The participation of students in distance Olympiads ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2019-05-16 12:33:59
The participation of students in distance Olympiads ...
The main goal and task of distance Olympiad is to encourage participation in intellectual competitions, to identify and support gifted students, to stimulate the creative abilities of teachers and to develop professional skills. Pupils of 6 and 11 grades of general secondary education can take part in the distance Olympiad. The results of the distance Olympiad are published on the website acco...

The regional stage of the republican forum of the forum of young ethnographers, ecologists and naturalists "Tabigatty ayala" ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2019-05-16 12:28:33
The regional stage of the republican forum of the forum of young ethnographers, ecologists and naturalists
On May 13, in Karaganda, the regional stage of the republican forum forum of young local ethnographers, ecologists and naturalists "Tabigatty ayala" was held. The purpose of the Forum is to familiarize schoolchildren with environmental education and environmental protection activities, cultivating environmental culture and an environmentally friendly attitude towards the...

May 15, was held the parental meeting “Family education - as the basis for the upbringing of the younger generation”

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2019-05-16 11:48:50
May 15, was held the parental meeting “Family education - as the basis for the upbringing of the younger generation”
On May 15, was held a general parental meeting “Family education - as the basis for raising the younger generation”, dedicated to the International Family Day. The main purpose of the meeting was to involve parents in discussing issues of family education, increasing their responsibility and role in raising children. The agenda of the meeting included the following issues: implemen...

Information on events organized on the occasion of "May 15 - International Day of the Family"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-05-16 11:05:22
Information on events organized on the occasion of
May 15, the whole world celebrates the International Family Day. Approved by the resolution of the UN General Assembly in 1993. The establishment of this day is accompanied by the concern of the world community about the current state of affairs and its significance for the society and education of the younger generation. Human life begins with a family, and citizenship is formed here. The famil...

Информация о мероприятиях КГУ «СШ №4» в рамках Республиканской акции «Час семьи»

Category: Educational center
Date: 2019-05-15 09:16:57
В рамках проведения Республиканской акции «Отбасы сағаты» -«Час семьи» с целью воспитания чувства ответственности учащихся перед семьей, пропаганды правильных взаимоотношений в семье, сближения родителей и детей в КГУ «ОСШ №4» прошли следующие мероприятия: 13.05.19. родители школы с детьми приняли участие в акции «Благоустройство школьного двора»...
Author: School №4

"Nobody and nothing is forgotten"

Category: Educator work
Date: 2019-05-13 10:13:15
      This year marks the 74th anniversary of the Victory Day, on May 9, a solemn event on Victory Day was held at our school. The goal is to be able to deeply understand the history of the young generation, adhering to the principle "Nobody and nothing is forgotten". Education in schoolchildren of love for the history of the Motherland, education of heroic feats that di...
Author: School №5

"Charity begins with you and me»

Category: Section of social pedagogue
Date: 2019-05-10 12:03:35
06.05.19. the festive event" Mercy begins with me and with you"was held. With students in grades 8-9 on a 10-minute call "hurry up to do good!""a flashmob Dance was performed. From 1 to 4 classes an exhibition of drawings on the theme" kindness"," mercy"was organized. During the year, were awarded a letter of thanks to parents who assisted in obtainin...

Diagnostics of intellectual development

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-05-10 11:47:55
Diagnostics of intellectual development
6 may 2019 in the municipal state institutions "school – boarding General type of Balkhash town" the school psychologist was held diagnostics of intellectual development of 9th grade. 11 students took part.

A meeting with veterans dedicated to the Great Victory Day...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-05-10 08:51:02
A meeting with veterans dedicated to the Great Victory Day...
 On May 8, with primary school children of boarding school № 2 was held a meeting with veterans dedicated to the Great Victory Day. Purpose: patriotic education of the younger generation, education of respect for the heroic past of our country, respect for veterans; education of the historical memory of students based on respect for the history of the state and the memory of the defenders...

Сведения о потребности в педагогических кадрах на 2019-2020 уч.год

Category: Кадрлық қамтамасыз ету
Date: 2019-05-08 14:56:04
Сведения о потребности в педагогических кадрах на 2019-2020 уч.год                 Область Населенный пункт Полное наименование организации образования Адрес организации (указать улицу, номер здания, контактный...

A meeting with graduates of the school who tied their lives with military professions...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-05-08 13:30:17
A meeting with graduates of the school who tied their lives with military professions...
 On May 6, in the run-up to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, class hours were held at the school, in grades 7–9 there was a meeting with graduates of the school who tied their lives with military professions. The guys talked about the prestige of military specialties. Shared with the features of their professions. They told that military service contributes to the comprehensive dev...

Информация о мероприятиях, посвященных Дню единства народа Казахстана КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2019 год

Category: Educational center
Date: 2019-05-08 10:40:53
Информация о мероприятиях, посвященных Дню единства народа Казахстана КГУ ОСШ №4 – 2019 год
Казахстан – это многонациональная страна, в которой проживают более 150 наций и народностей. Для сплочения этих народов правительством страны проводятся различные мероприятия, одно из которых – празднование Дня Единства народа Казахстана. В КГУ ОСШ №4 был разработан план мероприятий по подготовке и проведению 1 мая – Дня единства народа Казахстана. Праздник начался с...
Author: School №4

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