«Бір аймақ – бір кітап» облыстық акциясы аясында жүргізіліп жатқан шаралар туралы ақпарат

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2019-01-28 10:52:33
«Бір аймақ – бір кітап» облыстық акциясы аясында жүргізіліп жатқан   шаралар туралы ақпарат
Оқушылардың кітап оқуға қызығушылығын арттыру, көркем әдебиетті оқу арқылы жасөспірімдердің рухани және адамгершілік әлеуетін дамыту, оқырмандар бойына патриоттық сезім ұялату мақсатында «Бір аймақ – бір кітап» облыстық акциясы биыл үшінші мәрте жүзеге асырылып отыр. Биыл акция аясында оқуға ұсынылған шығарма 8-11 сынып оқушылары үшін Сәкен Сейфуллиннің «Тар жол, тайғақ к...
Author: Lyceum №2

Contest of staging “My favorite hero”...

Category: We read together!
Date: 2019-01-25 16:36:43
Contest of staging “My favorite hero”...
On January 24, in the framework of the action “One country - one book”, a contest of staging “My favorite hero” was organized among students in grades 5-6. The purpose of the event is to promote students' patriotic and moral education, take care of their native language, support and develop an educational culture, expand the literacy program, preserve and nurture the...

An open lesson on the topic “Types of Algorithms”...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-01-25 16:34:09
An open lesson on the topic “Types of Algorithms”...
On January 25, the computer science teacher Alieva Sh. A. in the 5th grade held an open lesson on the topic “Types of Algorithms”. Objective: to develop students' understanding of the writing of algorithms and graphic design of flowcharts; study terminology in English. During the development of the new material in the lesson, various activities were performed, such as individua...

An open lesson "Trigonometric functions of any angle" was conducted...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-01-25 16:30:53
An open lesson
On January 23, at 9 "A" class in algebra, an open lesson "Trigonometric functions of any angle" was conducted. The purpose of the lesson: To determine, using a trigonometric circle, sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of any angle, will introduce the concept of "scope of the trigonometric function".

Information on the school-wide parent meeting ...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2019-01-25 15:43:24
Information on the school-wide parent meeting ...
On January 24 took place a school-wide parent meeting. The meeting discussed various issues. 1. "Legal education begins with the family", conducting a survey with parents on state symbolism of the school psychologist Asylkhanova A. A. 2. Information about the implementation of the campaign “I'm offline”, Deputy Director for educational affairs Suleimenova M. N. 3....

"Legal education begins with the family"

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2019-01-25 15:16:25
On January 24 a school-wide parent meeting took place. The meeting discussed various issues. The school psychologist spoke on the topic "Legal education begins with the family." Parents shared their thoughts on legal education. Parents were informed about their rights and obligations regarding their children. Were also conducted questionnaires with parents on the state symbols of t...

Анализ ШМО политехнического цикла за 1 полугодие 2018-2019 уч.года

Date: 2019-01-25 09:21:25
Анализ ШМО политехнического цикла за 1 полугодие 2018-2019 уч.года          В методическое объединение входят 12  учителей предметников: Шведова Л.В. ( учитель химии), Укпешова С.Г.( учитель химии) , Огаренко Т.Т. ( учитель биологии), Асаинова С.А.( учитель физики) , Тян Г.В.( учитель математики) , Белоусова И.В.( учитель математики) , Молдабекова Г...


Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2019-01-24 22:07:17
Қызылша-әуеде тамшылау  жолымен жұғатын өте жұқпалы инфекция.
Author: Lyceum №2

“A World without the Internet - step along with a book!”

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2019-01-24 17:23:33
“A World without the Internet - step along with a book!”
On January 23, the school library hosted an event dedicated to the World Day without the Internet “A World without the Internet - step along with a book!”. An exhibition on the topic was organized, special tables were arranged for the readers. Video clips about the dangers of the Internet were arranged to the work of the library without the Internet.The purpose of this action is to g...

Minutes of the meeting of natural-mathematical cycle №3, 2018-2019 school year

Date: 2019-01-24 17:11:22
11 January 2019 present  - 6 people: Agenda: 1. Results of academic performance and quality of knowledge for the first half of the year. 2. The report "Development of functional literacy in chemistry and biology classes" 3. Formation of methodical complexes with the tasks of international research competitions PISA and TIMSS. On the first issue: subject teachers presen...

A training seminar “New teaching methods on the updated content of education” was held with educators ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-01-24 17:07:12
A training seminar “New teaching methods on the updated content of education” was held with educators ...
At our school on January 24, 2019, school coach J. Dauylbayeva conducted a training seminar for educators. The topic of the seminar is “New teaching methods on updated content of education”. Objective: To achieve effective learning using new teaching methods. At the training seminar, tutors worked in a group form, expressed their opinions and expressed ideas, generalized their though...

“A World without the Internet - step along with a book!”

Category: library
Date: 2019-01-24 15:39:44
“A World without the Internet - step along with a book!”
On January 23, the school library hosted an event dedicated to the World Day without the Internet “A World without the Internet - step along with a book!”. An exhibition on the topic was organized, special tables were arranged for the readers. Video clips about the dangers of the Internet were arranged to the work of the library without the Internet.The purpose of this action is to g...

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