The republican action "Safe School Bus" was held in the country...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-10-27 17:39:31
The republican action
From September 22 to October 25, the republican action "Safe School Bus" was held in the country. The goal of the campaign is to ensure safe traffic while organizing the transportation of students to the place of study. Also, prevention of road accidents when transporting children by school bus. Pupils of boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov took part in the action "...

Information about parent meeting

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-10-27 16:06:56
Information about parent meeting
       In connection with the prevention of COVID-19 on October 24-25, 2020 in Balkhash to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections in the distance learning of parents of grades 1-11 of lyceum №2 named after Abai was held an online parent meeting on child safety and compliance.
Author: Lyceum №2

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infections and promote a healthy lifestyle in our lyceum held a competition among students on the original design of masks "Beautiful Defense!"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-10-27 15:20:47
In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infections and promote a healthy lifestyle in our lyceum held a competition among students on the original design of masks
   Competition Smakhova GA, Tlekulova KA, Seifulla AA  was organized by.  Students took an active part and presented masks of their own design.  Some students decorated the picture with embroidery, various beads and beads
Author: Lyceum №2

К 175-летию Великого поэта Абая Кунанбаева посвящена Акция «Бір отбасы – бір кітап». (1.10. 2020 г. – по 26.12.2020 г)

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2020-10-27 15:14:30
К 175-летию Великого поэта Абая Кунанбаева посвящена Акция «Бір отбасы – бір кітап». (1.10. 2020 г. – по 26.12.2020 г)
К 175-летию Великого поэта Абая Кунанбаева посвящена Акция «Бір отбасы – бір кітап».  (1.10. 2020 г. – по 26.12.2020 г)   Предложены произведения по следующим категориям учащихся: 2-4 классы: Лирика о природе Абая Кунанбаева; 5-6 классы: Переводы Абая Кунанбаева («Стрекоза и Муравей, «Ворона и лисица», «Осел и Соло...
Author: School №4

From 14.10.2020 to 26.10.2020, a single Republican campaign" Safe School bus " was held. In compliance with the rules of safety on public transport and school buses, "young inspectors" of our school came out and distributed advertising papers.

Category: Аға тәлімгер жұмысы
Date: 2020-10-27 14:52:24
From 14.10.2020 to 26.10.2020, a single Republican campaign
From 14.10.2020 to 26.10.2020, a single Republican campaign" Safe School bus " was held. In compliance with the rules of safety on public transport and school buses, "young inspectors" of our school came out and distributed advertising papers.

Project "Good Book - food for the soul" in grades 1-4. Fiction. Abay Kunanbayev held educational hours on the ZOOM platform on the theme" seasons".

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-10-27 14:45:39
Project "Good Book - food for the soul" in grades 1-4. Fiction. Abay Kunanbayev held educational hours on the ZOOM platform on the theme" seasons".

Project "Good Book-food for the soul" in grades 9-11. For the purpose of spiritual and moral education using the fiction of Abay Kunanbayev's words of edification, educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform between classes.

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-10-27 14:43:05
Project "Good Book-food for the soul" in grades 9-11. For the purpose of spiritual and moral education using the fiction of Abay Kunanbayev's words of edification, educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform between classes.

From Grades 5 to 8, educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform on the topic "What museum exhibits say".

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-10-27 14:40:43
From Grades 5 to 8, educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform on the topic
From Grades 5 to 8, educational hours were held on the ZOOM platform on the topic "What museum exhibits say".

On 25.10.2020, an online parent meeting was held to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent coronavirus infection in the conditions of distance learning in educational organizations of a healthy lifestyle on the issues of safety and compliance with the ru

Category: Отбасы сағаты
Date: 2020-10-27 14:34:02
On 25.10.2020, an online parent meeting was held to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent coronavirus infection in the conditions of distance learning in educational organizations of a healthy lifestyle on the issues of safety and compliance with the ru
On 25.10.2020, an online parent meeting was held to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent coronavirus infection in the conditions of distance learning in educational organizations of a healthy lifestyle on the issues of safety and compliance with the rules of life of children in connection with the Prevention of covid-19 disease. The meeting was attended by parents of grades 1-11. The meeting...

Еңбек-елдің мұраты

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-10-27 14:01:40
Еңбек-елдің мұраты
Еңбек-елдің мұраты

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