«Ойнайық та ,ойлайық !»

Category: LIBRARY
Date: 2020-11-16 00:39:05
Мектеп кітапханашысы Байрбекова Н.А даярлық топтың оқушыларымен «Ойнайық та ,ойлайық !» тақырыбында қызықты ойын өткізді.Мақсаты: оқушылардың логикалық ойлау қабілетін, тіл байлығын,ойын арқылы дамыту.Достыққа, жылдамдыққа тәрбиелеу болып табылады.   Сонымен қатар мектепке  жаңадан келіп түскен кітаптармен таныстырып, кітапхана туралы қысқаша мәлімет беріп өтті. Мектеп кіт...
Author: School №24

A meeting with the parent community was held at Secondary school №10" on 8.10.2020.

Category: Director's blog
Date: 2020-11-15 21:10:28
A meeting with the parent community was held at Secondary school №10
A meeting with the parent community was held at Secondary school # 10" on 8.10.2020. The topic of the meeting was "Open Budget". The meeting was attended by parents of grades 1-11. There were 34 people present. A brief report on the spending of budgetary funds is given. Slide material prepared. Parents asked questions: about the purchase of sports equipment, furniture, computer eq...
Author: School №10

On 13.11.2020, the traditional family hour “International Children's Day” was held at the school.

Category: Director's blog
Date: 2020-11-15 21:07:18
On 13.11.2020, the traditional family hour “International Children's Day” was held at the school.
On 13.11.2020, the traditional family hour “International Children's Day” was held at the school. At the meeting, a dialogue took place between the school director Saule Gazisovna, deputy directors for educational work Livitskaya M.A., Shegirova G.A. and 93 parents. The following issues were considered: World Children's Day, articles from the Convention on the Rights of C...
Author: School №10

Қамқоршылық кеңесі отырысының хаттамасы №1

Date: 2020-11-15 17:58:57
Author: School №24

Қамқоршылық кеңесі отырысының хаттамасы №4

Date: 2020-11-15 17:55:54
Author: School №24

Meeting on "Principles of formation of civic personality" in the framework of the project "Moral Life"

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-15 17:47:13
Meeting on
On November 13, 2020 in accordance with the lyceum plan for the autumn holidays of the project "Moral Life" organized by the teacher of 11 A class of "Lyceum №2 named after Abai in Balkhash" R.S.Mukamedi An online meeting with 11A class students on the topic "Rules of formation of civic identity" was held with the a well-known person, poet, composer, ethnographer, j...
Author: Lyceum №2

On November 11, in honor of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayevich, an online reading festival ""The king of poetry, the master of words" was held among 3rd graders on the theme "The great name of the great steppe."

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-15 17:46:07
On November 11, in honor of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayevich, an online reading festival ""The king of poetry, the master of words" was held among 3rd graders on the theme "The great name of the great steppe."  3 students of 3 "A" class Kairat Ayazhan, Muzdybek Ayaru, Mansur, 3 students of 3 "A" class Kuanyshbek Akzhol, Muratovna Dilya...
Author: Lyceum №2

Dear Parents!

Category: For you, the parents
Date: 2020-11-15 16:42:04
 Dear Parents! In pursuance of paragraph 2 of subparagraph 4 of the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Balkhash City № 24 of October 23 of this year, the State Institution "Education Department of Balkhash City" informs that the movement of children studying in duty classes, as well as children attending additional education organizations, mugs and sports sections are perm...
Author: School №24

Pedagogical Council "Teacher training is the main way of creative development" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-11-14 23:33:20
Pedagogical Council
On November 14, the next pedagogical council was held at the ZOOM site.  Agenda items:  І. “Improving teacher qualifications is the main way of creative development”, methodologist of the Bitleuova T. B. Co-speakers:  1. "Methods for the formation of students' language skills in the context of distance learning", G. T. Sopykhanova  2. &q...

In all classes of parent meetings held ...

Category: Safe Internet Events
Date: 2020-11-14 23:30:13
In all classes of parent meetings held ...
On November 13, parent meetings were held with parents of grades 1-11. During the meeting, the following were considered: the results of the 1st quarter, the safety of students in the autumn-winter period, the cyber security of students, the rules for working on the Internet, preventive measures to protect against the virus. The school administration also took part in the meetings. The meetings...

In all classes of parent meetings held ...

Category: Work with the parent community
Date: 2020-11-14 23:28:00
In all classes of parent meetings held ...
On November 13, parent meetings were held with parents of grades 1-11. During the meeting, the following were considered: the results of the 1st quarter, the safety of students in the autumn-winter period, the cyber security of students, the rules for working on the Internet, preventive measures to protect against the virus. The school administration also took part in the meetings. The meetings...

Online exhibition of drawings "Kazakhstan is my Motherland" ...

Category: Educational activities
Date: 2020-11-14 23:22:49
Online exhibition of drawings
 From November 9 to 11, 2020, a distance online exhibition of drawings "Kazakhstan is my Motherland" was held at the Palace of Schoolchildren. The aim of the competition was to instill in children love for their country, land, develop patriotism, pride in their country and involve talented young artists in the creative search. Schoolchildren of the city took part in the competit...

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