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The games "Think, Do, Be Strong" were held ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2019-12-11 17:57:30
The games
On December 10, in order to develop the logical thinking of students in grades 2–3, the games “Think, Do, Be Strong” were held. Children built various fruits, trees, animals with sticks. Everyone took an active part.

The training “Brain continued - arms”...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2019-12-11 17:52:00
The training “Brain continued - arms”...
On December 9th, the training “Brain continued - arms” was held for 7th grade students. The purpose of the training is to determine the future profession, obtaining information about the profession. During the training, students rested on their hands, what kind of profession they are inclined to. Information was provided on how to choose a profession.

Intellectual competition "Starry hour" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-12-11 17:47:28
Intellectual competition
On December 11, according to the plan of the decade of elementary grades, an intellectual competition "Star Hour" was held among students in grades 3-4. Primary school teacher G. E. Magauina held a competition of 6 stages. During the competition, participants tested their knowledge by completing tasks in various subjects of the school curriculum. Based on the results of an exciting gam...

In the elementary grades there was an intellectual game based on the works of F. Ongarsynova ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-12-11 17:45:01
In the elementary grades there was an intellectual game based on the works of F. Ongarsynova ...
On December 11, as part of a decade of elementary grades, among students in grades 2-3, teacher A. Akhmetzhanova conducted an intellectual game based on the works of F. Ongarsynova. The purpose of the competition: to acquaint the young generation with the life and work of Fariza Ungarsynova, expand the horizons of students, learn to express their own thoughts and speak a clear and compelling lan...

Reader's conference on the work of Abay

Category: library
Date: 2019-12-11 17:33:32
Reader's conference on the work of Abay
The epic novel by Mukhtar Auezov “The Way of Abai”, describing the life of the famous Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbaev. The first epic written in Kazakh. The “Abay Way” is widely known in Kazakhstan and far beyond its borders. The epic novel consists of four books. As part of the Reading Time project, librarians of urban schools, namely Lyceum № 2 named after Abay, boarding s...

Ұлы дала баласы

Date: 2019-12-11 16:44:37
Ұлы дала баласы
Қазақстан Республикасының тұңғыш президенті күні мерекесіне орай мектеп кітапханасында «Ұлы дала баласы» атты көрме ұйымдастырылды. Көрмеге елбасының өмірі, отбасы, еңбек жолы туралы мәліметтер, фотосуреттер және кітаптар қойылды. Мақсаты: Елбасының балалық шағынан бастап бүгінгі күнге дейінгі өмірі мен ел жетістіктерін оқушылардың назарына ұсыну, Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның құрылуы мен қалыптасуында Тұ...
Author: School №9

"My Independent Republic" quiz game took place ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-12-10 17:16:11
On December 10, at the boarding school № 2 among students of grades 5-7, the teachers Zholbekova S. K. and Syzdykova I. N. on the eve of the holiday on December 16, Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held a quiz "My Independent Republic". Purpose: education of Kazakhstani patriotism and pride in the historical past, present and bright future of the peoples of Kazakhstan....

An exhibition of posters and drawings on the theme “Independence is the country's free path” has been organized ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-12-10 16:00:20
An exhibition of posters and drawings on the theme “Independence is the country's free path” has been organized ...
 “The independence of Kazakhstan is not a gift of the fate of the Kazakh people, but the legal right to create their own state, which was achieved in difficult times on its ancient land. No one should doubt that this is an undeniable and political fact”. Indeed, that only our ancestors had not surpassed the path of independence in order to gain freedom ?! The country suffered fr...

An open lesson on the topic “Exclamation sentences” was held in grade 2 ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-12-10 15:56:33
An open lesson on the topic “Exclamation sentences” was held in grade 2 ...
 In December 10, in the 2nd “Ә” class, within the framework of the decade of primary school, the primary school teacher Zhetpis B. N. held an open lesson of the Kazakh language on the topic “Exclamation sentence”. The purpose of the lesson: deepening students' ideas about the intonation of sentences; development of the ability to pronounce sentences correctly, co...

Results of the Young Researcher project competition ...

Category: Scientific Society of pupils
Date: 2019-12-10 15:14:39
Results of the Young Researcher project competition ...
All children who crossed the threshold of the school are talented. It is important to reveal their talents and lead to the full development of their creativity, to the construction of civic activity. As a result of systematic work in this direction, our students occupy positions in competitions and competitions at various levels, thereby increasing the honor of the school. A number of students...

The school museum was replenished with ancient artifacts ...

Category: Local History Museum
Date: 2019-12-10 15:06:16
The school museum was replenished with ancient artifacts ...
The museum of the school is replenished with ancient artifacts. Moses is a tripod on which a cooking pot is hung. Oshak - Tagan; tripod;(for setting the boiler over the fire). Household appliances that were widely used in the 19-20 centuries. In the nomadic Kazakh life were a distinctive value. These exhibits were provided to the school museum by history teacher Zhaksygeldin Ilyas.

A single hour of integrity ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2019-12-09 12:10:42
A single hour of integrity ...
In his Address to the People, the Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev noted that the issue of systemic fight against corruption continues to be a priority in the state policy of Kazakhstan. To achieve real success in overcoming corruption, it is necessary from an early age to educate children in such qualities as integrity, honesty, and justice. As part of a single hour of integrity, December...

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