Сыңғырла соңғы қоңырау! сынып сағаты #ООБ_школадома

Category: Қашықтықтан оқыту
Date: 2020-05-25 14:58:02
Мектеп! Мектеп деген – мол қазынасы мөлдіреп жатқан, сол мөлдір әлемнен өзіне керек асыл мен жауһар секілді баға жетпес, «білім» деген байлықты алып, өміріңе нәр беретін алтын ұя!     Құрметті оқушылар. Қиындығы мен қызығы мол тағы бір оқу жылы артта қалды. Алда жайдары , жарқын жаз, көңілді демалыс, тынымсыз еңбек тоқсаны. Баршаңызды оқу жылының аяқталуымен, &...

Классный час «Прощай, начальная школа!»#ООБ_школадома

Category: Қашықтықтан оқыту
Date: 2020-05-25 14:54:21
Классный час «Прощай, начальная школа!»#ООБ_школадома
Цель: Подвести итоги обучения в начальной школе. Задачи: Создание доброй и дружной атмосферы в коллективе. Воспитывать любовь к школе. Вовлечение родителей в жизнь детского коллектива.   Сегодня важный день у нас, Мы переходим в пятый класс, Начальную школу кончаем И ей наш праздник посвящаем!    Дорогие ребята! Дорогие мамы, папы, бабушки! Сегодня осо...

"Zveni, last call!"

Date: 2020-05-25 14:52:58
With the end of the 2019-2020 academic year dear teachers! The theme of today's class hour is "Ring the last bell". In accordance with the work plan of the Department of education of the city of Semey to identify the level of subject knowledge and abilities of school students, as well as gifted children, on the basis of secondary school No. 3, an Olympiad was held among students of...
Author: School №5

Congratulations on the "Last call" holiday!

Date: 2020-05-25 14:51:33
Congratulations on the
Congratulations to the graduates on the end of the 2019-2020 academic year and the "Last call" holiday. As a result of intensive development of education and science, we have laid the Foundation for the distance learning format. This shows that Kazakh teachers are able to follow the leader of the world's innovative development. During the meeting, the main directions of the Preside...
Author: School №5

Последний звонок

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-05-25 12:20:30
Последний звонок
Последний звонок  https://www.instagram.com/tv/CAmdYOiAjEv610ooiGoiQVnIfbKAyOWkCvxyiA0/?igshid=1dyy6kqjqsnug https://www.instagram.com/p/CAmR9wIg6p3pFeOmNwZzuTs_Twb9SFCItUboWY0/?igshid=1fnx5jx08fpwa https://www.instagram.com/tv/CAmGC8agFdRA3fhokYRvZSIDRz71qagqEwOe7U0/?igshid=ncfkojbx2uvp https://www.instagram.com/tv/CAmNU4QAGG5OE_F5DFeD19XwOO6KPsMQtO8TtQ0/?igshid=vsmkqs15mvsx http...
Author: School №17

Праздник последнего звонка 2020

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-05-25 12:00:12
Праздник последнего звонка 2020
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBDy4bc6I-4&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POdY3oWgFzY&feature=youtu.be
Author: School №10

Қамқоршылық кеңесі отырысының хаттамасы

Category: Board of Supervisors
Date: 2020-05-25 11:15:44
Author: School №8

Now the repair work has been fully completed at the “ Balausa” preschool institution and at the school #4

Category: Preparing for the new school year
Date: 2020-05-25 08:45:21
Now the repair work has been fully completed at the “ Balausa” preschool institution and at the  school #4
As part of the preparation of educational institutions for the new school year, 296974,0 thousand tenge were allocated from the local budget for ongoing repairs in 18 educational facilities and in the Children's Health Camp "Zhas Kanat”. Will be repaired: roofs, water supply and heating systems, lightning protection devices, bathrooms and windows will be replaced Now the repai...
Author: Department

INFORMATION on the participation of 9th grade students in the online career guidance of the Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College

Category: Professional orientation
Date: 2020-05-23 20:18:43
INFORMATION on the participation of 9th grade students in the online career guidance of the Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College
Pupils of 9 A, 9 Ә classes of boarding school № 2, a total of 47 students took part in the online career guidance work of the Balkhash Humanitarian Technical College named after Alikhan Musin. Students carefully studied the advocacy work of the college and received a lot of information on the specialties they need. As a result of this work, answers were given to the most pressing questions of st...

Information about the online work of the Educational and Methodological Center Balkhash on career guidance for school graduates

Category: Professional orientation
Date: 2020-05-23 20:16:28
Information about the online work of the Educational and Methodological Center Balkhash on career guidance for school graduates
One of the most important things is to attract young people to work and help them choose the right profession. A consciously chosen profession affects the future life of a person. It is known that a student who is able to creatively develop communication skills in the right direction for future professional goals will be formed as a quality specialist. To achieve these goals, the Training Center...

INFORMATION about the participation of 9th grade students in the online career guidance work “Balkhash Service College”

Category: Professional orientation
Date: 2020-05-23 20:14:28
INFORMATION about the participation of 9th grade students in the online career guidance work “Balkhash Service College”
The vocational guidance of the college was carried out online in agreement with the school administration of the city of Balkhash. Orientation work was carried out using videos and handouts. The event was attended by almost all students in grades 9 A and 9 № of boarding school No. 2 (47 children). The career guidance system in college can be divided into 4 main modules. These are: professional i...

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