Pedagogical Council on the topic "The role of the methodical association of educators and socio-psychological services in the organization of educational work"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-08 16:26:25
Pedagogical Council on the topic
On January 5, another pedagogical council was held. Topic "The role of the socio-psychological service, the activities of the methodical association of school teachers in the organization of educational work." Meeting progress: RELAXATION - psychologist Asylkhanova A. A. 1. Implementation of the decision of the previous Pedagogical Council - Sakharieva M. M. 2. The role of the...

Protocols № 2 public hearing before parent community

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2019-01-08 15:30:36
Protocols №  2 public hearing before parent community
On the agenda: 1. Welcome word 2. Conceptual basis of education 3. Miscellaneous questions Protocols attached to file

City competition "Merry snowmen"

Category: Congratulations!
Date: 2019-01-08 15:25:06
City competition
Students of Lyceum No. 2 of a name of Abay took SECOND place in the participation of the urban competition for winter break.
Author: Lyceum №2

Parental Controls

Category: Information for parents of pupils
Date: 2019-01-08 12:42:51
Dear parents!   We inform you about the service "Safe Internet for your children." This new service is a secure Internet for your kids: Limited access to undesirable for any device in your home. It is easy to connect to the Dashboard without installing additional applications. Three degrees of protection: up to 7 years,  up 7 to 12 years old, over...
Author: School №4

About the organization of process of training during the winter period

Category: Information for parents of pupils
Date: 2019-01-08 12:42:10
Information letter   We bring to your attention that according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 509 of September 27, 2006 "About temperature condition of occupations in the organizations of education" and the order No. 467 of 27.11.2014 Departments of education of the Karaganda region are provided in the winter period parameters at which pupils can not...
Author: School №4

Информация о проведении Нового Года в КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2018 год

Category: Educational center
Date: 2019-01-08 12:13:47
Информация о проведении Нового Года в КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2018 год
Новый год – это сказка, в которую верят дети и взрослые. Это праздник, который объединяет всех вместе, мы загадываем заветные желания и ждем чудес. Наша главная задача сделать праздник ярким и интересным для всех: учащихся, педагогов, родителей и гостей. Практика проведения мероприятий в последние годы изменилась, и сегодня учащиеся и родители из простых зрителей становятся активными...
Author: School №4

Информация о проведении мероприятий, посвященных Дню Независимости Республики Казахстан КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2018 год

Category: Educational center
Date: 2019-01-08 11:37:02
Информация о проведении  мероприятий, посвященных Дню Независимости Республики Казахстан КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2018 год
В КГУ ОСШ №4  уделяется большое значение патриотическому воспитанию подрастающего поколения; формированию высокого патриотического сознания, чувства гордости за свою страну. С этой целью школе был составлен и утвержден план мероприятий, посвященных Дню Независимости РК. В период с 10 по 16 декабря 2018 года проводилась неделя, посвященная Дню Независимости Республики Казахстан. Ос...
Author: School №4

"Social ideas in the training and education of the future generation of spiritual implementation of large-scale modernization of the country»

Category: Educator work
Date: 2019-01-05 11:32:10
In secondary school №5, 03.12.2018-14.12.2018 days, held a decade on the theme " Social ideas in teaching and education of the future generation of spiritual implementation of large-scale modernization of the country»   The opening of the decade began with a solemn line. At the solemn line of students acquainted with the plan of the decade class teachers, the head of the Asso...
Author: School №5

«New Year -2019»

Category: Онкүндіктер
Date: 2019-01-05 11:17:12
«New Year -2019»
   On December 26 and 29, 2015, our school hosted the «New Year -2019» festive celebrations with elementary, middle-aged and senior classes. Mukhamedzhanova Zhainagul Sadenovna from the departament of education of the city took part in the evening party, telling about the high level of the evening.    At the end of the evening there was a dance party for pu...
Author: School №5

A city competition for young artists, “Winter Mysteries”...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-04 22:28:21
A city competition for young artists, “Winter Mysteries”...
On January 4, the school of arts organized a city competition for young artists, “Winter Mysteries”. In this competition, Adambekov Diaz received a diploma for the third place in the nomination "New Year's drawings". Leader: M. Mukanova. The aim of the competition: Drawing attention to the time of the year Winter, creating a festive mood, atmosphere of fairy tales and m...

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