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Information about the information hour " Safe Internet»

Category: Secure Internet
Date: 2019-04-15 09:36:16
Information about the information hour
Information about the information hour " Safe Internet»   15. KSU "Secondary school №9" Balkhash. 04. In 2019, an information hour on the topic "Safe Internet"was held for boys of grades 9-11.   Students read their knowledge in the Internet discussion. Students learned about how to use the Internet, the dangers and benefits. Not only learned a...
Author: School №9

On the day of astronautics ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-04-15 09:28:25
On the day of astronautics ...
 Cosmonautics Day is an important event in the history of our country. In this regard, on April 12, in the 5th grade, an open class hour was held on the topic “Space World”. Purpose: to acquaint students with the Kazakh astronauts, to familiarize themselves with the biography, to provide information. Also, in the school yarda was organized flash mob.  

12 апреля - Международный день первого полета человека в космос.

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2019-04-15 09:12:40
12 апреля - Международный день первого полета человека в космос.
Ко дню космонавтики  в библиотеке организовано книжная выставка на тему  «Удивительный мир космоса». Учащиеся познакомились с литературами об истории освоение космоса, первых космонавтах СССР и Казахстана Ю. Гагарине, В.Терешковой, Т. Аубакирове, Т. Мусабаеве, А. Аимбетове. Отвечали на  вопросы  викторины. Ребятам было предложено игра «Собери космос» п...
Author: School №4

"Legal education".

Category: Section of social pedagogue
Date: 2019-04-13 08:15:58
KSU " boarding school of General type of Balkhash city» 12.04.2019 of the year at 14: 00 WHIP UPT Balkhash police captain Circassia S.E. and social teacher school koteneva, E. A. Among 5-6 classes was a lecture on "Legal education".

Cosmonautics day

Date: 2019-04-12 21:45:18
Cosmonautics day
April 12 was an extra-curricular event for students in grades 1-4, dedicated to the Day of cosmonautics.  The event reached its main goal. Students were explained the achievements in space exploration related to modern life. The guys learned a lot of new and interesting things. Also, students drew and wrote an essay on "the World of space".
Author: School №9

Prevention of pregnancy among minors

Category: Тәрбие жұмысы
Date: 2019-04-12 15:07:41
MSO "Secondary school №6 of Sayak village" № Event Name Session Venue Date Conducted 1 "Early Prevention" Sayak village GP №6 05.04.2019 27 2 "My daughter is at home, she is right" Sayak village CLS №6 08.04.2019 21 3 "Avoid Early Pregnancy" Sayak Village Hospital 09.04.2019 24 4 «Early pregnancy risk» village Sayak village CLS...
Author: School №6

Безопасный интернет

Category: Безопасный интернет
Date: 2019-04-12 14:52:40
Безопасный интернет
В рамках республиканской информационной компании «Безопасный интернет» в школе прошла встреча с психологом. Психолог школы провела тренинг и рассказала об интернет зависимости подростков. Учащимся были даны рекомендации о поведении в социальных сетях.

Безопасный интернет

Category: Безопасный интернет
Date: 2019-04-12 14:35:56
Безопасный интернет
10.04 в школе прошел конкурс сочинений на тему «Безопасный интернет». Учащиеся в своих сочинениях рассказали о правилах поведения в интернете и использовании интернета для поиска информации.

В школе прошел ряд мероприятий, посвященных Международному дню науки и космонавтики.

Category: Educational center
Date: 2019-04-12 13:36:55
В школе прошел ряд мероприятий, посвященных Международному дню науки и космонавтики.
В школе прошел ряд мероприятий, посвященных Международному дню науки и космонавтики. Во всех классах были проведены классный часы. Учителя начальных классов представили галерею рисунков «Космос глазами ребенка». Библиотекарь Бедельбаева З. К. ознакомила учащихся с книжной выставкой «Мир космоса». Рязанова Н. Н. свой урок физики посвятила  Дню космонавтики. Ребята 4-х...
Author: School №4

Students in grades 5–9 wrote essays on the topic “The role of the Internet in my life” ...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2019-04-12 13:21:05
Students in grades 5–9 wrote essays on the topic “The role of the Internet in my life” ...
 In the period from May 4 to 17, in the framework of the Safe Internet information campaign, pupils of grades 5–9 wrote essays on the topic “The Role of the Internet in My Life”. The main goal: to find out how students are aware of the concept of "Internet", the development of vocabulary, the ability to reveal the content. Pupils in their works wrote about...

Class hours on the topic “What is safe internet?”...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2019-04-12 10:32:52
Class hours on the topic “What is safe internet?”...
 On April 12, class leaders spent class hours on the topic “What is safe internet?” The goal of classroom hours is to draw attention to the need to ensure their safety when working on the Internet, and to behave responsibly and safely in the network themselves. The lessons talked about the need to be aware of the main dangers of the Internet and to be able to avoid them. In...

Parent meeting on career guidance ...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2019-04-12 10:10:35
Parent meeting on career guidance ...
On April 11, the boarding school № 2 held a meeting in conjunction with parents of 9th grade students dedicated to career guidance work. The school psychologist acquainted parents with the results of psychological diagnostics, carried out with pupils of the 9th grades, told about what professions students are interested in and how they have a predisposition. The meeting was attended by repre...

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