Do you know English? educational competition

Category: Educator work
Date: 2019-01-24 15:29:27
Do you know English? educational competition
On January 18, 2019, as part of the week of subjects of the humanitarian cycle, an English lesson was held. Do you know English? among the 6 classes was informative competition. The competition was attended by English teacher zhaksybekova ASEM Sabitovna. The purpose of the cognitive competition: to awaken students ' interest in the English language.Show the knowledge gained during the lesson...
Author: School №5

23.01.2019 On the regional seminar "Bolashak engineering-2019" in the section "ROBOLAND-2019" the team of our school, Babanin, D., Smolyakov D., altayev A., under the guidance of a teacher of robotics Turgumbaeva Berik Islamovich, took two second places.

Category: Educational center
Date: 2019-01-24 15:21:38
23.01.2019 On the regional seminar
23.01.2019 On the regional seminar "Bolashak engineering-2019" in the section "ROBOLAND-2019" the team of our school, Babanin, D., Smolyakov D., altayev A., under the guidance of a teacher of robotics Turgumbaeva Berik Islamovich, took two second places.  
Author: School №4

A flash mob was organized in our school as part of the “I OFFLINE (offline)”

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-23 16:45:44
A flash mob was organized in our school as part of the “I OFFLINE (offline)”
On January 23, a flash mob was organized in our school as part of the “I OFFLINE (offline)” campaign dedicated to the International Day without Internet among 1st to 9th grades. The purpose of the action: prevention of Internet addiction, enhancing the culture of Internet use of the responsibility of adult users of Internet services related to the control of Internet activity among...

An open lesson in mathematics in the 5 “A” class on the topic “Converting a decimal fraction to an ordinary one”...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-01-23 14:38:09
An open lesson in mathematics in the 5 “A” class on the topic “Converting a decimal fraction to an ordinary one”...
January 22 began its work decade of subjects of natural-mathematical cycle. Within the framework of the subject decade, the young specialist Burkitalieva G. conducted an open lesson in mathematics in the 5 “A” class on the topic “Converting a decimal fraction to an ordinary one”. The purpose of the lesson: each student must: be able to convert the decimal fraction to or...

Young generation to new successes

Date: 2019-01-23 14:27:12
Young generation to new successes
21.01.2019 year in our school was an event on the theme" the Younger generation to new successes." The informative lesson was held at a high level. Also, students were given information about the customs of riding.
Author: School №9

Overview of the book exhibition "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe" ...

Category: library
Date: 2019-01-23 09:37:38
Overview of the book exhibition
January 19, 2019 - a review of the book exhibition "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe" was presented at the weekend club in the school library. The first informative hour was devoted to one and the facets - “Kazakhstan - Homeland of Apples and Tulips”. Also, the librarian noted that every subsequent weekend educational hours will be devoted to the other facets specified in t...

Республикалық жалпы білім беретін негізгі пәндер олимпиадасының қалалық кезеңінде қала мектептерінің арасында 2орын

Date: 2019-01-22 09:54:48
 Республикалық жалпы білім беретін негізгі  пәндер олимпиадасының  қалалық кезеңінде қала мектептерінің арасында 2орын
Жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебі Республикалық жалпы білім беретін негізгі  пәндер олимпиадасының  қалалық кезеңінде қала мектептерінің арасында 2орын иеленді.
Author: School №8

Debates among teachers of the school on the topic “The Role of Trilingual Education for Society”...

Category: The cultural project "TRINITY OF LANGUAGES"
Date: 2019-01-21 16:35:39
Debates among teachers of the school on the topic “The Role of Trilingual Education for Society”...
 On January 19, was held a discussion among teachers of the school on the topic “The Role of Trilingual Education for Society” as part of the action plan for the "Polyglot" trilingual education project. Teachers held a discussion in the teams "Bolashak" and "Lingvoteam". The main objective of the discussion is to study the views of teach...

International contest "Christmas mood 2019"

Category: our achievements
Date: 2019-01-21 12:33:13
International contest
For participation in the "international competition "Christmas mood 2019" Diploma of the 1st degree for the preparation and processing Of video material. Head Of Tolentine E. N.

Ұлттық бірыңғай тест тапсырушыға көмек

Category: Attention to graduates!
Date: 2019-01-18 20:20:43

Түлектер назарына!

Category: Attention to graduates!
Date: 2019-01-18 17:43:08

Сontest of experts called “The future of the country - educated youth”...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-01-18 16:18:15
Сontest of experts called “The future of the country - educated youth”...
The new 2019 is special for Kazakhstanis, because our president N. A. Nazarbayev, in his Address to the people of October 5, declared it the year of the youth ... Our school developed a work plan in this direction, according to which various activities are carried out on time. On January 17, schoolchildren of grades 6–7 took part in an intraschool contest of experts called “The fut...

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