновании мероприятий, посвященных «Наурыз мейрамы – 2018» КГУ ОСШ № 4 – 2018 год
Информация о праздновании мероприятий, посвященных «Наурыз мейрамы – 2018» КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2018 год   В рамках организации и проведения государственного праздника «Наурыз мейрамы – 2018 » в КГУ ОСШ №4 с 13.03.2018 по 22.03.2018 года был запланирован ряд мероприятий с охватом всех учащихся школы. Данные мероприятия проводились с целью укреплени...
Author: School №4

Информация о проведении торжественного собрания, посвященного празднованию «Наурыз мейрамы - 2018» КГУ ОСШ № 4

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-03-27 10:23:39
Информация о проведении торжественного собрания, посвященного празднованию «Наурыз мейрамы - 2018» КГУ ОСШ № 4
Информация о проведении торжественного собрания, посвященного празднованию «Наурыз мейрамы - 2018» КГУ ОСШ № 4   20 марта 2018 года, В КГУ ОСШ №4 имени Н.К.Крупской состоялось торжественное собрание, посвященное празднику «Наурыз-мейрамы». На торжественном собрании присутствовал коллектив школы, представители родительской общественности и ветераны образован...
Author: School №4

Information of the school №9 on the activities carried out during the spring break 2017-2018 academic year

Date: 2018-03-26 15:48:16
Information of the school №9 on the activities carried out during the spring break 2017-2018 academic year
24.03.-02.04. during the spring holidays, measures were planned and carried out to organize prevention and prevention of offenses during free time, and education of responsibility, interest in different types of activities.            24.03. class leaders of the 2 nd classes held the event "Ақпыз, қара, сарымыз, Ағайынбыз бәріміз&quo...
Author: School №9

«Наурыз мерекесі – 2018» іс-шараларының ақпараты

Date: 2018-03-26 15:01:45
«Наурыз мерекесі – 2018»  іс-шараларының ақпараты
Наурыз мейрамы - ежелгі заманнан қалыптасқан жыл бастау мейрамы. Қазіргі күнтізбе бойынша наурыздың 22 күні күн мен түн теңеледі. Жан-жануарлар төлдеп, адамдардың аузы аққа тиіп, жер бетінде жаңару, табиғи өзгерістер болатын кез. Қазақ елі осы күнді «Ұлыстың ұлы күні!» деп атаған. Қазақ халқының ежелден сақталып, атадан балаға мұра етіп қалдырған салт-дәстүрімізді дәріптеу,...
Author: School №9

"Nauryz - zhyl basy"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-03-26 11:03:10
      In the secondary school №5 of the city of Balkhash in the 2nd "B" class on March 16 held a great hour "Nowruz –the beginning of the year." The celebration was held under a single Shanyrak, close-knit family United and happy. The students shared their knowledge about the praznik Nauryz, defended the project divided into three groups, had fun playing...
Author: School №5

It was a cool hour for Nauryz day

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-03-26 10:47:22
It was a cool hour for Nauryz day
     March 20 in pre-school preparatory group 0 "Փ" was a class hour for the day Nauryz. Children read poems about the spring festival and danced. They received useful information about the traditional holiday Nauryz.
Author: School №5

"Armysyn, az Nauryz"

Category: Mini-center "Еркетай"
Date: 2018-03-26 10:37:52
     19-20 March 2018. in the mini-center "Erketay" matinee was devoted to the day of Nowruz in the young and srednicach. The celebration was shown in the Kazakh tradition "Tusaukeser". Aldar Kose was visiting. Children together with Aldar Kose played folk games "Arkan tartys" , "Takiya tastamak", "Kyz kuu", danced and sang songs....
Author: School №5

"Welcome, Nauryz!"

Category: Nauryz
Date: 2018-03-23 21:17:42
Information about carrying out the events of the holiday "Welcome, Nauryz!"    A number of events dedicated to the holiday of Nauryz were held in the secondary school # 8. The students showed a scenic view from the national traditions and customs of "Halau Aytu", "Yada Tusu", and also sang folk songs. The head of the school ATTokeibekova made a con...
Author: School №8

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