Kazakhstan aspiring to the heights

Category: Modern library
Date: 2018-12-03 15:10:59
Kazakhstan aspiring to the heights
       "Sarit sea Stylin As In the school library secondary school №5 history teacher May Torgyn Toleugalieva held a story hour on the topic "Sarit sea Stylin Kazakhstan".          The purpose of which is to inculcate increased respect for the native land, to the native country.       We all have the sam...
Author: School №5

The IIIrd place in the city chess tournament "White Rook" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-12-03 14:51:37
The IIIrd place in the city chess tournament
From November 28 to November 30, the city hosted the "White Rook " chess tournament, held in honor of December 1, the Day of the First President. A team of students from boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov took part in the tournament, receiving an honorable 3rd  place. The leader who prepared the guys for the tournament Turgumbaev Vladimir Nurkasymovich. Participants...

A contest of expressive reading of works of art - poems and edification words of the great Abai...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2018-12-03 14:48:47
A contest of expressive reading of works of art - poems and edification words of the great Abai...
On November 30, 2018, in boarding school №2, was held a contest of expressive reading of works of art, namely, poems and edification words of the great Abai among students in grades 5-9 . Objective: to revive the national spirit of the younger generation, to develop their knowledge in the field of history and literature, art and culture of the motherland. The competition was held i...

"The Leader of the Nation!"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2018-12-03 07:49:03
      The solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was celebrated on October 30 at our school on December 1, "The Leader of the Nation!" Was held at 8:00 am. The solemn meeting was attended by the school administration and the head of the city department of education Sadvakasova Olga Konstantievna. The school principal mad...
Author: School №5

XVI City forum of talented youth "ALTYN BALA"

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-11-30 16:55:27
November 28, the annual city competition of talented youth "Altyn Bala" was held at the Palace of Schoolchildren. Our school presented four applicants in various categories. Aliyeva Zarina, pupil of  11class received a certificate in the nomination “Zhas kushbashy”. Shashkova Alina pupil of   8 "B" class participated in the nomination "Oresi...
Author: School №4

Exhibition DAA

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-11-30 16:54:41
In the second week of November, an exhibition was held at the school. Girls of 5-9classespresented their work of felt. Pupils, under the leadershopof technology teacher Shonsheeva A.N.showed their skills in working with this material. The schoolchildren admired the animal figurines, paintings, bags, fruits and vegetables from felt. All work werebright and colorful.
Author: School №4

City tournament "What? Where? When?" among the city schools with the Russian language of teaching

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-11-30 16:53:56
Within the implementation of the program article“ Ruhani zagyru ”on the theme: “Elbasy turaly 1000 syrak” among the city schools with the Russian language of teaching in lyceum-school №17 was held the intellectual game "What? Where? When? ”(sport version) School № 4 suggested the team of pupils "Zhalyn" led by captain Trubina Inessa. The guys answer...
Author: School №4

I city intellectual tournament "What? Where? When?"

Category: Educational center
Date: 2018-11-30 16:53:09
November 15, among schools and high schools of the city  was held the intellectual game "What? Where? When? ”(Sports version). The tournament was organized by the “Youth Resource Center” Our school presented the team "Zhalyn" of  10 class pupils, led by captain Trubina Inessa. The guys received a thank-you letter for participation.
Author: School №4


Category: our achievements
Date: 2018-11-30 15:19:44
12.11.2018 was held city competition "Aigolek" in which the choreographic group "Arabesque ""General boarding school of the General type of the city of Balkhash" took an honorary "Grand Prix" place in the category choreography with the production of " Chess»

"Teacher's gift»

Category: our achievements
Date: 2018-11-30 15:18:08
The teacher choreographer Abdrakhmanova D. S. took the first place in the participation of the remote Express contest of the International educational site "Gift of the teacher".

Edu-Mark phone app

Category: Bilimal
Date: 2018-11-30 13:23:39
Edu-Mark phone app
Edu-Mark phone app   (only for Android operating systems).       This application allows parents to monitor the progress of their children, to keep track of absences and dates of tests, as well as to monitor the schedule and even the topics of lessons.   To start using this application, you need to go to your phone in the program Google-Play and enter in...

Pupils of 8–9 classes were shown the videos “How to overcome their aggression?” and “Live”...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2018-11-29 23:11:36
Pupils of 8–9 classes were shown the videos “How to overcome their aggression?” and “Live”...
In the period from November 26 to 29 in boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov, pupils of 8–9 classes were shown the videos “How to overcome their aggression?” and “Live” in accordance with the letter № 5 of the Call Center “111 Emergency Services” under the Authorized bodies on children's rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 23,...

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