Reception of documents and issuance of directions for provision recreation for children in country and school camps in certain categories students and pupils of state educational institutions

Category: Public services
Date: 2020-01-20 15:50:17
Reception of documents and issuance of directions for provision recreation for children in country and school camps in certain categories students and pupils of state educational institutions   Appendix 12 to the order of the Minister education and science Republic of Kazakhstan April 13, 2015 No. 198      Standard of public service "Reception of...
Author: School №17

Providing free and reduced-price meals to certain categories of students and pupils in secondary schools

Category: Public services
Date: 2020-01-20 15:44:22
Providing free and reduced-price meals to certain categories of students and pupils in secondary schools     Appendix 5 to the order of the Minister education and science Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 13, 2015 No. 198     Standard of public service "Providing free and reduced-price meals for certain categories of students and pupils in secondar...
Author: School №17

About public services

Category: Public services
Date: 2020-01-20 15:39:05
About public services
About public services The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013 No. 88-V.       This Law governs public relations in the provision of public services. Chapter 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1. Basic concepts used in this Law       The following basic concepts are used in this Law:       1) State Corporation "Government...
Author: School №17

An informative hour “Kairatker tulga” was held in the school library, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Nurmakov ...

Category: library
Date: 2020-01-20 14:35:18
An informative hour “Kairatker tulga” was held in the school library, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Nurmakov ...
How many Kazakhs became victims of political repression and affliction at the foot of the totalitarian machine of the past. One of them is unique - Nigmet Nurmakov. His life, which lasted only 42 years, suddenly ended. On January 19, boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov at the school library's weekend club organized and held an informative hour “Kairatker tulga”, dedic...

Қазақстандағы тегін дәрі-дәрмектер

Category: medical service
Date: 2020-01-20 14:30:20
Author: School №17

A line devoted to the opening of two events at once - the decade of natural and mathematical sciences and the Republican large-scale children's action "I am offline" ...

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2020-01-20 14:23:06
A line devoted to the opening of two events at once - the decade of natural and mathematical sciences and the Republican large-scale children's action
 On January 20, a solemn line was held at our school. The line was dedicated to the opening of two events at once - the decade of natural and mathematical sciences and the republican large-scale children's action “I am offline”. During the course, students with attributes of each school subject of the natural-mathematical direction read poems and revealed the specifics of ea...

Hepatitis A or Botkin's disease.

Category: medical service
Date: 2020-01-20 14:22:25
Hepatitis A or Botkin's disease is an acute viral liver disease that causes damage to organ cells. It is manifested by general intoxication and jaundice. Hepatitis A is transmitted by the fecal-oral route, which is why it is also called "dirty hands disease".   Compared with other hepatitis (B, C, E), this disease is considered the most benign. In contrast, hepatitis A doe...
Author: School №17

Five tips for those who want to protect themselves from the flu.

Category: medical service
Date: 2020-01-20 14:19:50
Five tips for those who want to protect themselves from the flu.
Five tips for those who want to protect themselves from the flu.   How does infection happen? When talking, coughing, sneezing, the patient (or the carrier of the virus) secretes microparticles of saliva and mucus, which contain viruses. When they enter the mucous membranes of a healthy person, infection occurs. Do not forget that infection is also possible through contact. That is, thr...
Author: School №17

Міндетті Әлеуметтік Медициналық Сақтандыру

Category: medical service
Date: 2020-01-20 14:16:20
2020 жылдың 1 қаңтарынан бастап Қазақстанда халықтың, мемлекет пен жұмыс берушілердің ортақ жауапкершілігіне негізделген міндетті әлеуметтік медициналық сақтандыру жүйесі (МӘМС) енгізіледі. Жарнаны кім қашан төлейді? МӘМС жүйесіне қатысу үшін не істеу керек? Егер атыңызға жарна/аударым аударылған болса Сіз автоматты түрде МӘМС жүйесінің қатысушысы болып саналасыз. Өз мәртебеңіз туралы ақп...
Author: School №17

Who belongs to the preferential categories in the OSMS system?

Category: medical service
Date: 2020-01-20 14:10:25
Who belongs to the preferential categories in the OSMS system?
Who belongs to the preferential categories in the OSMS system?   If you belong to one of the following categories, then you do not need to pay dues; the state will pay for you from January 1, 2020.   1) children;   2) persons registered as unemployed;   3) non-working pregnant women;   4) a non-working person (one of the legal representatives of the c...
Author: School №17

Vaccinations at school. What do you need to know?

Category: medical service
Date: 2020-01-20 14:03:04
Vaccinations at school. What do you need to know?
Vaccinations at school. What do you need to know?   The school year has begun. At the ruler or classroom, school staff reminded parents of the required vaccinations, which are here at the school first-aid post and will be delivered to the children. Of course, with the written permission of the parents. What vaccinations at the school are given to students of different ages, what does th...
Author: School №17

A solemn line dedicated to the opening of the republican large-scale children's action “I am offline”...

Category: Methodological support of informatization of the educational process
Date: 2020-01-20 13:56:31
A solemn line dedicated to the opening of the republican large-scale children's action “I am offline”...
On January 20, a solemn line was held at our school. The line was dedicated to the opening of the republican large-scale children's action “I am offline”. The goal of the Republican large-scale children's campaign “I am offline” The purpose of the action is the prevention of Internet addiction, improving the culture of using the Internet, strengthening the respo...

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