1 сынып ата- аналарына кенес

Category: Social section
Date: 2020-09-16 10:06:39
1 сынып ата- аналарына кенес
1 сынып ата- аналарына кенес!

Основные показатели финансовой деятельности организации образования по состоянию на "01" октября 2020 года

Category: Open budget
Date: 2020-09-16 09:50:05
Основные показатели финансовой деятельности организации образования по состоянию на "01" октября 2020 года

Elections were held for members of the school association "Zhas Ulan" and members of the self-government "Zhalyn"...

Category: School Parliament
Date: 2020-09-15 18:43:43
Elections were held for members of the school association
 In boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov elections were held for members of the school association "Zhas Ulan" and members of the self-government "Zhalyn". 8 candidates nominated themselves for the elections. The elections were held through online voting. Students in grades 5-11 took part in the voting. The election results are as follows: Ulanbasy - 35% - a s...

As part of the "Family Day" week...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-09-15 18:38:19
As part of the
From 7 to 13 September, as part of the "Family Day" week, various events were held in the schoolchildren's palace. 11 students of our school took an active part in the photo collage competition “I am proud of my family”. In the competition of presentations "My Happy Family", a student of the 3rd "Ә" class, Tolegen Ainaz, took the 1st prize.

As part of the week "My family - my happiness" from September 11 to 13, a family challenge was held...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-09-15 18:27:59
As part of the week
 As part of the week "My family - my happiness" from September 11 to 13, a family challenge was held. In this regard, the students prepared short videos about the weekend with their family.

Отбасындағы әке рөлі

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2020-09-15 17:37:50

«Балқаш қаласы жалпы білім беретін типтік мектеп- интернаты»КММ 2020 – 2021 оқу жылы 1 жартыжылдық

Category: Қашықтықтан оқыту
Date: 2020-09-15 10:18:27
Келісемін:                                                                &nbs...

Информация о проведенных классных часах

Category: Educational center
Date: 2020-09-14 15:31:53
Информация о проведенных классных часах
Информация о проведенных классных часах   14 сентября согласно ВШК плану был проведен единый классный час по правилам дорожного движения. Классные руководители провели час посредством онлайн,  и напомнили учащимся правила поведения на дорогах. Основные цели классного часа: 1. Углублять знания учащихся о правилах дорожного движения. 2. Активизировать знания детей в области прави...
Author: School №4

Talimov Askhat Khasenovich

Category: Administration
Date: 2020-09-14 14:52:17
Talimov Askhat Khasenovich
Position:School Principals. Specialty: teacher - methodologist of primary education. The pedagogicalcreed:Teaching a child means creating conditions for him to fully develop his abilities. The best example is a personal example.

Ospanova Lazzat Tleukeshovna

Category: Administration
Date: 2020-09-14 14:50:55
Ospanova Lazzat Tleukeshovna
Position: Vice- Principals Academic affairs. Specialty: Teacher of Russian language and literature. The pedagogical creed:  «There has never been and never will be a person worthy of only condemnation or only one praise» quote.

Adreisova Shynar Ardashovna

Category: Administration
Date: 2020-09-14 14:48:51
Adreisova Shynar Ardashovna
Position: Vice- Principals student upbringing. Specialty: Teacher of Kazakh language and literature. The pedagogical creed: «There has never been and never will be a person worthy of only condemnation or only one praise» quote.

Ibraeva Aigerim Saulekhanovna

Category: Administration
Date: 2020-09-14 14:46:55
Ibraeva Aigerim Saulekhanovna
Position: Vice- Principals for Informatization. Specialty: Teacher of Kazakh language and literature. The pedagogical creed: “In any situation, be able to put yourself in the shoes of a student. Be generous to someone who accidentally stumbles”

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