Размер шрифта:

In order to form a deep understanding of the value foundations of "Rukhani zhangyru" in grades 1-4, about the revival of spiritual, moral and ethical principles of a person, his spiritual and moral qualities and views corresponding to the moral values and

Category: Сынып сағаты
Date: 2020-11-06 14:01:19
In order to form a deep understanding of the value foundations of
In order to form a deep understanding of the value foundations of "Rukhani zhangyru" in grades 1-4, about the revival of spiritual, moral and ethical principles of a person, his spiritual and moral qualities and views corresponding to the moral values and customs of Kazakhstan's society, the theme "the land of Eternal Kazakhstan-the Land of the Great Steppe! educational hours...

"One family-one book"

Category: Modern library
Date: 2020-11-06 13:32:28
Author: School №5

Within the framework of the action "One family - one book", students of grades 5-6 were invited to read the translations of Abai Kunanbayev.

Category: Information and library center
Date: 2020-11-06 11:02:24
Within the framework of the action
Within the framework of the action "One family  - one book", students of grades 5-6 were invited to read the translations of Abai Kunanbayev.  
Author: School №4

Халықаралық онлайн тағылымдамаға

Category: Distance learning
Date: 2020-11-06 10:30:41
Халықаралық онлайн тағылымдамаға
2020 жылдың 20-31 қазан аралығында 13 педагог халықаралық онлайн тағылымдамаға қатысты. Үндістан, Ресей, ОАР, Швейцария, Канада, Финляндия және Жапония сияқты елдердің білім беру процесін ұйымдастыру бойынша тәжірибесі ұсынылды. Кездесулердің басты мәселелері геймификация, тиімді қашықтықтан және аралас оқыту, цифрландыру, қазіргі заманғы сыныпта білім беру технологияларын пайдалану болды. Бұл м...

Participation in the Republican chemistry Olympiad named after Satpayev

Category: НОУ "НИКА"
Date: 2020-11-06 09:20:41
Participation in the Republican chemistry Olympiad named after Satpayev
A student of the 9th grade of SHL #17 Milbrant Daria, winner of the Junior Olympiad, was nominated by the RSPC "Saryarka Daryny" from the Karaganda region to participate in the Republican chemistry Olympiad named after Satpayev, where she took 2nd place, gaining 93 points out of 120, losing to Almaty, Turkestan and West Kazakhstan regions.
Author: School №17

Winning the Junior Olympics

Category: НОУ "НИКА"
Date: 2020-11-06 09:15:39
Winning the Junior Olympics
On October 28, students of Lyceum school No. 17 represented Karaganda region at the Republican stage of the Junior subject Olympiad . Students of the 9th grade milbrant Daria took the second prize in the subject "Chemistry", and Enyrbayeva togzhan took the 3rd prize in the subject"Geography". We congratulate the winners and wish success to the participants of the upcoming Rep...
Author: School №17

Implementation of the regional project "moral life"

Category: Кәсіптік бағдарлау
Date: 2020-11-06 09:05:44
Implementation of the regional project
The implementation of the regional project "Onegeli Omir"In the framework of the regional project "Onegeli Omir" forum "Ticket to the future" among students of 7-11 grades 07 KSU "School-Lyceum № 17 Balkhash town", 07 November, 2020 at 11: 00 a.m. on the ZOOM platform will host a meeting with candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor, Profess...
Author: School №17

«Менің отбасым-сыйластық, жарастық орнаған орта! » атты ата-аналарға психологиялық тренинг

Category: Socio-psihological activities
Date: 2020-11-06 08:40:43
Қараша айының 4-і күні мектеп психологы М.С. Үмбет «Менің отбасым-сыйластық, жарастық орнаған орта! » атты ата-аналарға психологиялық тренинг өткізді. Отбасы - Адам баласының алтын діңгегі. Өйткені адам ең алғаш шыр етіп дүниеге келген сәтінен бастап, ер жетіп, отбасының тәрбиесін алады. Сондықтан да отбасы - адамзаттың аса қажетті, әрі қасиетті алтын бесігі.Бала қанша білім мен тәрб...
Author: School №8

«Қолөнер – сырлы өнер»

Category: Working circles
Date: 2020-11-06 08:33:54
Жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебі «Қолөнер – сырлы өнер» атты қолөнер көрмесін қашықтықтан ұйымдастырып өткізді. Оқушылар өз отбасы мүшелерімен бірігіп жасаған бұйымдарын көрсетті. Оқушылар жұмыстары туралы пікірлерін білдіріп, керемет рухани танымдық көрме болды. Жасалған әрбір бұйымнан ұлттық болмыс сезіліп, терең мағына беретіні айқын көрінеді.
Author: School №8

A video was prepared and presented, aimed at explaining to schoolchildren the concepts of pragmatism and rationalism...

Category: On the way to implementing the program "Rukhani zhangyru"
Date: 2020-11-06 00:13:05
A video was prepared and presented, aimed at explaining to schoolchildren the concepts of pragmatism and rationalism...
Within the framework of the special project "Үnem-kogam kuaty" of the program "Rukhani zhagyru", a video was prepared and presented, aimed at explaining to schoolchildren the concepts of pragmatism and rationalism.   Date: 6.11.2020, 0:41 Author: Boarding-school №2

Hours of class teachers have passed on the topic “Safe Internet: 10 Simple Rules” ...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2020-11-06 00:09:16
Hours of class teachers have passed on the topic “Safe Internet: 10 Simple Rules” ...
The first academic term is over. Autumn holidays have begun. November 5 with students of all grades of boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov passed hours of class teachers on the topic "Safe work on the Internet: 10 simple rules". The main purpose of this meeting is to remind once again about safe behavior on the Internet and summarize the results of the 1st quarter. All cl...

The 11th grade students were trained "With confidence on the UNT!" ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2020-11-06 00:05:06
The 11th grade students were trained
 On November 5, the 11th grade students underwent the training "With confidence on UNT!" All students took part in the training. The goal is to psychologically prepare students, to form an idea of affirmation. In addition, logical work was organized to test the intuition of students. In order to focus on their profession, they had the opportunity to test their skills in the game &...

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