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"One family - one book"

Date: 2020-11-14 10:54:53
✅As part of the regional action "One family - one book", the Amender family reads Abai's works in order to awaken students' interest in reading, to preserve the tradition of reading the whole family through the works of Abai Kunanbayev. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHh10C5JbZb/

M. Auezov's story "Kokserek" was accompanied by "Booktrailer" with students of the 7th grade.

Category: Modern library
Date: 2020-11-14 10:36:56
M. Auezov's story
On November 13, a "Booktrailer" based on M. Auezov's story "Kokserek" was held on the ZOOM platform at secondary school No. 5 in Balkhash with students of the 7th grade. Goal: to develop students ' ability to understand the actions of the characters, instill interest in the conversation, encourage the ability to Express thoughts. Prove by giving examples that the pi...
Author: School №5

"One family - one book"

Date: 2020-11-14 10:36:12
✅As part of the regional action "One family - one book", the Kumiskhan family reads Abai's works in order to stimulate the interest of schoolchildren in reading, to form spiritual virtues in children, to preserve the tradition of reading with the family, teaching Abai Kunanbayev's works. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHh1Nrnp5dl/

Discussion"Holy places of Kazakhstan"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-13 21:07:17
  Discussion"Holy places of Kazakhstan" On November 12, 2020, in accordance with the intra-lyceum plan for the autumn holidays, the head of 8 A class Kaspakova KA held an online round table with 8 A class students on the topic "Holy Lands of Kazakhstan" on the ZOOM platform. Purpose: to acquaint students with the sacred places of our country. Students got acquainted with...
Author: Lyceum №2

Within the framework of the month "Children's rights are human rights"...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-13 19:52:32
Within the framework of the month
In honor of the World Children's Day, which is celebrated on November 20, various competitions were held among students of grades 1-11 of boarding school № 2 from 02. 11 to 12. 11 of the current year within the framework of the month "Children's rights are human rights". Drawing competition "I draw my rights" for students in grades 1-4. Competition...

Intraschool seminar on the topic "Structural-content and methodological aspects of the subject of self-knowledge"...

Category: "Self-knowledge: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity"
Date: 2020-11-13 19:47:53
Intraschool seminar on the topic
On November 13, within the framework of the “Learning Together” project, an intraschool seminar was held on the topic “Structural, substantive and methodological aspects of the subject of self-knowledge”. The purpose of the seminar is to acquaint with effective teaching methods of the subject "Self-knowledge" in the context of distance learning. Using the reso...

On 13.11.2020, the traditional family hour “International Children's Day” was held at the school.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-11-13 19:08:42
On 13.11.2020, the traditional family hour “International Children's Day” was held at the school.
On 13.11.2020, the traditional family hour “International Children's Day” was held at the school. At the meeting, a dialogue took place between the school director Saule Gazisovna, deputy directors for educational work Livitskaya M.A., Shegirova G.A. and 93 parents. The following issues were considered: World Children's Day, articles from the Convention on the Rights of C...
Author: School №10

From 8 to 13 November in 2 lyceums named after Abai Erkinova Zh.E. and Omirkhan AM organized a competition "SCHOOL STARS LIKE".

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-13 16:25:50
From 8 to 13 November in 2 lyceums named after Abai Erkinova Zh.E. and Omirkhan AM organized a competition
From 8 to 13 November in 2 lyceums named after Abai Erkinova Zh.E. and Omirkhan AM organized a competition "SCHOOL STARS LIKE".  The competition was attended by artists aged 8-14.  1st place Amantaev Alisher  2nd place Moldabai Beybars  3rd place was taken by Yerzhanova Ayaulym  Artists were awarded special diplomas
Author: Lyceum №2

Абайлаңыз коронавирус!!!

Category: For you parents
Date: 2020-11-13 16:03:03
Абайлаңыз коронавирус!!!
Вирустың жаңа түрі 2019-ncov вирусының жаңа түрі өткен жылдың желтоқсан айында Қытайдың Ухань қаласында, Хубэй провинциясында тіркелді. Содан кейін сарапшылар белгісіз пневмонияның өршуі туралы хабарлады. Қытай ғалымдары инфекцияның көзін анықтай алды. Болжам бойынша, олар Ухань қаласындағы теңіз өнімдері нарығы болған. Жануардан адамға ауыса алатын тиісті вирусты табу үшін қытай ғалымдары 2019-...

Осторожно коронавирус!!!

Category: For you parents
Date: 2020-11-13 15:57:46
Осторожно коронавирус!!!
Новый вид вируса Новый вид вируса 2019-ncoV был зафиксирован в декабре прошлого года в Китае в городе Ухань, провинции Хубэй. Тогда эксперты сообщили о вспышке пневмонии неизвестного происхождения. Китайским ученым удалось определить источник заражения. Предположительно, им являлся рынок морепродуктов в городе Ухань. Для того, чтобы найт...

Let's Read Together!

Category: We read together!
Date: 2020-11-13 14:27:27
Let's Read Together!
One of the advantages of reading books is that it helps to know the surrounding reality and yourself. We bring to your attention the results of the students' work carried out according to the plan during the autumn holidays.     Date: 12.11.2020, 20:31 Author: Boarding-school №2

Organized a library hour within the framework of the "distance learning" system...

Category: library
Date: 2020-11-13 14:23:43
Organized a library hour within the framework of the
November 10, the librarians of the boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov organized a library hour within the framework of the "distance learning" system. The purpose of the event is to form students' legal knowledge, increase their political awareness and cognitive activity, analyzing laws, and teach them to independently compare them. The event was attended by 8th grade st...

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